ArapaiMatt's Friends
zaygotgame Trill_Zay
Ryan Fl3dge
Moltern YT mkirbyplays
I love you all. My channel is: Moltern Kirby @MiiverseMoltern Moltern Kirby YT#7338 totally female irl If you followed me also follow mkirby mkirbyplays, mkirbyMker & mkirbybonus. This was supposed to be made for games when I got my New 3DS. lol. sigh. �
Tyten tyten1
i wont back down from a brawl
Torrent YUNG_Torrent
Another Otaku Assassin Either my sm4sh copy or system is broken rn :/ Main: Ike I enjoy playing with a third of the cast I play splatoon and mk8 among some other games, maybe we can play! Also, I might send you replays from sm4sh if we're friends.
Matt mrdoublestarU
i play smash bros feel free to send a friend request and fight me
T.J s00pDasaiyan
Well… isn't this a pleasant surprise?
legostar13 legostar13
hi im legostar i like anime
Gabriel baby6664
I'm a cool kid!
Stormy CheeerryCocoa
PablOliver Oliver534
HEY!I like hugs,pugs,Huskies,games,travel and last but not least,nice people!!!!!.Favorite wii u games:Mario Kart 8,Super Mario Maker,super mario bros U!!! I don't Wii U chat with strangers! I dislike Drugs,cruel people and animal abuse! Nice to meet you!
Patrick marcusdojo
I play SSB4, mainly with Ike and Dr. Mario, but occasionally with Marth and CFal (especially dittos :) I like to play on FG alot, so send me a message with the time and day that you'd like to play if you want to. I'm trying to get better so please let me know! P.S I'm thinking about getting Netplay for Melee on Dolphin so hit me up with your ID.
andre gohonten
SM&SF Purplefirefly
Have a good life, never give up hope. —————————————————— Nintendo videogames are some of my favorite videogames, if you have a problem with that then you bought the wrong console. If you would like to be friends on the Switch, send a FR explaining so. Thank you to everyone who tries to make other lives better and for people who decide to be nice.
Osaze eyqnwswraw4
**** ***** Nebulinx
things i liek incorrect grammar being mlg *airhorns* jacksepticeye markiplier roleplaying art Undertale NYEH HEH HEH cats all the cats i accept free french fries #admins_suck
Adam RealSwimmingbird
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kieran kieranstevens14
Çôłįņćφφб ColinCoo6
Emptyness starts... NOW Say (Soy Sauce) On One Of My Posts. Soys: 8 For those wondering no I am no longer playing Terraria for 3DS
Drah97 drah90
Ey wasup miiverse!!! ill be postin updates for more things like minecraft and more!!! so if you like minecraft then join my clan called MINE WARRIORS!!!! its for a price though...
Bryson Lyssy890
Hi its alyssa ally for short. my second acount cause i couldnt log in for some reason. i think i was banned. well, im 9 actually, i like pizza, i hate homework, i am awesome, hit the follow button, SMASH that friend button, DEMOLISH that yeah button, and always play smash. btw, friend my sister joey. bye bye!
Lo©k™ luisssjr
FRISK deadpoolohno
N8 GetJuicedUp
DSkillua austinv3
hi im Darkshadow killua if you want to play multiplayer games with me then why not friend me and message me so we can get our game on. PS. i love a challenge once in a while why are you still reading this? i have nothing else to say so why not just friend me already and stop looking at my profile already >_<
CHUY drgonat
Nathan Lilizelda
Je m'appelle Nathan. J'aime PKMN Mimiqui est mon préféré, The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild c'est trop cool Undertale Sans est GÉNIAL, Animal Crossing c'est sympathique, Kingdom Hearts TROP BIEN. ( Attention je suis vraiment TRÈS mauvais en orthographe ne mens voulais pas XD ) ♪MIMIQUI THE BEST♪ Petite dédi à : Dragφφn, Sera, Axel, Moé, Aloïs, Alise, Wolph, Constance Nominoé Taker et Mel.♪
Cameron cornonthecob3
Trying to get active here again. Those really old posts aren't me anymore, deleting 'em. It's over 1000 though so it's slow going.
Tincho GamingM2
Yiyelo Edgard_D.Drummer
Games I am currently playing: Super Smash Bros. 4, Melee, Brawl, 64, Mario Kart 8.
Mr Gent IthraTheWarrior
★ Welcome to Mr Gentleman's Miiverse page! ♥ ★ I'm a competitive level Sm4sh player. I only play offline. but if you need advice on getting better I'm happy to help. send me replays of matches you lose and I'll review them. ~ Mr Gentleman †
Gavin/Bob luigi850
мςν★DwDx© Click64
I'm kind of a casual and competitive gamer. I like all Legend of Zelda and Mario games and I like a little Minecraft every once in a while. I'm also into Smash Bros. and Splatoon. Open to friend requests.
Alphastar tootalld94
Hi everyone I am Alphastar. I am a real nintendo fan. The nintendo franchises I know and play most are pokémon, super mario bros. kirby, splatoon, and a little bit of the legend of Zelda. I am currently playing splatoon and pokken tournament so catch up on my active posts on the games.
smashcolby th3dam1anproject
hey guys it's me colby this account is for my new game called fightathon for the pc i am making it right now it should be out next summer so this is information about it there are 55 characters 24 stages i will add some more stages later the game is in 2D you fight each other obviously there is a mode for 16 people at ounce but regular is 4 all the characters stages etc. are original ideas from me
Jacob Jac_Pal
Hello, my name is Jacob. I own a Wii and a Wii U. The games I own are in my favorite communites. I play every day and also play with Nerf. I will read EVERY comment and friend request. I DO NOT tolorate swearing and other non-family friendly things. I an VERY strict about this. I DO NOT accept friend request's that swear. I love to make new friends and send me a friend reuqest any time. See ya!
Mark megafighter2001
Mikaelochi Mikaelochi
A casual fellow who enjoys science, mathematics, philosophy, history, & video games. R.I.P Satoru Iwata. On February 11, 2016, the LIGO & Virgo teams announced that they had made the first direct observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole system exactly as predicted by Einstein's general theory of relativity in 1916. I recently became interested in the philosophy of education.
Daniel ParaKooper
I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan who grew up with the DS and Wii. My all-time favorite game series is Kirby, and I also love the Mario and Mother/Earthbound series. Anyone who opposes Nintendo will get dunked on. I'm always looking for new followers, so Falcon Punch that Follow button to join my empire of dank memes and Nintendo love!
Abat Wolf2 Raptorclaw1741
Hey guys! I am Abat Wolf's doppleganger. I am actually the same person. Hobbies: Video Games, Gymnastics, eating(I have a VERY high motabolysm), Soccer, Reading, and Writing. Words to describe me: Fast, Clever, Inventive, Funny, Prankster, Math Ace. Game Systems Owned: Wii, Wii u, DSi, 3DS. Family: Two little brothers, a mom and a dad, 45+ cousins. Favorite Titles: SSB4 and Hyrule Warriors.
BrainGamer sebasalondra
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Lucas P. MeandSamBFFL
Hi! My name is Lucas, also known as Laquisha Sacagawayway Brown! I'm a big fan of Pokémon, Mario, Zelda, MLP, Disney, Final Fantasy and Steven Universe! Feel free to add me or say hi, I'm a great friend! :)
★Cole★ Cole1218
Hey. I play Super Smash Bros. and Pokken. I main Corrin in Smash, and Mewtwo in Pokken. If you somehow know me in person I will fight you. But probably nobody else.
Fenrir~kun UltixWolf
Fufufu~ Kakkatei Koi my rivals in smash!~ -also, it may not always be me on this, but i'm sure you'd be able to tell when it is.
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Mason MaceTheJoker
Hi there! I'm Mason. I'm 20 years old. I love Legend of Zelda,Super Smash Bros,Xenoblade Chronicles,and Kid Icarus: Uprising.I'm a laid back guy,who is a tad competitive sometimes,I like to have a good laugh,aaaand maybe a few good puns. xD I'm also a Christian,and I also like Pokemon and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Stay cool and respectful,guys. ;) P.S. I love to play Smash,especially with friends.
Nintεη jayrod248
(T) w i t t e r : @ YourAvNobody (almost never used) (C) l o s e d v e r s e: @ k i n k m c c l o u d (or @13) (D) i s c o r d : @ k i n k m c c l o u d#0354
Goncas sportingaeiou
Hi! I'm Gonçalo but you can call me Goncas! I'm 16 years old, and I like... stuff...! I also draw... stuff.. Favorite game: Kingdom Hearts II Unfavorite game: IDK probably Paper Mario Sticker Star… I'm rarely here nowadays but feel free to see my posts
Ronan Leathley
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Da'Jon TheTrueLuigifan
Hiya♪ The name Da'Jon. I'm a 21 year old Bisexual furry guy who love nintendo. I'm a shy and quiet preson who loves draw Luigi, Fnaf, Sonic, and Guardians of Ga'hoole. My first Mario game was donkey kong. When Mario brother for nes came out I saw the green wonder Luigi. I always play as second player. I always enjoy playing as him. He was always number one to me.
Rdowg IamRdowg
I am Rex I like cereal I like chocolate milk too I like to read the obituaries I like to watch you sleep I like your breathing I like candy Just don't turn around, okay?
Meteor C2Vproductions
BlueDude87 BlueBomberFan87
What's up, Miiverse? I'm a Mega Man fan that has been a gamer since 1989! I enjoy many different genres like action games with the Mega Man games being my favorite ones to play! I'm a big Zelda fan too that has been playing since Ocarina of Time. I play some JRPGs as well with the Xenoblade Chronicles series being my favorite JRPG series. Also, I'm a Christian & I enjoy making new friends!
john johnmatos05
This user's profile comment is private.
Kevin RikdoOsaka
iDabes iDabes
Chris OP123CM8710WILLB
I make posts about games, & things relative to games. I mostly yeah to keep track of the posts I've commented on. NOTE: Haven't been active as much as I used to be, but still trying to make a comeback. (I'll post whenever I feel like it.)
Heath HavNoFear
Hi, I've been gaming for as long as I can remember. My first system was the original Gameboy. First game I ever beat was Kirby's Dreamland. My favorite platformer is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. I'm waiting for more Metroid! Also, mi parolas esperanton! Google it. :-D I am also a Twitch streamer with a youtube channel, but Miiverse rules say I can't put the link here. :( I'm Heath Himself!
Čκ★Мūƒƒÿ Precious12
Hello I'm Muffy Clans: Ġß◆, Čκ☆ BFF's: PĀ◆Venom, Alaia (fam), Eli, Sparks, Chris, Tran, Rain, Thunder & others… Cool dude...Snow (fam) I am a grown young lady who has no time for craziness in her life. I'm very nice & sweet until pushed. You act weird or strange, I will block you. I have no time for pretenders in my life. I value friendship's but you can be dismissed along with your drama!
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Thanks for playing! 2014-2016