Me!'s Followers
Evie 2JadeHenry
i love FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!age: haha im not saying my age on here but im born in early 2000–2005 im a teenager i like playing legand of zelda alot pokemon i like kingdom hearts fav character Riku favourite anime is:RWBY and pokemon attack on titen i speak a little español.p.s like a little español like small amout i love FRIES!!!!!!!!!! followers i will follow u
Hello everyone it's me Daniel I'm 17 years old and love to draw and make films
GamerKitty catz4life122
hi welcome take a seat and look at my posts :3 mostly about splatoon and Mario (plus mostly drawing too) have fun!
Naturo 418645
Hi Im Naturo and welcome to my plaza, sadly I don't actually yeah posts LMFAO and I like turtles.
SMV Karen KarenPrinces
Sin duda me diverti mucho aqui, pero veo que mañana desaparecera esta pequeña comunidad ....... ¡gracias Nintendo por esta increíble comunidad! Extrañare a estas sig. personas ★.●Nathan●. ☆Antia ♥Perla ♡ Luci Wolf ● a todos los Sans que me tope ♪Bon y lo único que quiero ahora es un abrazo de Antia y .●Nathan●. Adiós a todos :')
Inkling! G Shadowside17
SS★Naomi★ Lunazura2
Hola me shamo ★Naomi★ bienvenido a mi perfil contare unas cositas sobre mi Mi edad:13 Color fav:aqua Juegos fav:Splatoon XD Mis BFF: Michiii♥Sasha,Betty,Deisha,Max,Enrique,Bonnie y Bishtar Quiero a todos mis seguidores (^-^)! Ya llegamos a los 400!!500??7w7 Soy lider del clan [SS] No olviden en seguirme!!:D Adios willi :v
Poke☆★Vane Frosquepikin
Alola mi nombre es Vanessa pero Vane esta bien,si les interesa sobre mí. Anime faborito:Pokémon luego DBZ y Mirai Nikki Pokémon fab: Xernias,Fennekin,Froakie,Pikachu y Squirtle Juegos que me gustan:Minecraft,FNAF Pokémon,de Sonic,Undertale,Vocalod,y de The Legend of Zelda Personaje fab de Sonic:Silver Soy fan de: Pokémon y The Legend of Zelda Juegos:MarioKart8,SuperSmashBros y Zelda Wind Waker.
dragonloli Jwee009
•hi im dragon lolita •im youngest in my family out of my 4bros and 3sis's •i draw anime \(·_·)/best in class •i miss our dad •il do request so comment on my drawings if u want 1/1+ •my age is 10+ guess •im a gamer •doctors&internet say i have a intelligent unique&exceptional brain •likely to be a college grad •LOVE VIDEO GAMES,CARTOONS AND very picky with animes •my bro posting pervy stuff
Hazel Chip SophiaD2002
Welcome to my profile! I'm Sophia, and I draw stuff. 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Bienvenue sur mon profil! ¡Bienvenido a mi perfil! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ¤15 years old ¤Christian
__Jax.Ax__ Eric_Ealmoney
The end of the was a pleasure serving with all of you.Until we meet again my friends. R.I.P. Miiverse No regrets
Denetra JangKeng
Titie: I would have made a freaking haiku Amoure: but I'm too sad to be loosing you. Aifintag: Goodbye Miiverse! Kyo: Goodbye everyone! Mika&Pika and Phantump: *waves goodbye* Leah: It was nice knowing you all. Kingra: Yea! Or at least the few we met. Sudo: Au revoir! Raiku: As the person here longest, with Denetra and McKenna, I must say... THNKS4THMEMORIES! Status: [★]Offline
Javi_#SMV Neojavi
#SaveMiiverse Tengo 37, me gusta dibujar, pintar, fotografía, la naturaleza y los videojuegos =) Soy khaotico en Deviantart. Old school ;-D I'm 37 years old I like draw, paint, photography, nature and videogames. -- khaotico in DA Juguemos, Let's play Jugador desde la atari 2600, Luego nes, snes,n64,dreamcast,gamecube...y ahora Wiiu Gamer since atari 2600,nes,snes,n64, Dc,GC...and now WiiU!!!
Shadow koopantoad
I'm Shadow The Hedgehog Sonic's Rival. I have 4 play-throughs. I play Sonic Generations on Fridays. My Favorite Ride Is Rock N Roller Coaster. I'm Gonna Miss You Guys.
Red RedM92FS
Status: I'm Sad. Gonna miss miiverse. Doesn't Have to be good bye. You can follow me if you want on You tube. Name is Gun14Slinger. Also on twitter Im Gun14Slinger
♪★KITTEN★♪ khayaah1214kitty
!!!!!ĦĘŁŁØ ŤĦĘŘĘ!!!!! welcome to my lair(echo) i like alot of things i'm a girl friend requests r aloud and so r follows!!!!! FOLLOW THESE PEEPS: Zeke spike kitten..... Devin Esmene Gretzi ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆☆★▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆◆■◆◆■■■● byeeeeeeee!
Jacky jackycao
Hi,it's nice to meet you.Im in my early teens and i'm an anime fan. I also love to draw anime too . My favorite Nintendo characters Kirby,Yoshi,Luigi, and Peach. If you like something then don't be scared to admit that ,and dont be scared to say hi.I'm a little shy but that doesn't stop me from meeting new people and making new friends.
Alex Delpro.delPro
▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ Yo je suis sur MiiVerse pour partager mon expérience en certains jeu afin d'aider la communauté. Abonnez-vous ! 1er abonné → sam ( samuelwalet ) ← Et bien sûr dédicace à Lunala, une personne super que je suis heureux d'avoir rencontré ^3^ Retrouvez-les dans mes abonnements !!! Si Jon Snow passe par ici dites lui qu'il ne sait rien ^o^ ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲
Silentpath SuperSailormoon1
favorite animal: Cat favorite games: The Legend of Zelda, Terria, and Splatoon 2 favorite color: Blue I like to draw Friends in real life: JEMbird4 Always accepting friend requests ^_^ Friends on miiverse: JEMbird4, hylian, Maithu and Ken
Michael Metroid107
Hi, i'm Michael. I like to play Super Smash Bros, Super Mario Bros, Zelda, Metroid , Pokémon and Fire Emblem.
JujuBee Joker14360
Woho i got need for speed
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
Pedro darkpedro16
Flight Flightz
Diego pingoriko03
Hola esta es mi segunda cuenta (la hice por que me rebaron el nintendo y no puedo iniciar mi sesion en esta 3ds pero si en la wiiu) la hice para comunicarme con los que tienen 3ds pd: probablemente no estes viendo esto pero.. lo siento jessy :c
Yoshi Juanpi-mx
Crunkmagic CrunkMagic
I love you alll and if jane sees this i love you ($0$) and dont forget on the last day of miiverse i will get banned?!?!? bye carrot jane sarusa maddy tad quentin and etam and all my other friends
Yanis maskonyan
MISSION de la plus aute inportence faire des message avec écrit #save miiverce sinon miiverce est dead a oui ABONNE TOI
Burger megamanjr07
I dont wanna go to school -2012 Jay badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers MUSHROOM MUSHROOM badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers A SNAKE! OH NO A SCARY SNAKE!
Mimilena Orloff3
Alutation moi c'est Milena ! Merci mes Hamsterdigos je vous remercie du font du cœur je me suis éclater ! Merci pour les 200+ Hamsterdigo ! Vous étais GÉNIAL !!! MERCI ! Dédi à : »–Laonna–> Sucεττε★~ τιτα :) Choupette Tina et Louna ! Merci ! Elle sont super allez les voir ! H Bye mes hamsterdigo ! ●ω● ☆
β©■Emilie Emilie_qch
Salut tt le monde j'mappelle Emilie j'ai 12 ans j'aime bien le sport: je kiffe la natation l'athlétisme et le ski mon jeux préféré c'est ZELDA MAJORA'S MASK n'hésite pas à t'abonner bye ABO TOI TKT JE REND :)
Owen Owen420xx
I'm just some edgy teenage boi who likes gaming. This year was Nintendo's best. Real name is Owen Jones. [B]ut You can call me Tyrone. Currently saving $$$ for a PS4. FOLLOW FOR A FREE SUPREME HOODIE OF YOUR CHOICE. [B]
SperLınk Sperling123
Name: Marcel aka. SperLink | 17 Jahre | Mannheim Besitzer von der Nintendo Wii, Wii U, New 3DS und Switch. Aktiver Miiverse-Nutzer seit Tag 1 ♥ #RIPMiiverse :( Zocke in letzter Zeit: -Super Mario Odyssey | Switch -Darksiders Warmastered Edition | Wii U -Splatoon 2 | Switch -Stardew Valley | Switch Bitte keine FA ohne Inhalt schicken! Folgen schadet nicht! ;) Happy Gaming!
Ericcold Ericcold
Salut les kitsunes j'ai eu d'enorme problème et je m'excuse au pres de vous mes ami(e)s
Sκγρε Aya240
κικου mες ρετιτ ςκιττγсhε ! τυ νας βιεη ? ρυιςqυε τυ ας сlιqυεπ ςυπ mα τετε τ'ες οβlιgεπ dε τ'αβοηηεπ ετ ςι τυ τ'αβοηηε mοι αυςςι jε m'αβοηηε ! -οβjεсτιf : 100 αβοηηές mες jευχ ςοητ : -Pokémon Lune , X -Animal Crossing New Leaf -Yo-kai Watch -Mario Kart 7 -La Nouvelle Maison Du Style 2 -Disney Magical World -Tomodachi Life Et plein d'autres ABONNE TWA JE REND !
Marmit new-marmit
HOY THERE... Its me marmitt, and welcome to my acount your one way stop to absolute stupidity! If you like puns, humor, art, and video games your at the right place my friend. My favorite games are: earthbound Xenoblade chronicals Kid icarus and pretty much any thing RPG Also check out my Wii U profile.
Pitch*~* SYDNEY34611
Hi *hisses*im Pitch i guess Please save Miiverse Nintendo You probably wont change your mind though.... Fav Animal:Giant squid Fav food:Corn flakes Fav thing:Her cloak Shoutouts: Trudru[amazing friend] LeifAlmighty [The creator of Darkside] SS☆Arrow:[BFF:3] Dit:awesome artist Crush:Coolest MV dino i know[also the ONLY mv dino i know M^®!O:PONKEYS! My goal is 600 Follows!
Lisi™ Babelbla
Willkommen auf meinem Profil!;) Friends:Shai⇒Again,Becky,Hicks,Tini,Rudi und mehr:3 Clubs:NCD,watermelonclub,¶ZC¶,LuClub #SaveMiiverse Danke das ich soviel Spaß hier hatte und es auch bis zum letzten Tag haben werde.Danke für 170 Follower<3Ihr seid die besten!Danke an ALLE!Besonderes Dankeschön an: Tini,Rudi und Hicks <3 Ihr seid die Besten! Together we save Miiverse!! #Loveusomuch<3 Bye...<3
Lunala Anne-laure0702
Up les dresseurs! Ici Lunala! Adieu miiverse :( C'était génial! Je fais de grosses dédis à: -Solgalea (07/11/17 Bon anniversaire copine!:p) qui vient de connaître miiverse mais trop tard... -Mimily, excellente dessinatrice qui en plus d'être talentueuse elle est adorable. -Jajade qui est une super personne trop sympa! -Alex et Ultra-Moon des garçons géniaux ! Et mes +350 abos!♡ ♡^♡
chino freysel12345edcb
hola mellamo freddy tengo 9 años y megusta mario maicraf nintendo lan piratas
☆★Holly★☆ GalaxyGirl100
Hi Miiverse! ☆★Holly★☆ here! My favourite games are Team Kirby Clash Deluxe and Tomodachi Life. I'm trying to get 170 followers soon. So please follow me!! I also like Harry Potter! ;)Thanks SO SO SO SO much for 150+ follwers!!! I hope you all enjoy my posts!!! I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who made Miiverse Amazing!!! So everyone have a great day and bye!!!! :) ☆★Holly★☆
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is
aspiring to become a great artist someday.
Thank you...
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is
aspiring to become a great artist someday.
Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^
Games I really enjoy~
•Final Fantasy
•Megaman X
•Dragon's Dogma
•Legend of Zelda
•Radiant Historia
•Old RPGs