Luz's Followers
フラペチーノ ayuzu0114
なに笑ってんの。ほんと無理やわ。 性格どうかしてる泣(笑) 席替え 運 ありませんでした。 最悪ですね泣 #shizuku いつもありがと♪いつでも頼り! l o v e *
axelle Aroelle
Wii U Chat PrincessPeachHi8
♥Love P.Peach+P.Daisy+Tony★♪♭♀♂♥ ♥★P.Nancy+P.Kevi+P.Julie★♀♂♪♭♥ Princess Peach ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀♚ロゼッタ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⭐Queen of the Mushrooms⭐ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❝My Name Is Princess Peach❞ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀❥Ꮪɪɴɢʟᴇ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ஐ..•.¸¸• All
Pjotir Pjotir
My favorite game is minecraft for the wii u
ポツキー harakinako
こんにちは! 8月9日からはじめました、 新人の、『ポツキー』です! 皆さん、フォローよろしくです! あと、初めてでミーバースの使い方が わからないから、教えてください! (500人目指してます!) Please give me!
Hisaま2 a2y23a
どうも、Hisaま2です。 質問コーナー(パチパチパチw 名前は?»彩音(あやね 何歳?»12歳 何年?»中1 部活は?»ソフトテニス部 好きなユーチューバーは? 桐崎栄二/ノーブランド/ 禁断ボーイズ/怪盗ピンキー/ スカイピース 好きな歌手は? 欅坂46/ゆず/セカオワ/ LittleGleeMonster 彼氏はいる?»いるぉ)*´∀`*) このぐらいで質問は終わるよぉ 質問があったらどんどん聞いて◎ 更新日 10がつ23にち
raven r.pjunior
hi my name is raven i am 12 years old. i love any fnaf game, tattletail, miiverse,the new it movie my 2 fav characters out of it are pennywise and eddie,i love acnl and pokemon. my favourite colour is any shade of blue! follow me and i'll follow u back like my posts too!^ω^ i love ghosts and horror. i love to make new friends. and remember be you have fun and live a little byee
rockstar* Alyssa20601
hi im alyssa i have the best two brother james mr assassin man hes cool my other brother william hes a really good gammer thx for sharing thank you :) my best is chloe.
☆★αηηα★☆ annacanet-16
Preparados...Primera toma...Acción! Espera q se ha roto un botoncito...Es el q pone seguir, apretalo haber q passa?¿↑↑↑↑↑ Hola ANNGAMERS! Soy Anna una Kawaii ˘ε˘... Cosas sobre mi: ●Charladora ◆Romantica ■Kawaii ▲Diveeeer ☆Depooortista ★Amable Seguidme please.Follow me please. Hotel Trivago ★★★★☆ βγε ˇε˘ Sigo siendo AnnaGamer★ me he cambiado el apodo.Si queris mas informacion visita mis publis ↓↓↓
Ninja-King masterofgaming98
Welcome To My Profile Don't take The drawings To Serousley Follow For Follow Miiverse Is Ending i No Its Sad ¯\(•–•)/¯ XD Good Morning If You Like My Post i'll Give You A cookie ('-') ;) Eye Patchs Thanks for 200 Followers
!プラチナ! iiyume39
イテッ…顔ボチ…? Thank youです \^о^/♪ 一時期は『ミバ終了!?』などの 報道も何度かあったんですが、 今回はほんとに終わるんですね。 投稿はフォロー数の隣にある「投稿」 からみることをお勧めします。 ふぉろー100%返します。お願いします! 外したらもちろん私も外しますよ(óωò) ~プロフ更新日~ 11/5, 0時00分頃更新!
Luisa Riku-Sora123
Willkommen Miiverse in meinem Profil!! ^~^ Ich mag Pferde und zocken. Mein lieblingsspiel ist:Kingdom Hearts (alle teile) ;) Lieblings Super smash spieler: Ike,Roy,Rosalina,Toon Link, Cloud,Sonic und Corrin Lieblings Animes: Clannad, Pokemon, Black Butler, Tari Tari,Noragami,... Ein danke an alle und natürlich auch Miiverse! Liebe Grüße von Luisa
★LEA★ Rosalie0603
My Dearest friends and followers: The End is Near:/ Don’t know if I will be here til the END . But I just wanted to Thank you for the Awesome ride. It was a pleasure knowing some of y’all.Going to Miss you . Thanks for your yeahs and comments. May your Future look As Bright as you and May the Lord Bless you & your family. If you ever see me online Say HiLea:) Peace out / Keep on gaming:D 9903
RIP esco 1 escoticinc_2th
I AM escoticinc REBORN Muhahaha!!!!!!!!!
Bryden WingSpurz
Hai peeps! I love animal crossing,Super Mario,And Other Games Too! I LIKE DRAWING PUCTURES ON WII U
Alex_PvP ItsAlex_PvP
Hey! I'm leader of Dragon Clan To Join: Need PvP at the end of your name, second buy the chinsnes skin pack
T-Rex UnLawfulSpoon640
★Oмgρσρ 1337ggs
I go by Omgpop
pac man minecraftfan2642
dddddrew andrewb_7soccer
Hi everyone! i am open to any friend requests i play super smash mario kart 8 breath of the wild and splatoon i am american and i visit miiverse often, thnx! ^-^
Candy vanwagner500
hey I am 16 I love singing camping and swimming and I enjoy being with my friends I also love school and being with my family I also love baby sitting and I love coloring anyone can follow me any time of day I have Autism and ADHD I love cats and horses and I want to be a teacher when I grow up!
Mr.Lonely… majistaobra
Umm...Hello there...Why did you check my profile? Im just your average minecraft/terraria player...I already know Im wierd...I like sports,pokemon and working favorite drawers are Nico...(On my freinds list) and Meme senpai...Friends are important...Don't ever betray them...espacially when they trust you...Touch screen is broken...Sigh Still here? WARNING! CRINGE ALERT ↓↓↓↓↓
♪☆★JTG☆★♪♂ joandrasincere
Hello Miiverse, I am Jayden, aka JTG, nice to meet you! (If we haven't met) Here is some stuff about me. Games: SSB4, Minecraft, and Splatoon BFFS: RF★Aqua, Woomy, Dani, much more. Me: I love making new friends and meeting people, I have a YouTube channel (Jayden The Gamer), and I am nice. Part of the LOW★, PSU★ and RF★ clan Leaders: Woomy (LOW★) Dani (PSU★) And RF★Aqua (RF★) Have a wonderful day
Zach AwesomeZach101
Hi. My Name Is Zach, My Favorite Wii U Games are Super Smash Brothers and Super Mario Maker. I like the originals like Metroid and Dr.Mario. I am A Intermediate Gamer. My Favorite Type of Games are Platformers,Fighting, And Action-Adventure
jacob lakeisha12
Hi my name is jacob i like minecraft,undertale and five nights at freddy's
GH☆Tiny! kookceb_tiny
it's pronounced Koo Keb im the leader of the gold helm clan! but... Due to leocypher, im closing the gold helm clan
♪sαναηηαн♪ CourtSmith
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Lucky/SML SpiderBatman855
Hello Im Luck i Do YouTube/ Love Drawing likes Mairo stuff fun facts (^o^) 1 i love superMairologan and chilly (^-^) 2 Chilly vlogs are life 3 wants to be friends with every one I will find lots of drawing Bye (^-^)
Mii Sauth235
I love to roleplay and i to try to make characters but i can't draw X3 also i do follow for follow and i like to make new friends. if you give me a friend request i'll except! i also like the game Subnautica!!!!!! I am a part of Hell's Angels Kyle: (till tomorrow) It took only three days to get three hundred follow
Gav liljimmyleroy
I love MINECRAFT! Favorite song (whole blurryface album by Twenty One Pilots) Favorite sports player (Messi) Favorite show (DR. PHIL!) [ i likez memes
james domglenn
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dominic glenjamin2k2
hello i like terraria and pokemon :) :) :) ..............:] ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Alison FlashGirl12
Hello everyone!I'm Alison and I'm 12 years old.And my 3 best friends on Miiverse are Candy Kyle and Canyon,please follow them if you haven't already.And I'm not going to ask you to follow me because that's your choice but if you do then I promise to follow you too but my goal is to reach 200 followers!So check out my posts and have a wonderful day!Thanks for reading,Bye!
chris christhebest78
Michael mjd2.05
Keithen Keithen5
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abeck abeck0486
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GTblazers4 gtk012
yo im golden:D
Skydosemc ocrippen
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Shôko Goldielemmon2003
Salut moi c'est... à je vais pas vous donnez mon prénom, tout simplement appelez moi Lucy. J'ai 13 ans. Voilà c'est tout enfin juste j'adore les mangas surtout Fairy Tail, clin d'oeil à mes ami(e)s : Natsu, Mirajane, Erza et Wendy
Hi I`m SweatHeart1234! Everyone Can Friend I am friendly to everyone! Friend me to Play Minecraft...
Hi I`m SweatHeart1234! Everyone Can Friend I am friendly to everyone! Friend me to Play Minecraft with Me