Damian's Followers
*☆Lydia☆*☆ megarocker911
greg greg465213
salut tlm ^_~ je suis Romane pour ce qui me connaise sur ma 3DS XL c'est juste que je n'ai pas le même personnage aboner vous !!! ^_~
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
beatrice beafrancyteovale
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Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
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The Sadest Coolkid354
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Delenn :) Delenn75
Oh, you're here? Why. I like the Mario, Sonic, and Lengend of Zelda series. My favorite game on the 3DS is Rhythm Heaven Megamix. I'm a weeabo and an animator. Undertale is a cool game too. I told you what you wanted to know. Now go away.
Paula paulasaltos92
Hello! I'm Paula :D 10 things about me: 1.UNDERTALE 2.POKEMON 3.ANIME 4.BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE 5.I'm from Ecuador 6.I'm a 11 year old student 7.STEVEN UNIVERSE 8.GRAVITY FALLS 9.I draw A LOT 10.My follower goal is at least 100 followers Welcome to my profile ;)
Lady-Miaou Miss-Miaou_2
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きくず akamemorry
Miiverse そしてコミュニティで関わった方々 約二年間、短い間でしたが今までありがとうございました 青い鳥よりも何よりも先にインターネットに情報を発信し始めたサービスが Miiverseでした ゲームについて語り始められたこと、その同志を見つけられたことはかけがえのないものです またどこかでお会いしましょう 生っ屑でした
Dragonblue bison_6900
Rest In Peace Miiverse... :´) Hi! I'm a weird girl who draws stuff. I like to draw strange creatures, dragons and characters from the kirby series... I don't speak English so if I make mistakes, you know why. Au sinon je parle français... Et je dessine pas très bien...Mais bon...
deadheadgg colinlee922
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らい 1210rai
Tane Tane_Silverwolf
Hey! Tane here! I'm a game design student who loves Pikmin, Yo-kai Watch and a bunch of other things. Things to bear in mind: -I reply to comments faster than messages -I don't check friend requests often -I don't Wii U chat -I don't take requests -I draw on a 3DSxl -I'm in university full time so I'm not very active Thanks for following! If you like Pikmin art, check out Silvesary99's profile!
EmeraldGuy danielcdun
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BluitToonz jamesjosette
Hi, i'm blutiToonz..... things about me: *i'm 11 :3 *♀ *My real name irl Jaelyn :3 *my favorite animals are cats, kangaroos, and foxes *and i love sandwiches!!!!! *expert at pokemon games *Left handed *online() *offline(*) *Leaving soon() *Gone(*) *Back() R.i.p Date: 10/4/17 Goodbye..
millie milliesheets
my b'day was may 18 i forgot to share but can uall gimmie a b'day shout on my comments but if u cant find my comments den its ok and if u comment den tell ME When yo b'day aand ill comment on uall post bye love uall :)
КÐ Richard OCT4V1U5
Hi, guys! Welcome to my profile. I accept drawing requests but I'd prefer them to be related to Smash. By the way my favourite game series are The legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros and Kirby (and I like FE too). ¤–]=====> ˘\_(˙˘˙)_/˘ U2b: Star Wanderer Please, no random friend requests or follow4follow.
ethanjames frog_uscg
アァーツヨォーイ!* RUKI1173
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Chadlin KhloeMonster
Kon'ichiwa,I'm Chadyen but you may call me Crumb. [Because I'm your new CrumbCake ;)] Anyways,I basically like to draw. Current Fandoms: -One Punch Man -Undertale -Animal Crossing -Gore Art I do draw sinful things but,I keep to myself. Amino:Chad (OPM and Undertale communities) DevianArt:ChadDraws Youtube:Chadyen Animates Profile comment hidden by Homobro
Bran BrandonZane2011
Nono Pinkie280
ok first things first hey! ^.^ My name is Nono but i'm not going to tell u my real name unless ur a good friend of mine. My favorite games are: super smash bros. , mario kart 7 , n tomodatchi life And have a nice day! ok bye! and btw if u need anything just ask,i'm a open book Follow me and make me happy
ちゃーちゃん tomomatu7
こんにちは! Hello! iHola! みんなと仲良く楽しみたいです! ミーバースでみんなの投稿見るのが日課になってます♪ 時々コメント入れさせていただいてます♥ よろしく(^^)/
røi joss josselin12
LøL kid sezerselen
ШîŁКØΜMĘŅ auf meinem Profil! Ich bin... ... und bin 11 Jahre alt und Bin Nintendofan seit 2009.Meine lieblings Pokémon sind Mew und Lucario.Ich sammel Pkmn. Karten.1000-1500 Stück 24 EX und davon 6 mega Karten.Pkmn. GO,Pkmn. Gelbe edition Pkmn. Blau.♧♤♡◇□○☆ ^____^ ( ' x ' ) (,,) (,,)РŚ вıττе ƒоιģł MIR
Quentin kiraisbest
salut je m'appelle le nom est deja dans le profil mais au lieu d'ecrire sa je n'irais pas plus vite a ecrire mon nom et pourquoi je me le fait remarquer en ecrivant je suis vraiment débile enfin bref j'adore les jeux pokemon mais j'aime aussi les mangas en tout genre
Dοοοodle anderchris34
So.. I guess I should introduce myself, I'm гцβφ! -Jkiddo, Gummi, Stat, Domo, and Derpicorn² are my favorite artists -Naruto is my favorite anime, (Go Itachi!) -I love to draw and play Splatoon and other games oωo -Strawberries taste good -I won't reply to many comments, admins are too strict Cya! Hope you can follow me. If you don't I don't really care ^ω^ Cya later -Rubo
G&K BouBou remy-jumel-paris
Salut je m'appelle Mathieu Mes jeux préférés: Splatoon Super Smash Bros Mario Kart 8 Lego City Undercover Yoshi's Wooly World Skylanders SuperChargers Super Mario 3D World Super Mario Mario Maker Et C'est Tout. Ma nourriture préféré: Hamburger Pizza Sandwich Ma boisson préféré: Coca-Cola Orangina Fruit Shoot Jus D'Orange J'ai 11 Ans Abonné-Vous Et Je M'abonne à vous Au revoir!
Elisenda elisendaguapa
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·Ω ΝσΞ Ω· mohican123
Je Vend Ma Wii u Aujourd'hui J'ai Dix Ans ! Alex Miss♡ Mon BB Gio♡ Mon P'tit Vettel Yo-yo♡P'tit MK8Deluxeur Lina Jvd Tous Mes BFF ♡•♡ Passions Foot Dessin Lire Jeux video Manga:The Legend Of Zelda Lirve: Big Nate Merci Pour 800 Abo !!! A Plus ! J'vous Dis qe ca va etre la guerre !!
tj locatysonoliva00
i am bored come play splattoon with lil old me please if you do i will friend you and follow you hope i see you playing btw on splat toon my user name is tj :)
Mati_64 Pencastudios
Hola soy Matias! me gusta dibujar,ver cartoons/anime leer comics y los juegos de Nintendo. ◆Santiago,Chile ◆Wii / Wii U/ 3DS ◆age:15 ◆I speak english too :^) ◆Juegos favoritos: Smash Bros y Yoshi Island S E E Y O U S P A C E C O W B O Y ... que wea estas leyendo
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ maurice-348
Well looks like Miiverse is ending soon... Well on Yatube I am Maurice DDD (Didn't upload any videos just if you see mii in the comments) Basically everywhere else I am the same as here: On the DDDi- s- cord Amino (Kirby, King Dedede Kindom, Pokémon, ShovelKnight and Kegy... Kegys a really fricking great grman Yatouber) And everything else with this name is probably me too.
#Jonas jo05ep
Hallo, ich bin Jonas. Ich komme aus dem Allgäu, bin 12 Jahre alt, liebe Viedeospiele, Hab Daniel Abt Die Pixelhelden Felix von der Laden Heideltraut Herr Currywurst Mafuyu und Rayfox, abonniert, spiele gerne: Forza Horizon 3 Forza Motorsport 7 und hab nen Nintendo 2ds. Beiträge jede Woche Sonntags. Folgen und Yeah´s geben nicht vergessen. Für mehr Fragen einfach schreiben. Stand 14.1.17
J.P. J.P.Lloren
It’s been fun, guys. Let’s carpe diem. The self-proclaimed renegade and the absolutely flawless master of puns himself. Current Status: Goodbye Miiverse Brother to Alma No random Friend Requests or Wii U Chat. I MEAN IT. Arrived on: 3/29/14 Follow these people (they're way better users than me): @Sanctus Pk @Alma @Owen @Ketsia @mooogZ @G.Blue @steve87 @D.JR @Darcy @Hasrat @Mel
penguin supermads1
Hello fellows and other wandering beings. Welcome to my trash bin!
I'm just an average, akward w...
Hello fellows and other wandering beings. Welcome to my trash bin!
I'm just an average, akward weirdo who plays video games.
Also, I'm a huge Kirby and Pikmin nerd.
You'll most likely find me drawing a bunch of random junk, so enjoy your stay!