ArapaiMatt's Followers
thomas2018 valsoo
Nathan♪ N.ZPUO
Salut 2ème compte de... moi Nathan ! 2eme.... Enfin... 2ème il va PEUT-ÊTRE devenir mon compte principal en faite....
mikey d metalmike5500
Hey guys!!! I LOVE to have friends to chat with. To let you know, My actual name is Aaron Moore, and this is my FATHER'S profile. If you friend me, I'll friend you back!! Also, I'm 14, and single!! ;) (Female name)
bananagram b0bisgood
I do not accept friend requests unless it is someone that I know. Also second account to Mr.Turner
PK★Fire FamRodriguez1
hey..uhhh..its me...yeah...welcome to my are some things about me Favorite game:Earthbound Favorite color:Black Favorite movie:starwars Favorite animal:Wolves Favorite TV Show:The Flash When i grow up i wanna be a youtuber. I am pretty much your local friend,also i am a please dont pick on me...
ψDavidψ Flynn_Green
Sup every1. I'm a dank boi. lol jk, lmao ikr ttyl bffl :D. Sorry. I'm well versed in the tounges of memeology. I work for Shrek, and my assistant is Spongegar. We're currently working on resurrecting Harambe. I personally love drawing. My old NNID is 'biffys,' but my old account is now inactive (my other 3ds broke). But anyway, feel free to talk with me. I'm a friendly guy, so don't b shie :).
ςкувяιd SWM050701
I'm ςкувяιd, or better known as ωαvεςнιηε, and I love Smash Bros! I mainly play Smash 4 and Melee! My mains are Captain Falcon in Sm4sh, and Peach and Fox in Melee! Thanks for viewing my profile! Yeah my posts if you like 'em, and maybe even follow me! Have a great day!
GUMI(リアル7) ryo7k6yut2
ミバ終了まであとほんのわずか 最高のフレンドの皆ばりあざしたー ばってん、その中にまたこれからもよろしくの人もいるぜ! その人はまた一緒にゲームなどするけぇ でもミバはなくなる あー一体どうすれば さてMiiを大好きなVOCALOIDERのリアルGUMIたんに変えたけぇ 似てんでっかな さて○ロマンガ先生の単本9巻までを手に入れたじ でらうれしかったけぇ あと○ロマンガ先生のエミリーン(山田エルフーン)大好きじゃけぇ あと、ニコニコで毎日初音ミクたんとGUMIたんの歌を自由に5曲くらい聴いている。『くるくるぱぁ』『千本桜』『スターナイトスノウ』『パンダヒーロー』『セツナトリップ』等の神曲やミクたんの『耳年齢テスト』などのオリジナルPVなどの曲も大好き 最後にGUMIたんと九条カレンちゃんと鏡音リンと鏡音レンと初音ミクたんと結月ゆかりんと紗霧んと山田エルフちゃんずっと大好きじゃけぇ
tyomy tyomy19717
Movie Star Mathstar5
I love the earthbound series. I love pokemon, mario, legend of zelda and kirby as well. Ness and Lucas are my mains in ssbb and ssb4. Some of my favorite shows are Steven Universe, Loud House, Phineas and Ferb, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Milo Murphy's Law, Sailor Moon, Shugo Chara and Pokemon. #teampopplio
Vinny Vincent272
Monster Hunter X is awesome! Er...... I mean Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Ultimate..... Im Vincent, but most call me Vinny and I'm 18 years old. "The Killer of the Good Users and the Protector of Bad Users!" -KirbyFan99 2016 Friends (Or Bakas.): Matt Sith Maddy Airheart Teiwaz David Sky-Blue & Power-Up Sarah Radic Ray Kaizo P.S. Frisk Tessa Issac MemEsper I'm a wannabe Lawful Evil!
Hello!How are you?Do you want to be my friend? Need 10000 followers!!!!!!!
Dark Ray darkray2
Goodbye everyone! Miiverse had a good run! This is rayolinels's alt.
Godie Godie666
Metroid Pokémon Ace Attorney Minecraft Smash Bros. Kirby Star Fox Earthbound The Legend of Zelda Mario
Melody Lolloforever2.0
Hi everyone! I'm Melody! Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Melody e sono una ragazza Nintendara! Adoro la musica e i videogiochi come Minecraft e Tomodachi Life. Non vedo l'ora di fare nuove amicizie e conoscenze, anche per giocare Online qualche volta! Non chiamatemi su Wii U Chat, però, perché non posso rispondere. Allora, che dire? Ci vediamo presto! Ciao!!! ♥♡♥
Nadia nadiack222
Hi and im Nadia. I speak 3 languages. I speak spanish,french,and English. I took spanish class in Kindergarten, and i know some french too. I hope you enjoyed im 9 now i just turned 9 in February. I also know alot of japanese and Chinese. I love you guys. Your the best byeee
Big Boy dtown13
Just a dude that likes playing a lot of video games. My motto: Family, friendship, and video games is what brings people together! (I don't accept friend requests with random people. I got to get to know you first before I accept any or send you one.) (My posts is an argument free zone. So any disruptive and argumentive comments will be deleted. Further disruptions will get you blocked.)
[Ng] Iker ikerlg04
hola me yamo Iker Soy un Nj Uniros a mi club de pokemon ahi haremos muchas cosas Las mascotas son: Blaziken y Sans, aunque hace mucho tiempo habia otra Mis mejores amigos: Eudald, Raider, Mario, Lidia, Maser etc... Youtubers favs.: Folagor y Frigoadri Juegos favs.: Pokemon, mario bros, kirbi, inazuma eleven, lbx y los de dragones Objetivo: Legat a los 666 seguidores o a los 555 seguidores XD
Nathan Lilizelda
Je m'appelle Nathan. J'aime PKMN Mimiqui est mon préféré, The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild c'est trop cool Undertale Sans est GÉNIAL, Animal Crossing c'est sympathique, Kingdom Hearts TROP BIEN. ( Attention je suis vraiment TRÈS mauvais en orthographe ne mens voulais pas XD ) ♪MIMIQUI THE BEST♪ Petite dédi à : Dragφφn, Sera, Axel, Moé, Aloïs, Alise, Wolph, Constance Nominoé Taker et Mel.♪
MiiBrawler SuperSmashMiis00
↑ ← → ↓ This profile is arrow post friendly. I'm crazy about listening to music. I like multiple genres, but jazz will always be best. I'm a bit shy and boring to talk to, so I don't comment on other posts very often. ArapaiMatt's alt account.
Asura SaadKoro99
Hey. I'm @DanteLeonSaad01's 3DS account/2nd Account! こんにちは!私はDanteLeonSaad01の3DSアカウント/第二アカウントよ! 我说中国话!私は日本語を話すことがで! I work on le drawings here ^^
KJ harvetta34561
sup guys im KJ welcome to my profile im9 yrs old i love smash bros and im a big fan of MARIO and SONIC games also i love my freinds and follwers and I hate bullying i love Dragon Ball Z dont forget to follow me and send a freind request plz also cliking on my profile bye DUDES !!!!! ^o^
Baby Cakes MarMarDaniel
Hello there!? I'm Seldelia, a Anime Frantic/FE Pro. Cool Users: Gamster, サアド, BlueDude87, Sylvia, Tallen. *Please No random friend requests.
bendy Iil_Dictator
josuéfm FlorentinoMota
Steven starfighter163
I love Smb4!
tripleh843 T-HUEY
play me in wwe all stars team dx
Wоlfia Lexuslyce
Hello welcome to my profile feel free to follow me and comment my post.Also if you want follow my followers because they are amazing.#YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IF YOU SET YOUR MIND TO IT
pure98 pure98
★☆♪£εøñ★☆♪ muaddibatreides
I do NOT wii chat and I will be friends with anyone! I play smash 4 the most out of the games i have i also play MK8 you are more than welcome to be friends with me (unless your a girl i am not old enough for girlfriends).
smileyboy RYLEYSMILEY789
smile plz everyone should laugh memes are da best laughter is key expect some juicy banter michael rosen is satan derp are you still interested in me ???!!! marvel beats dc batman still rocks and green arrow however ok ur starting to creep me out now hawkeye rules i wish my drawing was better go away now IM SCARED
Pyriph Pyriph
i only listen to High Quality Video Game Rips
Čκ★Мūƒƒÿ Precious12
Hello I'm Muffy Clans: Ġß◆, Čκ☆ BFF's: PĀ◆Venom, Alaia (fam), Eli, Sparks, Chris, Tran, Rain, Thunder & others… Cool dude...Snow (fam) I am a grown young lady who has no time for craziness in her life. I'm very nice & sweet until pushed. You act weird or strange, I will block you. I have no time for pretenders in my life. I value friendship's but you can be dismissed along with your drama!
Graciela KidIcarus2903
Hello, my name is Graciela. My mains in SSBB are Pit, Dark Pit, Lucina, Robin, and Corrin. If you want to be my friend, follow me.
loverboy2 SplinterCell02
saskue siryukicutie88
hi freinds ik new
Thanks for playing! 2014-2016