Users SuperGirl Is Following
Dejanae shemom443
2180+ Followers... Thank you! I'm going to miss all of you that supported me. Specially here on Miiverse :,o. Spending time in here with everyone is really fun! Info in my favorite post. Memories won't be forgotten. See you next time!
GuardianOT PrincessUppercut
Hi hi! I'm GuardianØT! I like ▲Zelda▲ (a lot!), TØP, drawing,DC Comics, Holo, singing, softball, Jellal, and Anime. Favorite Anime: Fairy Tail. I draw for fun, not for fame and hope to improve. I will comment if I can. Thx for stopping by and NO WiiU chat;). Stay awesome and stay happy, hope we can be frens♥! LoZ4Life ''Music can make things hurt less'' -Tyler Jøseph May contain nuts at times...
みぞれ mizore0513
はじめまして、またはこんにちは。Hellow:) 終了までに感謝の投稿したいけど無理かも… 共感やフォロー等とても嬉しいです!コメントは特に嬉かったりします。のんびりやっていきたいと思いますので、気が向いたらよろしくお願いします´▽` 特に好きなもの 幻想水滸伝・ゼノブレイド・ゼノクロ・ポケモン(スペ・擬人化含む)・屍者の帝国 ゲームはRPGが好きです。やってみたい作品は…多い…!!Icoとかワンダとかゼノギアス、サーガあたりがきになっております(..)φ フォローしてくださっている方、ありがとうございます!いつでも自由に外して頂いて構いませんので!フレリクに関しては、はある程度仲良くなれたら大歓迎です!相互さんはどなたでもよければ是非是非(自分から送れないドチキン
antonio antoniosao
Cosas que me gustan: Me gusta dibujar pero no soy bueno, ver anime, leer manga. Animes favoritos: •Sword art online •Shakugan no shana •Erementar gerad •kamisama no memo chou •Nagi no asukara •Gosick •Nanatsu no taizai •Shaman king •Claymore I do drawing request (•.•)7
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
Mel Zockermaster101
Thx for 4000+*0*こんにちは!(私は日本が大好きです)I'm Mel!Tokyo is my love,Japan my life!I love DEATH NOTE, Anime/Mangas,Japan,Science,Medicine,Psychology,Math,Art,Music&gaming.I speak German,English Japanese&Latin.I draw Pokemon, Anime,Creepypastas&gaming fellows: ウルフ ナナ Brilly♪ EVERY MONDAY FOLLOWER OF THE WEEK DURING THE WEEK DRAWINGS &POST ナナ,ウルフ,メル together unstoppable! ~WOLFI AND MEL TOGETHER WE´RE STRONG~
Morrigan M0rd0andRig5
I'm Morrigan Aensland, and I am a Succubus but... hmhm. I trust you already know. I also trust Akeno, Rias, and Lilith, who were my friends. You see, Lilith and I were born on the same B-day but only half of our souls have been stolen by a man who is responsible for our parents' death. I want to become playable in SFV… OH MY SWIRLS!
Hunter Oathkeeper98
"Why must I make friends with the hated and make enemies of the respected... It's times like these when I miss the days of the war. The days before I discovered the little space between good and evil..." -Ky Kiske: Guilty Gear XX If you send a friend request, please give a reason. Games i'm playing at the moment: Overwatch and The Legend of Dragoon.
☆★Elli★☆ Farb-Klekx
Hello dear people reading this to find out something about me (aka stalkers :P)! I'm Elli/ Klekx or whatever you'd like to call me :3 I came back a while ago... uhm... • Loves drawing • no drawing requests • yes, I do answer if you talk to me • warriors/ warrior cats fan • Ace Attorney nerd (PW:AA FTW) •Uhm... I love Pokemon too, xD Stones are friends, not food.
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Nii-Chan★ Pandemiii
I draw anime bs and that's really it lol. Current trash cans I'm in: Ensemble stars Splatoon Fire emblem Fates/Awakening Blue Birb:@Riminiii0
MochiBOMB★ STARGamer1
!!~Thank you Everyone for 1000 Followers~!! Thank you Miiverse and Everyone It was a great experience! Im leaving for vacation on for my Parents Anniversary. Thank you for everyone iit was fun drawing for you guys! 'Check my Following List' *•�❣️Every Artist is Special, Unique, & Amazing!❣️�•* ■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■★■
Bunny StarGamerBunny
Hooooi!! I'M Bunny nice to meet ya I am proudly in Comet Candy ^.^ I like to watch cartoons [ epecially old school ones] I watch some anime im picky with them. i love to draw alot this is a big one I LOVE TO PLAY VIDEOGAMES i been playing sice i was really little first being sonic the hedgehog . but over the years i greatly expanded i do not wii u chat or txt so do not ask.
Nico Lennyislove
Hey, I'm Nico, I like to draw mediocre drawings. Out of posts x Still has posts (x)
мıиıλsнιεγ N3MESIS-2
☆★☆★HEY YOU!★☆★☆ >:3 Welcome to Ashley's bite-sized profile, packed with mini nutrients! *Some posts maybe funny, some may contain peanuts or other tree nuts...* No WiiU Chat!!! >:( Enjoy your stay! :3 ★→Main Account: N3MESIS←★
JroViens JroViens
aspiring artist/graphic designer. Hoping to illustrate childrens books someday for a living.
¶SM¶Orange kitzscher147
Hi my name is Janina ^.^/ •German •my english is bad •i'm 15 •you will only find Splatoon drawings here >:3 •BFF: Lottie (Cherry) •Senpai: Mandy (Blue Berry) •Mv Brother: Marc (Marc) •IBF: Vicky (Lemon) ♥ Fav. game: Splatoon Level: 50 Rank: S Favourite Weapon: Splatterscope ♡ .·•Splatoon clan•·. ¶SM¶ (Squid Members) #Kevina ♥ 06.08.17 ~Have a nice day ♥
Ashton jordanezell
Hi everyone! My name is Jordan. I love God and I'm a huge fan of Nintendo. I realy like to make new friends and I build puppets. If you ever see me on a game "which is rare" I will be a good sport. Just follow me and we'll get along swimmingly. See ya!
Snowcone TruUnknown
☆Hello there☆ Welcome to this random profile. *\(• v •)/* Notes: •Thx 4 all the support!★ •I draw for fun, NOT for fame. >vo Thx 4 visiting mE, Have a snowcone, any flavor! :>
★τоι•καиί☆ SwifterGirl-2.0
"Let's not say goodbye! How about... see you later alligator!" -Rose (★τοι•καиί☆)
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
FamicomCat karateboxer
And miiverse is ending......Nothing to do I guess........Maybe troll some bronies.......Play with some yarn............I could always get a life, but that never works out.....
Chris Chris7O7
Yo! The name's Chris! Welcome to my lair. I like to draw and stuff. So uh,Yee. Enjoy your stay here and if you enjoy my content, don't hesitate to YEAH BOMB my posts (pls do it) lmao. Anyway, that's all from me, have a nice day. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Joekster joethegenius
Hello there! I'm Joe, and this is my profile. I play Terraria and the Binding of Isaac. I spend most of my time on Miiverse drawing. Follow my friends! Manman - madman405 мıxεd - VBlitz Яевеιιë - LadyRogers Hushed - HushedNow
Яeвeιιё LadyRogers
"Sometimes there is no next time. No second chance. No time out. Sometimes it is now or never" ~Tobymac quotes I'm Bree, I'm a girl (obviously), Christian and homeschooled. I enjoy reading, writing and playing with my dogs. I'm friendly and I love a good chat. Come say hi sometime! :D Waiting to see what to see what adventures the new year holds!
Jocelyn DR3AM3R0FL3G3ND5
Artist, writer, gamer, dreamer, love-yearning (Tomboy who prefers to be treated like a lady) Random quote: "He is forgiving. Me? Not so much."
Fresh XxSadSonicxx
Helloo I'm Fresh Favorite songs: American Authors - Luck, Pride, Born to Run, Believer Matt Kearney - Air I Breath, Sooner or Later Owl City - Fireflies Imagine Dragons - Shots Broiler remix The Chainsmokers - Something just like this, All we know Madeon - La Lune, Innocence Phoebe Ryan - Mine, Chronic Sabrina Carpenter - We'll be the stars ☆☆ might leave Miiverse
Hawk shaymin923
Lo§łβoγ.·★ comesthewinds
Hi i am Lo§ł βογ.Welcome to my proƒile.i am the son oƒ 7 »—Wind§—>.We are Cherokee a proud people.My dad is very traditional even with his appearance,i on the other hand are more modern.Feel ƒree to check things out.I have nothing but love for all,but be warned bad attitudes, threats, or name calling,won't be tolerated as well as drama.There's no room in this house ƒor haters.PEACE to ALL.
Gummy Tweetybird116
RIP MIIVERSE ~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~ $2012-2017$ ~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~ 1 Follow=1 Person who cares. ~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~ 180 people care. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
ςρσσργ JustinoSnipes
Howdy I'm Elise, I joined 2014 and watch nostalgically, if not a little sadly, as Miiverse comes to an end. I've replaced my former profile message with this. I'll be here till the last day of Miiverse, and I've had a great journey. If ya wanna cont@ct me, here Fanfic: ItsRainingSloths Watt: ReignOfSloths Discord: ItsRainingSloths#0221 CoC: Lady of Sloths (Dragonclan, lvl 4) ºˇº
.•Sει•. Sel_31
Sparkle Hollifield07
Helo my peeps thanks for checking out my profile i love drawing and going on youtube F A M I L Y G U Y Is my FAVORITE will say YES to ANY freind request okay! so please follow me so i can get to 200 please and remember when you follow me i follow you okay! BYE BYE! wait why are you still here (-_-) Sigh
Hey everyone!Glad you're here!I love to play, write, and sing music. I also like to write stories...
Hey everyone!Glad you're here!I love to play, write, and sing music. I also like to write stories. I'm just your not–so–average person who loves to laugh, smile, and see people happy! I'm not the one you could ask to talk about myself-- I have nothing else (I could think of) to say! Anyways, Stay true, be you, and DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! :)