SuperGirl's Post

This Isn't Goodbye We all had our greatest memories here. We all have laughed together, And even shed a few tears.
Play Journal Entries
StreetPass Mii Plaza

The end draws near, but that won't end all the good memories and the fun times we spend together! I'm glad I met so many talented ppl here, made good friends, and enjoyed those who joined my SuperU...

Inspiring Q.O.D: "In order to break through your problems, you can't break down" I'll have another one tomorrow! DFTS! :D

I'm thinking of entering a song writing contest. What do you guys think? Kinda nervous for it though... Also thx for 310 followers! I really appreciate it since I've only been here for about a mont...

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE SUPERUNITY(and those who are part of mv): I wrote a very special poem just for everyone here! It's on my second most recent drawing post. Just know that we hav...

My Poem Collection (Read if you want to)
This is where I'm mostly going to post my poems written myself here. You can post yours here too, as long as it's appropriate. Enjoy! Stay true, be you, and DON'T ...
Hey everyone!Glad you're here!I love to play, write, and sing music. I also like to write stories...
Hey everyone!Glad you're here!I love to play, write, and sing music. I also like to write stories. I'm just your not–so–average person who loves to laugh, smile, and see people happy! I'm not the one you could ask to talk about myself-- I have nothing else (I could think of) to say! Anyways, Stay true, be you, and DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! :)