Users Mason Is Following
♪★KITTEN★♪ khayaah1214kitty
!!!!!ĦĘŁŁØ ŤĦĘŘĘ!!!!! welcome to my lair(echo) i like alot of things i'm a girl friend requests r aloud and so r follows!!!!! FOLLOW THESE PEEPS: Zeke spike kitten..... Devin Esmene Gretzi ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆☆★▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆◆■◆◆■■■● byeeeeeeee!
тум LuigiStar7
なまたまごNo1 keiyuu2322
どうも!中学一年生です。学級委員長をやってます。 マイクラ:スプラ:マリカー:マリテニをやってます。もし自分が強いと思いましたらフレリクお願いします! でも、チーターやハッカーは受け入れません。こちらからフレリクを、送る時もあります。 まだ、フォロワーは590人弱と少ないですが、なるべく沢山の投稿をしていきたいと思いますのでフォローよろしくお願いします。
Cέcιlε P.L Cecilesuperchou
Appareil photo:_lck_cho_ Fantôme:chollan33 Clo//se///dverse:Etoiledopaze Dédicace à ceux qui sont partis trop vite, soit qui ne sont plus de ce monde soit qui nous ont laissés
Namira AmiiboGirl64
i identify myself as a pastafarian apache helicopter dog mega multi combo GOD OF HYPER DEATH and im the leader of the HUSH PUPPY NATION from pluto in the 56th dimension 2016 was worst year
Jay Jay968
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Gabriel Merediths
hi i am gabe and im 9 i just want peopole to have a good time out there in the Nintendo world i like lucario and Nintendo land please follow me on any posts if you find me just say hi from a biggener age to your last pages just say hi okay?
Alayna orangegyrl
heres a riddle if you throw me out the window i'll leave a grieving wife bring me back but through the door you'll see someone giving life what am i comment your answer on one of my posts
★Сαгоιίηε★ Southern0011
CONFESS YOUR LOVE TO THE HOLLYWOOD SIGN SIPPING WHITEWINE IN THE BLUSHING LIGHTS JUST ANOTHER L.A. DEVOTEE Hoi!, I'm your worst nightmare...Caroline I like to draw...rp,(im cringe), Read, play videogames,Listen to TØP P!ATDMCR(;-;) and more and, watch Netflix.. I follow back I give love to all my followers <3<3<3 Taken by a wonderful guy. ‹3 Jaden ‹ Kudos to those who read...•°★°•
NAPKINCHAN t6imf45hk
Sup, welcome to tacobell aka, my profile. hope you like insanity because thats what my profile is. im taken BOIIIII. my art is stupid but i hope you enjoy. also i have friends even though im a lonely potato. mah friends are Jack, Alecia, Paw, and some other people. anyways welcome to my profile, make yourself at home in my insanity im banned so yeah
Sleesherj Sleesherj
Hi! Welcome to my profile! I am a gamer. I like to play super smash for wii u and splatoon.
Orbz LydiaColorz
I'm not trash, I am Bree, who is a smol awkward potato chip. -13 y/o gurl -Srry I'm pretty bad at socializing -I can Draw (self-taught) -Christian -I joined 2015 -Ahhhh, tysm for helping me reach my goal of 300+ followers (ò▼ó) Have some nutter butters! -Check out all the awesome people in my following! Miiverse is at its end... so lets make these last moments the best!
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Derick derick2536
hi guys i play splatoon smash bros. en mario 64 ♥♥♥♥★★★★★ be my friend if you want but hey it's your choice ok
♪☆★JTG☆★♪♂ joandrasincere
Hello Miiverse, I am Jayden, aka JTG, nice to meet you! (If we haven't met) Here is some stuff about me. Games: SSB4, Minecraft, and Splatoon BFFS: RF★Aqua, Woomy, Dani, much more. Me: I love making new friends and meeting people, I have a YouTube channel (Jayden The Gamer), and I am nice. Part of the LOW★, PSU★ and RF★ clan Leaders: Woomy (LOW★) Dani (PSU★) And RF★Aqua (RF★) Have a wonderful day
Jay Kraver KraverJay012
Hello! ^ω^ I'm a person who loves to draw, but I'm lazy… -0- I don't why, but I'm happy to only hehe 497 followers, especially I don't have my 3DS these days... -^ω^- I only know 2 Languages, so please have mercy on me~ (Filipino & English) Jay Kraver is NOT my real name… and I'm using it… -ω- Joined: May-11-2016 Thanks though!! ^ω^
VicorίαBPR Victoriacece81
G 13 ans et mon but dans la vie c'est d'avoir ☆★380★☆ ABONNER.Abonner VOUS sur ma chaîne miiverse Funny acnl est mon cousin allez-vous abonner a Funny acnl c'est sur youtube pas sur miiverse Mes personnes préféré sont DynaBPR, et vous R.I.P MIIVERSE
Levi irinaanddustin
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たっきん♪/Taki mu-minku
はじめまして たっきん♪ です (^^) My name is たっきん♪ :) Please call me Taki o(^▽^)o お絵描き 好きです ☆フレンドは話しが合って楽しい方(❁´ω`❁) Dear friends. I'm sorry if you don't understand what I say, my English skills are really poor so I usually use automatic translation service.Thank you for your understanding :) がんたん村:たっきん村長 夢番地 3E00-000F-AEB8 スプラテゥーン, MH4G, でお会いしたら宜しくお願いしまぁ〜す(o^^o) 最近はマイクラでサバイバルしてます(o^∀^o)
Angelena Toxifer
hi my name's Angelena and i like to draw! hope we can be buddies. :) i like anime style, so that heavily influences my art. i also enjoy cartoons. :^) i might drop some art into communities here and there, but not often lol. mainly drops art on social media. currently doing a mini Doodle 'animatic' through drawings on here! check my posts ;^) if u recog the song, i'll love u forever lol enjoy☆
This is my alt account. I'm a guy who's an expert retro gamer since '96, a serious Brony, old car enthusiast, and I ♥ cute things. Look in my main for more info. Little x Fluttershy/Princess Cadence forever ♥. Because MV is about to die, my MLP meets the General Lee comic is sadly skipped to the ending wedding scenes to finish it ASAP. I'm very sorry, fans. Thank you all for supporting me. :'(
Soleyl Soniikku
Hello -W- Drawing requests closed until I ask for them. If you read this you owe me a follow x3 [Just kidding] ^w^ Just a normal person passing by! I love drawing!! Anime and Video Games!! <3 Zelda fan Sonic fan FE fan Otaku :3 Fav anime: Naruto Noragami and Love Live! I have Switch!! See ya later ;D Unyeahs accident sometimes . . Nyaaahhh!!!
Dark Gwenn Gwenn-the-angel
My drawings aren't good but at least I try? Right? Do I get some credit for trying? No? I like to yeahbomb sometimes... I do it manually... If you don't like me doing that then tell me so I can block you. Blocking me is fine too... No hard feelings... I will never do requests so don't ask... Other miiverse: femaledarkpit
Channi Channi0710
»πγυυυυ неγα rαπdοм ρεrςοπ!« thanks 4 visiting my profile! ^//v//^ I want to enjoy the rest of the time on miiverse... I want to enjoy the time...with my friends... TwT <3 ί ιονε αιι σf γα... <3 oh and... ~REQUESTS ARE CLOSED 4 A WHILE~ ωειι....υhm.....вγε....πγυυυυ δωδ
Shadow ▼¬▼ wonderautumn109
Hi I'm Shadow D. Fox but you can call me Shadow for short. These are facts about me. ▼¬▼ 1.I am 12 2.I LOVE gaming 3.I have a 2DS 4.I have 6 pets[2 puppies,2 cats,2 dogs 5.I LOVE drawing. 6.My spirt animal is a Fox and my SA name is Shadow 7.Follow:JcGaming, Pumkin, ★Dappled☆, 8.I have a Boyfriend named Jc Gaming 9.I am kind of a tomboy Well that's all bye \(0•<)
Cam Cam <3 hoytman256
hey! <3 i speak Spanish , and Some french I only took one class but learned a lot. and im also really good at art and im not that good at gaming lol.<3 alright i talk a lot bye! <3 i has a bae <3 #miiverseisdead :(
°*Slυshу♥º repoman182
Oh! Hiуa! ωelcome to mу verу emo and depressing profile :^)! Oh, уou want to knoω more about me? ωell, I like Splatoon Neω Super Mario Bros. U Anime Draωing UnderTale And УouTube! N a m e: Amelia A g e :11 D O B:January 2006 ωell, that's about it folks! have a great daу! MEEEEEEEEEEMEES wait nOOOOOO DONT SHUT MIIVERSE DOWNNN :'^( :'^( NUUUUUUUUUUU
MBF-P03 Gabst02
Oh You poked me. You should apologize. jk I like drawing, Gundam, Destiny, Gran Turismo, Initial D (kind of), Kill La Kill, and Pokemon. The only semi-interesting thing that I do is build gunpla. I don't like: Sonic o.c's, MLP, Undertale, Gravity falls, and basically anything that's popular on Miiverse. Btw, (most of) the memes here aren't that good.
daddy daddy_sports
#YOUR THE BEST plz friend me when i have space Ü PLZ DONT GROW HAIRS ANYWERE ELSE THEN YOUR HEAD Ç I LIKE M E M E S I LOVE SPLATOON AND MINECRAFT I HAVE A GLOW IN THE DARK FIDGET SPINNER ;D PLZ FRIEND 'max_sports' he's my other acount my fav symbols and spiecials:«»‹›~&#ƒ¿¡√§¶†‡¦⇒⇔¤$€£¥™©®∞µ°♭♪…‰♡♥☆★åæçïðöôøœüß i love you guys now bbyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!♥♪★ P.S PRO
lex jrkitty82
im lex i have 12 animals 7 cats and 5 hamsters I LOVE MY FAMILY
Teddy Abby FuntimeFox12
☆hi im abby. Here is some info on me videogames (pokemon,call of duty‚dramatical murders) anime(yaoi) i love me family and friends i love to listen to music love to draw as u can tell mostly anime. Do not hurt my friends or pay the price. im a girl -.- I like to make new friends every day! 0ω0
Eren chan mattua11
Hey everybody. My name is Isabella and I'm a huge legend of zelda fan. I also LOVE anime, vocaloids, internet, drawing and youtube. Main Hobby: Watching YouTube Favorite Bands/Musicals P!ATD Bo Burnham Green Day Hamilton One Republic Heathers Fall Out Boy Boy Name: Izaya Nickname: Mika Age: 10
☆Kristen☆ KristenAnnW
HI!ImKristen!Thxforcheckingout myprofile! []In Mii cosplay []Mii OC [☆]Normal Mii A "yeah Bomber" BirthdayFeb 4th Age:13 Homeschooled/Christian/artist Likes-Gaming, Music,Youtube,Anime and other Stchuff. =^.^= Fave youtubers :Kubz scouts, LeslieLuMarie,DrawingWithJazza Etc. If you need anything such as questions, help or some1 2listen dont hesitate to ask.:D Dont let any1 changewho you are!
Ink♀Sophie SophieRosebowman
Hi! my name is Sophie!(^o^) i am just a 13y/o Woomy who wuvs Splatoon & is Still trying 2 Reach lvl 50! XD ma B~day is on da 27th February & i have 2 Brothers (only 1 of dem has a wii u!) PLZ READ!--»my Feelings Can B hurt VERY Easily so pls B very careful about wat u say in the Comments. thnks!^^ & thnks for over 850 Followers! Woomy!\(^o^)/
julio belkin.191
Iam a good and cool person
Octo Girl dancenumfar
cats and memes are the most improtant things.friend me and lets play Splatoon!!!Video games r also important!!!!and friends and followers!this account wasnt originally mine, so it says my birthday is 11/16, but really, its 10/26 and because of that it thinks im over 13, but im younger than 13. go2favpostpls NOO MY LIST OF PPL I CAN FOLLOW IS FULL!!!! dang..i tried 2 follow back... :'-(
(´ ・_・ `)… daito0805
中学3年生(14歳) 男 秋田県に住んでいます MK7:99999VR(99.9k)~ 恐らく最年少から数えて4、5番目位(?)でカンスト よーつべ、ニコニコ等で活動してます Hi ^^ノ I am 14 years old. I like MLP :o ___好きな曲 / My favorite musics___ ・in my remains (Linkin Park) ・Stamp On The Ground (I) ・ワルツ (スネオヘアー) ・La Da Dee () ・Shine Like Rainbows (My Little Pony(Equestria Girls)) ・花唄(Greeeen) ・緋色月下(東方) etc... 誤解を招くようなプレイでごめんなさい。。 とても申し訳なく思っています…;
♪Pinkitty♪ facemen3535
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Hey guys! I'm Mason! I love Hamilton, Les Mis, PotO, YouTube, TEKKEN, Undertale, and FNaF!
I'm 12...
Hey guys! I'm Mason! I love Hamilton, Les Mis, PotO, YouTube, TEKKEN, Undertale, and FNaF!
I'm 12, almost 13, in 7th grade, and will sorely miss Miiverse.
Rock on!