Mason's Followers
♪★KITTEN★♪ khayaah1214kitty
!!!!!ĦĘŁŁØ ŤĦĘŘĘ!!!!! welcome to my lair(echo) i like alot of things i'm a girl friend requests r aloud and so r follows!!!!! FOLLOW THESE PEEPS: Zeke spike kitten..... Devin Esmene Gretzi ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆☆★▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆◆■◆◆■■■● byeeeeeeee!
Max fnaffan56
Hi its so fun playing games cant wait for people to follow me. and also tell me with game i should play in the comments #I Love wolfs Also im in a wolfo clan because im the leader of it and alpha I also like anime and fnaf i also like cute things and I also like cats P.S. I Really love wolves and #DontEndMiiverse
なまたまごNo1 keiyuu2322
どうも!中学一年生です。学級委員長をやってます。 マイクラ:スプラ:マリカー:マリテニをやってます。もし自分が強いと思いましたらフレリクお願いします! でも、チーターやハッカーは受け入れません。こちらからフレリクを、送る時もあります。 まだ、フォロワーは590人弱と少ないですが、なるべく沢山の投稿をしていきたいと思いますのでフォローよろしくお願いします。
Eren chan mattua11
Hey everybody. My name is Isabella and I'm a huge legend of zelda fan. I also LOVE anime, vocaloids, internet, drawing and youtube. Main Hobby: Watching YouTube Favorite Bands/Musicals P!ATD Bo Burnham Green Day Hamilton One Republic Heathers Fall Out Boy Boy Name: Izaya Nickname: Mika Age: 10
тум LuigiStar7
Channi Channi0710
»πγυυυυ неγα rαπdοм ρεrςοπ!« thanks 4 visiting my profile! ^//v//^ I want to enjoy the rest of the time on miiverse... I want to enjoy the time...with my friends... TwT <3 ί ιονε αιι σf γα... <3 oh and... ~REQUESTS ARE CLOSED 4 A WHILE~ ωειι....υhm.....вγε....πγυυυυ δωδ
Jay Jay968
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Alayna orangegyrl
heres a riddle if you throw me out the window i'll leave a grieving wife bring me back but through the door you'll see someone giving life what am i comment your answer on one of my posts
★Сαгоιίηε★ Southern0011
CONFESS YOUR LOVE TO THE HOLLYWOOD SIGN SIPPING WHITEWINE IN THE BLUSHING LIGHTS JUST ANOTHER L.A. DEVOTEE Hoi!, I'm your worst nightmare...Caroline I like to draw...rp,(im cringe), Read, play videogames,Listen to TØP P!ATDMCR(;-;) and more and, watch Netflix.. I follow back I give love to all my followers <3<3<3 Taken by a wonderful guy. ‹3 Jaden ‹ Kudos to those who read...•°★°•
NAPKINCHAN t6imf45hk
Sup, welcome to tacobell aka, my profile. hope you like insanity because thats what my profile is. im taken BOIIIII. my art is stupid but i hope you enjoy. also i have friends even though im a lonely potato. mah friends are Jack, Alecia, Paw, and some other people. anyways welcome to my profile, make yourself at home in my insanity im banned so yeah
Sleesherj Sleesherj
Hi! Welcome to my profile! I am a gamer. I like to play super smash for wii u and splatoon.
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Derick derick2536
hi guys i play splatoon smash bros. en mario 64 ♥♥♥♥★★★★★ be my friend if you want but hey it's your choice ok
♪☆★JTG☆★♪♂ joandrasincere
Hello Miiverse, I am Jayden, aka JTG, nice to meet you! (If we haven't met) Here is some stuff about me. Games: SSB4, Minecraft, and Splatoon BFFS: RF★Aqua, Woomy, Dani, much more. Me: I love making new friends and meeting people, I have a YouTube channel (Jayden The Gamer), and I am nice. Part of the LOW★, PSU★ and RF★ clan Leaders: Woomy (LOW★) Dani (PSU★) And RF★Aqua (RF★) Have a wonderful day
VicorίαBPR Victoriacece81
G 13 ans et mon but dans la vie c'est d'avoir ☆★380★☆ ABONNER.Abonner VOUS sur ma chaîne miiverse Funny acnl est mon cousin allez-vous abonner a Funny acnl c'est sur youtube pas sur miiverse Mes personnes préféré sont DynaBPR, et vous R.I.P MIIVERSE
Levi irinaanddustin
This user's profile comment is private.
Cam Cam <3 hoytman256
hey! <3 i speak Spanish , and Some french I only took one class but learned a lot. and im also really good at art and im not that good at gaming lol.<3 alright i talk a lot bye! <3 i has a bae <3 #miiverseisdead :(
daddy daddy_sports
#YOUR THE BEST plz friend me when i have space Ü PLZ DONT GROW HAIRS ANYWERE ELSE THEN YOUR HEAD Ç I LIKE M E M E S I LOVE SPLATOON AND MINECRAFT I HAVE A GLOW IN THE DARK FIDGET SPINNER ;D PLZ FRIEND 'max_sports' he's my other acount my fav symbols and spiecials:«»‹›~&#ƒ¿¡√§¶†‡¦⇒⇔¤$€£¥™©®∞µ°♭♪…‰♡♥☆★åæçïðöôøœüß i love you guys now bbyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!♥♪★ P.S PRO
lex jrkitty82
im lex i have 12 animals 7 cats and 5 hamsters I LOVE MY FAMILY
Teddy Abby FuntimeFox12
☆hi im abby. Here is some info on me videogames (pokemon,call of duty‚dramatical murders) anime(yaoi) i love me family and friends i love to listen to music love to draw as u can tell mostly anime. Do not hurt my friends or pay the price. im a girl -.- I like to make new friends every day! 0ω0
☆Kristen☆ KristenAnnW
HI!ImKristen!Thxforcheckingout myprofile! []In Mii cosplay []Mii OC [☆]Normal Mii A "yeah Bomber" BirthdayFeb 4th Age:13 Homeschooled/Christian/artist Likes-Gaming, Music,Youtube,Anime and other Stchuff. =^.^= Fave youtubers :Kubz scouts, LeslieLuMarie,DrawingWithJazza Etc. If you need anything such as questions, help or some1 2listen dont hesitate to ask.:D Dont let any1 changewho you are!
Ink♀Sophie SophieRosebowman
Hi! my name is Sophie!(^o^) i am just a 13y/o Woomy who wuvs Splatoon & is Still trying 2 Reach lvl 50! XD ma B~day is on da 27th February & i have 2 Brothers (only 1 of dem has a wii u!) PLZ READ!--»my Feelings Can B hurt VERY Easily so pls B very careful about wat u say in the Comments. thnks!^^ & thnks for over 850 Followers! Woomy!\(^o^)/
Octo Girl dancenumfar
cats and memes are the most improtant things.friend me and lets play Splatoon!!!Video games r also important!!!!and friends and followers!this account wasnt originally mine, so it says my birthday is 11/16, but really, its 10/26 and because of that it thinks im over 13, but im younger than 13. go2favpostpls NOO MY LIST OF PPL I CAN FOLLOW IS FULL!!!! dang..i tried 2 follow back... :'-(
julio belkin.191
Iam a good and cool person
dj sharkboy1123
I love things that in volve shooting racing and music
DarkKendal ItsFunneh1234
Hi!! I'm Kendall! Nice to see you all. My Favorite games is ROBLOX. So Thats all For Now! Bye!
Adelle AdelleVG
Hi there. My name is Violet. I was StormVG's old account. Thank you Miiverse. Couldn't have made it without you. Memories never forgotten and friends made. I am so proud to be part of this community. - Via
Demigorgon jpharaoh
Thank you so much for 700 followers. Thanks for every single follower. Make the most of Miiverse. I like ASDF, Markiplier,Jacksepticeye, Idubbz, and Jim Gaffigan. My favorite song is All Star, by Smash Mouth. And no, it is not the official 'Shrek song'. Don't listen to Revolution 9, by The Beatles. I go 2 Copperrr Mountain middul skule. (Admins) I sell [B]oneless Items.
evan fordmanecto9
i am really in the usa my ds messed up im 14 please yeah me thank you i also love the fast and furious movies and i love racing games the best racing games are sonic all star racing and mariokart 7 i do accept friend request have a good day oh im not single i have a gf :) bye
Exciton☆97 WaifuWars97
▀█▀ █ █▀▄▀█ ▄▀▀▄ ▀▀▀█ ▒█░ ░ █░▀░█ ▀▄▄█ ░░█░ ▄█▄ ░ ▀░░░▀ ░▄▄▀ ░▐▌░ ✪Hello, I'm Exciton☆97, this is my alternate account for drawing... ✪こんにちは、私はExciton☆97です、これは私の描くための私の代わりの口座です... ✪I draw the pretty ladies! ( ° ͜ʖ °) Comment and I'll draw your waifu! ✪私はかわいい女性を描く!( ° ͜ʖ °) コメントと私はあなたのwaifuを描くよ! ☮Peace Bro
BIACK_PVP n0nxx0211
BRAK_PVPです!今回で最後のプロフ変更です! 好曲 ♪永遠に幼き紅い月♪ナイト・オブ・ナイツ とし 10,000歳 好きなゲーム マイクラ スプラ スプラ2 誕生日 100月1,000日w マイクラで好きなモブ スケルトン スプラで好きな武器 ディアルカスタムスイーパー 嫌いなモブ ウィザーガイコツ ミーバースで今はまってること フォロー稼ぎ 好きな色 青 黒 赤 会いたい人 ヒカキン はじめ シルクロード 好きなアニメ 東方 東方で好きなキャラ 一位レミィ 二位まりしゃ 三位しゃくや 四位フラン お知らせ マイクラの企画動画を毎回やるのでよろしく! ちゃんとしたメンバー作りたい。 参加と同時に自分のあだ名を言ってね じゃないと名無しさんにしますので そこのところはご了承下さい。 楽しくいじめなしでやりたいです。
becky velardez
Hayles HowlerH
Graaaaa...Who dares. Who dare step in my chamber? Thieves who would steal my ancient wisdom! –Baastu
Sofia² GmaerSofie
Hi! I am Sofia. My profile name is supposed to be GamerSofia but I typed it in wrong... Oh well. This is my 3DS account. My Wii U account is SofiePie2004. All time favorite game series: The Legend Of Zelda. Also, I follow everyone who follows me! I also like doing RP's. I only know English. #ProtectLinkSquad Now go follow my better Wii U account.
Derpz! DozeEyez
Hi! I'm Derpz! I draw Pokemon, and am an alternate account! Feel free to ask me to draw for you, but I don't take much time on my drawings on this account! Blaziken is awesome!!!!! Also, I trade ★s, and have about 500! Wanna battle in OU or Sm4sh?! Sure!!!!
Łυηα racket2bow25
Hi! Welcome to my garbage can-I mean profile! Don't be afraid to follow (I follow back), or yeah my posts! Some things about me: ~I love Set It Off ~I love music ~I'm a nerd ~I like drawing ~I like anime ~I'm trash Chat with me if you'd like, I don't mind. Bye! ^ω^ :з
Cindering COMEnFINdME
Pinky XoXLilPinkSisXoX
hope christianoo89
hi its hope i really like kittens plz follow me for a chance to get a follow back so hit that follow buttons up there and follow me ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥☆★★★★ lets get to 200 follows
UltraLX LuigixoDaisy44
Hey I'm UltraLX I'm The God of forms.I'm huge fan of all mario hero characters and a fan of Bowser.that's bout it.
Hey guys! I'm Mason! I love Hamilton, Les Mis, PotO, YouTube, TEKKEN, Undertale, and FNaF!
I'm 12...
Hey guys! I'm Mason! I love Hamilton, Les Mis, PotO, YouTube, TEKKEN, Undertale, and FNaF!
I'm 12, almost 13, in 7th grade, and will sorely miss Miiverse.
Rock on!