Me!'s Friends
Naturo 418645
Hi Im Naturo and welcome to my plaza, sadly I don't actually yeah posts LMFAO and I like turtles.
Tyler mkU2 tylerno.8
i'm tyler, nice to meet you. i never intentionally upset people. feel free to ask me questions..... about me, or just anything..... *sighs* well thanks for dropping by. i don't wii u chat
Yoshi ChortlingYoshi
I have Chortles!!! errr Yeah...Fawful certainly has an influence on my name ^__^'. Anyways, I'm Yoshi ,some call me Lin as well. I was known as ChortlinMe on Flipnote Hatena and now that I have a wii u, here I am on Miiverse XD. Being an aspiring artist, expect some art to pop up randomly in my posts now and then. Hope to meet some awesome people while on here.
Kini kiniclaws
College student. 25. I draw stuff. "Yeahs" are OK but I appreciate a good chat more so if anything. It's fun! Not one for random friend requests. Unless we're already friends or have spoken enough, I auto reject. Sorry. Like (好きな): Tales, Odin Sphere, Pokémon, Xenoblade, HM/SoS, RF, 東方, Ys, Trails in the Sky, UT, ボクと魔王, Zero Escape. 私は25歳の大学生です。少し日本語が話せます。コメントとフォローありがとうございます!よろしくお願いします。
tekarukite gamingmii546
oh your here? hey there nothing much to say names david and i like video games oh and i doodle at times (not very gud but i try) fave characters: mario/sonic/crash/shantae fave game:idk ssb4 i guess hope you all have a great day your still here? "its high noon" ~mcree
Lulu WolfieLulu
Gaming since forever. Say hi every once in a while. I don't bite...unless you want me to.
Dark Invader.Toriko
"Enter at your own peril! Pass the bolted doors, where impossible things may happen, that the world has never seen before!"
Strawberry Gina2001
♥Thank you to all my friends here. ♥Thank you all for the wonderful memorys I had. ♥Thank you for all my 8890+ followers. THANK YOU MIIVERSE
RøςίεΚαωαί sinouhee
☆~Κσηίсħίωα~★ ♡~Lαυπεηα~♥ ▲~12γεαπ~▼ ♭~ζε ςυίς dαης Iα Тεαм ςυрεπ ετ Iα Τεαм β·β· Нαπмσηίε~♪ ◆~ζε dεςςίηε καωαιι~◆ ~.•~Αβοηηε τωα à мωα ετ à τøυς Iες αυτπες мεηβπες dε мες τεαмς αIIεπ βγε~^.^ ■~Ρς:Сħυίς υηε мεgα gεεκ!!!~■ ●~Аυτπε сøмρτε:Ρεαсн♪ςυπ мα Νίητεηdσ™3Ðς.~● ♭♡~Ετ dίτες ΝΟΝ à Νίητεηdσ™ ρσυг Iα ƒεгмετυπε dε Μίίνεгςε~♪♥ §~ ^.^ Αηd I ςρεακ εηgIίςн αηd dευτςсħ!!! ~.• ~§
Matthew Matthew71
I have no idea what to write. How did you even get to the page nobody cares about?...Well bai
DragonTony DragonTony15
I'm DragonTony, but you can call me Tony. I love Fire Emblem, Zelda, Splatoon, Pokémon, Smash Bros. I also draw. I don't talk often. That's all for now. A King needs a Queen and my Queen is Léa~♥
Wayne Wayneisboss
CGT|Cyan adsa1765
私の夢はプロゲーマーになることでした。 その夢に向かってWiiUをプレイしている際に見つけたのがMiiverseでした。 ユーザーとの交流がいかに深かったのか今でも覚えています。 素晴らしいチームメイトやファンの方々にも恵まれMiiverseのメンバーとして活動できた事を誇りに思います。 4年間Miiverseを通じてみて、大きな転換点だったと思います。 それまでプレイしなかったゲームに、再び馴染むようになり現在まで続くことができました。 まだ夢は実現していませんが、Miiverseは私のはじまりといっても過言ではありません。 明日からMiiverseがなくなってしまいますが今までと変わらず活動を続けていきます。 ファンの方々も引き続き応援よろしくお願いします。 そして任天堂の益々の発展を願っています。 今までありがとうMiiverse。
Issy Twilit_Mage
'Sup, li'l turds. The name's Issy-cake, yeah. ewe I like drawing, but I do NOT take requests. I can make exceptions if we're close friends, though. ovo NO ONE CAN KNOW MY OTHER ACCOUNTS FOR OTHER WEBSITES
KnightWolf fallenlonewolf
am kinda here mainly for mhu3 i enjoy helping others and staying up against todays bullies that called trolls , i like joking around and making others experiences with me fun as much as i can anime ☆kannon☆™ ♥clannad♥ bleach , deathnote, rin, bravo, kenichi, e.t.c . the reason i draw wolves is soley base on my native american side its my spiritual guide and there courageous& noble
A+L+E=√ale aleymaxi
Hello! I'm 18 Takes: Singing, Piano, Guitar, music theory and dancing lessons. You MUST wiiu chat to be my friend (unless I send you the FR). In Miiverse since 03/30/2013 15.49pm
Bryce Surprise-Airbag
Watt CometClash
Magic Zant Magic_Zant
'Sup Gender: Mage Type: Illusionist 20 yrs. Fav. type-games: FPS (CoD) MMORPG (Aura Kingdom) ND¶ MZant HR100+ on MH3U, i'll help ^^ -Divine Bloodlines division "DLMs"
Distorted DistortedShadow
Hi there. I'm a game developer from Canada. In my spare time, besides making Miiverse posts, I split my time between games here and PC games like DOTA. I'm looking forward to Monster Hunter X! Nice to meet you!
Cattleist Cattleist
Ice Cream♪ IceCreamLink
hi, Sorry for my inactivity here.. Time flew so fast,I wish I was more active here.I never thought that Miiverse would end... Only if there was a way to keep Miiverse alive.. Hopefully you guys can find me elsewhere ♥♡♥♡
kellyn Kellynmcfinch
no wiiu chat targeting game: many upcoming games I have an xbox 360, ps4, psvita, 3ds, and a few older gen consoles. MGSV, and Destiny for wii u please.
This user's profile comment is private.
Cat Corye Cat_Corye
What's up all my Mii's?
Itachi Silentwolf248
I'm a big fan of anime! I'm strictly against bullying! So, please just keep it pg on conversations. I'm a fan of MineCraft and Five Nights at Freddy's. Please don't make fun of me or the fandom.
Mamizou Wobuffet3
Reisen is best 2hu and Clownpiece is overrated Currently waiting for Cave Story HD hit me up on discord at fuma#7278 or youtube me at wobuffet3 or something. see ya on the flip side :3
chris silvergunner
love music / kpop,jpop, rap,hip hop and any type of music that i think is good and dance. love comedies,anime and action movies. Fav games Mario,Zelda,Final fantasy,Sonic,shadow of the colosus and more.
Julien ZeldaDePapier
Salut ! Je sais pas trop quoi dire...Si t'aimes mes dessins n'hesite à mettre un ouai et à t'abonner ! ;) [!] Please be carreful, I have ONE account, if you see an other account with my name it's a FAKE ! [!] ~Thank you so much for +100 000 yeahs and + 620 followers ! ~ The Life hurt me... T~T
lulu lulu360
Danny Umanyen
hello wii u peoples i'm so excited to be a wii u player. sometimes i like anime, RPG, drawing me and video game characters. Plus i like mario games, donkey kong games, kirby games, ssbb, even sonic games! Oh i almost forgot i accept friend requests :) and followers too! If you like my pictures or my comments feel free to yeah it. And feel free to comment too. your friend, Danny★
tommy Hiking0wl24
Caston redflavor
omar omarvs91
I'd like to be your friend and share gaming experiences with you or whatever xD
Alexandre BowserNoir
Hello everyone and welcome in my profil!I'm Alexandre,i'm 20 and i love playing video games,my friends and.. drawing!^.^so,nice to meet you,if you like my art,feel free to send a yeah,comment and follow^^now enjoy and have a great day in Miiverse! see ya! ☆Thank you for all,my friends and followers(5000+ :O) My BFF:Yami,April,Lynn,Sandra,RyuAsh,Amber,Luna(my list is long lol) I know my art suck~
Luis Fer. LuisHinojosa
Hello there, I'm a passionate Lego and Nintendo fan. My favorite Nintendo franchise is The Legend of Zelda, but I also like the Metroid games. My favorite Zelda game is Skyward Sword (and Ocarina of Time). If you like my drawings or my posts, give them Yeahs or follow me or friend me. Thanks for reading this. Animal Crossing: New Leaf Dream Address: 5100-2284-8411
Alair bandit12101
Twenties MrTwenties
Thanks for checking out my Profile :) I appreciate every yeah, follow, and comment you have all shared :P What should I draw???? *Tools used: ^Nintendo Wii U. ^Nintendo Wii U Gamepad. ^Nintendo Wii U stylus.
SkyShaymin EliteSkyshaymin
I am SkyShaymin from Flipnote hatena. I love artwork and I try my best to improve →People that ask for follows, yeahs etc...WILL be ignored← No New Friends. For everything I yeah I appreciate the post c: Thank you for following and liking my art everyone. ♥Peach-Pit is such a sweetheart. I Love her and only her ^/////^~♥ ~Sky
Evan eduell97
I'm just a guy who likes videogames. Some of my favorites are Smash Bros & Pokemon. Anyway, that's all, now go home.
Roxas xVentusWindx
(•¸•) ‹) )¥ ./ \. Im Nydia back up ID:xRoxasWindx leave a comment i love getting good feed back. Im a self taught artist σ¸σ″I appreciate every comment and yeah Yeah's and Followers are my life source so dnt forget to press those buttons n.n if…not ill die ☆_★″ Thanks for enjoying my art δωδ PS: ablo espaniol bit japanese learning swedish atm ^^ hej då! ( •_•) \( (› ./ \. dont follow to unfollow
Yumie Yumiebear
Hi im yumie im 20, im taken so dont think about it. i doodle here n there add me if u would like who knows i might accept if i like you c: I like noodles, cats, art, tea, and video games. Games or Game systems: xbox, Super nintendo, game cube, game boy color, wii u, animal crossing, chibi robo, mario games, world of warcraft.
Dee generationX
My favorite thing about the WiiU, is the ability to draw and look at other people's art on MiiVerse. Thank you so much for 9000+ yeahs and 300+ follows!!! I am out of friend space!!!!!!! My Favorites: artists: Da Vinci, Bernini, Van Gogh, Dali music: Foo Fighters, Metallica, Aerosmith video games: Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past & anything Mario
DillyMally DillyCakes
¤ Hai! You can call us Dilly & Mally! ¤ …………………………………………………………………… My wife and I both use this account. We are both graphic designers. She especially likes to draw fancy letters! We have a lot of fun making picture posts on our Wii U together. Hope you enjoy them! Whuddup Miiverse?! ……………………………………………………………………
Orbulon 0rbulon
Do the Kirby dance! (>'.')> <('.'<) ^('.')^ v('.')v <('.'<) ^( )^ (>'.')> ^(^.^)> Stay tuned for more gaming randomness and some pixel art + Art Academy stuff every now and then. Things you can expect here: - Cartoon Characters - Ghosts - Kirby - Legend of Dark Witch - Paper Mario - Pokémon - Puyo Puyo - Shantae - Wario Land - WarioWare ...and some random stuff. 2nd account: EvilOrbi
Spitty adventurefam
Former Marine, father of two girls, and current film student at NYU. Favorite games: - Metal Gear series - Super Mario Strikers - Metroid series - Smash Bros. Melee That's it for now! ~Semper Gumby
Putin aetbredd
soy chileno and speak spanish y un poco de ingles
geno♪ clageno
Memo Gate-Of-Time
Hello there! My name is Memo! As you can see below, I really like to draw on Miiverse! However, business I've got plus me wanting to play more with my Wii U, has made me stop drawing... Not that I don't want to, it's just that I want to do some other things more! Anyways, after all that, let me just say that every Yeah! you give to my drawings makes me very happy! Thank you! Have fun!!!
Gini-chan☆ 14.12.98
Hi, ich bin Gini naja eigentlich heiße ich Virginia,16 Jahre :} Ich spreche Deutsch, Englisch & ein wenig Japanisch ★¬☆ Ich liebe es zu zeichnen ♥ Hi, I am Virginia,16 Years :} I speak English, German & a little bit japanese ★¬☆ I always love to draw ♥ 3ds ~Please FOLLOW me~ (\ /) {«\ /»} ["\ /"] (♡)(♡) (• •) ("~*) (ª~ª) (¤~¤) (")(") (~)(~) (‘’)(‘’) (*)(*)
chodie Chodysseus
Animaker9 Animaker9
Loving my Wii U Nintendo fan since I was three and never missed a console (virtual boy doesn't count). My favorite franchise is Zelda but I like Kirby, Pokémon, Fire Emblem and Mario too. Also, anime fan. All of Kyoto Animation and Key's series, FMA, Evangelion and Inuyasha. Se habla español también.
Wolfren AquaWolf
Hello everyone I'm a huge Nintendo fan.
コ cobalt424
コメント、共感、いつも有り難う御座います。 絵を描くのが趣味でネット上の至る所に投稿していたり。拙い絵しか描けませんが宜しく お願いします。今はSplatoonにお熱(S+99達成済)。
chun(ちゅん) chunzprocessor
75% of my body is made of racing games. Thanks for the comments and yeahs. I am an intermediate game player who loves various racing games. call me however you like. Sorry if i miss your comments on notifications. maybe i will be delayed for replying because i'm busy with work lately. To friends: Private Message doesn't work due to a problem with my internet. ※現在何らかの問題でメッセージが使用できません。
dudu duuduuka
Nintendo ou nada!
Snow crazymudga
Hey there! I mostly draw on here XD I'm not that active on here anymore as I was years ago. But i'll come back every so often. Da woof ôωõ
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
Marius mikko9398
Hello Miiverse! I ♥ drawing more than anything & I also ♥ my followers and I really appreciate every 'yeah' and every comment! Requests have been opened. I can't accept everyone but I'll most likely accept those who have shown interest in my posts. ♥Thank you for 50,000 'yeahs' & 2,000 followers!♥ ☆You guys are awesome!☆ -No Wii U chat-
Eddie Lewaedd
Shea macnasty
▼▲▼ WELCOME! ▼▲▼ ★Thanks for visiting!★ I've always been a huge Nintendo fan, and I absolutely love the Miiverse! I also posted videos under 'WiiuArt Shea' of Miiverse artists! ;) ♪ ♪ Animal Crossing New Leaf dream address: 5300-2542-0851 ♪ ♪
brian brian53
Whimsy MintLemonade
hey awesome! Treating life as an ice axe to break the frozen sea within.. Green tea for the days Strawberry daiquiri for the nights Yoga daily, paddleboard yoga when living dangerously Desperately interested in bokeh, catchlights, and other forms of lighting/depth of field Location: 4 8 15 16 23 42 Tumble down the rabbit hole with me.. koi no yokan ♥私はジェンナを愛する♥
Jayy jayy787
Eddie sseddie13
I like to draw. I'm also making a video game. Mega Man, Mario and Sonic are together in smash.....My life is complete.
MXII Belzelga
φ(^_^)Mont Montburno
I'm a resident of Connecticut. Pixel perfectionist. Technician, en-visionin' epicness. Always prepped and my next mission objective is, to draw to drop jaws and render y'all expressionless. Thanks for all your yeahs, comments and messages. Go 'head and hit that follow button. Don't be hesitant. Throw me in the fire, I am in my element. Like I'm some kind of demon, must be from Hell I'm sent. (^_-)
Howdy there folks. I'm here to doodle and what-not when I feel like it. My top 3 games are Xenoblade Chronicles, LoZ: Majora's Mask, Conker's Bad Fur Day. Isabelle is my waifu.
Mario1080p Mario128-1080p
Currently Renting: Kirby Triple Deluxe Feel free to follow. Posts I created so far are all text, I have yet to draw anything. Online games I own: Super Smash Bros.(3DS/WiiU) Mario Kart 8(WiiU) Sonic Transformed(WiiU) Tekken Tag 2(WiiU) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate(WiiU) Steel Diver: Sub Wars(3DS) Pokemon: Y(3DS)
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is
aspiring to become a great artist someday.
Thank you...
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is
aspiring to become a great artist someday.
Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^
Games I really enjoy~
•Final Fantasy
•Megaman X
•Dragon's Dogma
•Legend of Zelda
•Radiant Historia
•Old RPGs