Users Damian Is Following
Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
Toad Toad28
Hi, welcome to my profile! :) My name is Nathan, I'm 18 years old. I love to draw, requests are always welcome! I hope you like my drawings. For any questions, feel free to ask. Follows are appreciated :) That's pretty much it, thanks for reading. See ya!
★Kk★ RedKirby23
Hi, there! I'm a huge Kirby fan, so chances are many of my posts will end up being Kirby related. <(-^.^-)> I also love animals, especially birds; cartoons, Steven Universe being my current favorite; and several other Nintendo franchises. I mainly create artwork here and with Art Academy, it's a bit of a hobby of mine!
Etch Destroy_the_Sun
chun(ちゅん) chunzprocessor
75% of my body is made of racing games. Thanks for the comments and yeahs. I am an intermediate game player who loves various racing games. call me however you like. Sorry if i miss your comments on notifications. maybe i will be delayed for replying because i'm busy with work lately. To friends: Private Message doesn't work due to a problem with my internet. ※現在何らかの問題でメッセージが使用できません。
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
♪♥♡!HEY EVERYONE¡♡♥♪ \,,/^▼^\,,/ ★☆thank you for all the yeahs, comments and follows!★☆ im Jessie! i love video games! hobbies? i love to draw and play the piano too! ★☆!thanx for stopping by!☆★ ps.NO wii u chat!! >:(
Joonas DarkDrawer
Hi, welcome to my profile! About me: 1) a very enthusiastic drawer, so a lot of that stuff here. My absolute favourite subject is Ina (Favourite post) 2) a devoted Nintendo fan. 3) Likes: chocolate, cartoons, comics, action / adventure entertainment and background / theme music. 4) I often prefer villains over heroes. All Yeahs and reasonable comments are appreciated.
★Shΐnεy★ Risenshiney
A 24 y/o who loves drawing, also Risenshiney @ tum. ☆★I only accept friend reqs if we've talked enough and if you're aged 16+. No blanks.★☆ Critique welcome, yeah bombs are fine~
RustyOwl RustyOwl
♪ Is there anything that's worth more than peace and love on the planet Earth? ♪ -Faves- Zelda, StarFox, Pikmin, Metroid, DK Country, Mario, Banjo-Kazooie, Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, Luigi's Mansion, Shadow of the Colossus, Resident Evil, Assassin's Creed, Castlevania, MegaMan, Sonic, Pokémon, Animal Crossing -Wishes- NX: Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Mario RPG2, Galaxy 3, Mother, Kirby, AC NX
ase 57 ase-57
moin moin...! ...ase 57 likes drawing, playing games, and meeting nice people on miiverse! consols i currently own: wii u, new 3ds, gamecube, gameboy advance, gameboy, ps 4, xbox 360, ♥sega dreamcast♥ and sega saturn ;)
Wolfie Wolfiecake
Alright! My name's Wolfiecake. I scribble on miiverse for fun. I doodle dumb things here and there, that's my way of communicating with others. The pics are sometimes silly, sometimes scary. However, every 100 followers, i doodle a little something special to thank those who believed in me. You've been warned~ Feel free to Yeah! PS: Careful... there are other wolfies out there...
Me! Stoic_Seraphim
Hello~! :) I'm just a random person who is aspiring to become a great artist someday. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art! ^-^ Games I really enjoy~ •Final Fantasy •Megaman X •Suikoden •Dragon's Dogma •Legend of Zelda •Radiant Historia •Xenogears/saga/blade •Old RPGs
PF2M SquidsOutForPF2M
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Frungle Herald64
frungle#1927 Hi. I'm Frungledrum; your friendly neighborhood egotist. When I'm not on Miiverse, I go by the name Franghis Khan "I'm not cynical. I just hate everything equally." ~Frungle, 2015 I may or may not be a frog. I'm awful at wording things. I also draw stuff sometimes. Likes - The Slam Dislikes - clowns, spiders, commitment Feel free to comment.
*☆$α$$¥☆★* RockstarBully
☆★Elli★☆ Farb-Klekx
Hello dear people reading this to find out something about me (aka stalkers :P)! I'm Elli/ Klekx or whatever you'd like to call me :3 I came back a while ago... uhm... • Loves drawing • no drawing requests • yes, I do answer if you talk to me • warriors/ warrior cats fan • Ace Attorney nerd (PW:AA FTW) •Uhm... I love Pokemon too, xD Stones are friends, not food.
Vango SikTornado
Salutations, I'm Vango pleased to meet cha! Relax and be easy we all chill here yo. Be the Raptor.
Snifberg Snifberg
My name... It is Snifberg. I am the unfeeling, and a creator of wonderful things. I come from a world made of wool, which my body is made of as well... Also, I have no face, behind this mask lies the true nature of man. ★ Our end is coming, soon the chaos shall begin! ★
Archdan Archdan
(Creator of Lonely Roy series) Comic returns Sep 2017 °Check my Alt Account "Lonely Roy" yeahs for all the comics in order! °Awarded Wii U News Miiverse Artist of the Year 2014 °List of my POTD draws? check out "Archmask" (2DS account) theyre listed in his Yeahs
Martin MartinIsAwesomeR
Hoi, everyone! I'm Martin, I'm from the UK, and I make T-Shirt designs based on video games! I love games of all different genres, but I especially love Zelda and anything by WayForward - especially Mighy Switch Force! Thanks for dropping by and I hope you enjoy my drawings! ~Martin (Sorry, but I don't accept Friend Requests from people I barely know.)
Soph SophiaFeesh
Hello Miiverse! I'm a freelance artist and I recently found out you can draw with 3DS/WiiU!! I'm very excited to join guys! ` v')/
Pichu647 Pichu647
Hello there, I'm Pichu647 U-tuber Pichu647 I am a Aussie that does Aussie thing. May occasionally draw pictures if i'm not completely lazy currently drawing: SSBB (Lucario) - Coloring stage... Toon Link - Background... Pikachu - Maybe / Maybe Not STRAWHAT PICHU
タコベー takobe
E&E! スプラトゥーンと絵心教室に時間を奪われる日々 絵柄が安定せず、人間キャラを描く度に顔が変わってたりします フレリクを頂くことが多いのですが、自分がフォローしている方以外はお断りさせて頂いているのでご了承ください フォロー・フォロー解除はご自由にどうぞ 絵のリクエストは基本的に受け付けておりません
J. SeamstressOciel
Hello~ My name's Julune. I like to draw sometimes on here. You can expect to see mostly Kirby-related art, along with other miscellaneous stuff. Please leave comments if you like my drawings!
ahoX MllVERSE_2.0
Hello :3 My name → Théo Start ⇒22/04/2016 Follow: Louiou_6130 (Lucas) Azyiopy95 (Raph') Mew_Mod (Mega-Mew) Scotline / Scotiine (Jérémie) gulcan1411 (Gülcan) KingOfSmash0123 (Bolt) party2000 (Andro) Dark-Vortex-56 (Alpha) c:
ツキヨタケ celebi87O
カービィ大好き人間でぃす ポケモンではセレビィが大好きでぃす Miiは似せてないでぃす。テキトーでぃす 夜行性です。好きな絵ばっかり描いてまっす コメントの返信、遅くなることがありますが御了承くださいませ(^^) ゲームの進行はスローモーションです…もはや、止まりつつある; ネットの回線工事、無事完了しました!これで思う存分スプラできるって訳だ!え?そうでもない…?
ηεχυ βαςς NEXU_DA_BASS456
hhhhHHHHH this is my alt and in this account i doofde or make drawins in the art academy. follow my main:◆ρεяł◆
By Desirée umikoJaponaise
Hi Everybody~‹3 This Is Désirée! :) I Draw,Play Video Games and Love Manga Since My 5 Years (Im 17)! *U* Im A BIG Fan of Nintendo!!(All Games Of Nintendo!) *//O//* Thank's For All Comment and "yeah" I ‹3 You So Much!!~ +6000Followers.... Thank You... My Adventure in miiverse is Amazing ☆//U//★ Thanks! Love And Peace For EVERYBODY!! ●//♭//● ~Everybody Deserved Love~☆★
Łiv Dragons8Chicken
Pizza Man HotelMario
"Where am I? You were in an accident but the good news is that we saved your life. Will I ever walk again? Yeah, but here's the bad news... *hands newspaper* "Accident Causes Person to Have dog Body" *camera zooms out to reveal new dog body* ZOO WEE MAMA!"
AlexisFrix AlexisFrix
My name is Alexis, and I enjoy drawing video game characters, mainly Nintendo characters. I occasionally chat here, or I try to at least. :•]
BlueBead BluBead
Just some 21 year old nerd who only got a Wii U to play Splatoon and draw on Miiverse. My hobbies are drawing, playing videogames (obviously), and taking care of animals. I'm working towards becoming a veterinary technician!
Hello fellows and other wandering beings. Welcome to my trash bin!
I'm just an average, akward w...
Hello fellows and other wandering beings. Welcome to my trash bin!
I'm just an average, akward weirdo who plays video games.
Also, I'm a huge Kirby and Pikmin nerd.
You'll most likely find me drawing a bunch of random junk, so enjoy your stay!