Users Luz Is Following
DarkJames DarkRoastJames
Hi, I'm the president and co-founder of Dark Roast Entertainment. We hope you enjoy our game, Lucadian Chronicles. You can try it for free, just download it from the eShop!
Joe Flanneryaug
Wii U Games Owned: New Super Mario Bros. U Nintendoland ZombiU Batman Arkham City Super Mario 3D World The Wonderful 101 Mighty Switch Force Toki Tori 1+2 Edge Block Drop U Scram Kitty Mario Kart 8 Pikmin 3 Shovel Knight PDSF Bayonetta 1+2 Super Smash Bros. for Wii SteamWorld Dig Art of Balance Earthbound
Mö Musashí ShinyMegaDarkrai
~ MoXaShi mains- Falco, Samus, R.O.B, Cloud, ??? ~GG_MoXaShi_EX mains~ Lucario, R.Pika, Sceptile, Gardevoir Currently playing: (1.)Pokken, Smash4, Xenoblade & FF advanced.
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
Bret BigleyAndStuff
Hello! Welcome to my profile! I'm just your average gamer. Currently waiting for Zelda U + Majora's Mask 3D. I have a 3DS, it's just not linked to my Wii U. See you people later! :D My top 5 favorite game series: 1. The Legend of Zelda 2. Super Smash Bros 3. Dragon Age 4. Fire Emblem 5. Kid Icarus "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"
diego bezerkkid
i like video games alot and online too.
prettygirl pill90
love watermelon hate musterd
★★Andrea★★ Dragovelox
★ Wolfy ★ WolfyManga175
Wolfy's here! ^_^ Things I totally love to do are: •drawing manga •playing video games •watching TV •reading •watching videos •playing the game "Animal Jam" •writing Anyway, thanks for everything! Also, please comment on my posts for Miiverse! :D
‹—CΞГΐИΞ—« hola2002celine
omg(\*o*/)Thx 4 clicking my face!XD Ho-ola:3!I'm Celine★•★but u can call me Cc^^ •I‹3Drawing&skating •I lik3 Manga&Anime!^▼^(Noragami★) •I ♡ KPOP!!!! •My favourite game:ACNL ~My best friend are.•Lucia•.&Mattia follow them they are awesome!!^³^ Dont go down!!! Dont!! Ok just jokingXD Bye!!^▼^
luna☆ chato2002
Adam ImACookieBun
Yummy Bun To You
°•.ΝαΗα.•° reresysy
Salut ! Bienvenue sur ma page miiverse ! J'adore Tomodachie life et mk7 Abonne toi...↑√♪ J'ai 12 years ★☆♪
axelle Aroelle
raven r.pjunior
hi my name is raven i am 12 years old. i love any fnaf game, tattletail, miiverse,the new it movie my 2 fav characters out of it are pennywise and eddie,i love acnl and pokemon. my favourite colour is any shade of blue! follow me and i'll follow u back like my posts too!^ω^ i love ghosts and horror. i love to make new friends. and remember be you have fun and live a little byee
Rini~chan 5Raquel
Hola soy Rini~chan y tengo que deciros que por favor entrar en internet, buscar petition save Miiverse y firmar, necesitamos 2.500 firmas y ya llevamos 2.000 y poco. Plis fimar si queréis estar en Miiverse. ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡FIRMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
rockstar* Alyssa20601
hi im alyssa i have the best two brother james mr assassin man hes cool my other brother william hes a really good gammer thx for sharing thank you :) my best is chloe.
Jotaro Strife_CHAOS437
I am the OG meme man, hailing from the dark corners of the TF2 server browser. Being a Heavy main is a hard job these days. I know that I draw terribly: I don't care. DIOOOOOOO is out of commission atm. For the last time, yes this is a JoJo reference. rerorerorero
Tilou tilou5
Yo. abonez vous prochain objectif 700 aboner plus :Mon profil bcp minecraft mario maker et splatoon faite moi une demande d'ami mot pour mes abonner:merci de continuer a suivre mes message et a likez mes message xD je veut des bon amis bonne vacance tout le mondes ceut qui joue a minecraft demander moi et merci de vous abonner je suis fier de vous :-D bah c tout a+ <3 bye-bye...
★Antia☆SMV Antia-Sansgirl
Hola soy ★Antia☆ y gracias por seguirme y ser mis amig@s... significa mucho para mí... ...Gracias por todo... Voy a extrañar a: Karen, mangle2•0, Anna, Sans, Brittany y ☆Alexa☆ Sobre todo... voy a extrañar a ·●Nathan●· y a BestG. 3.0 Ellos han sido los únicos que me han apoyado y ayudado en los buenos y malos momentos... #SaveMiiverse please ;-; Last day of MV...
☆★αηηα★☆ annacanet-16
Preparados...Primera toma...Acción! Espera q se ha roto un botoncito...Es el q pone seguir, apretalo haber q passa?¿↑↑↑↑↑ Hola ANNGAMERS! Soy Anna una Kawaii ˘ε˘... Cosas sobre mi: ●Charladora ◆Romantica ■Kawaii ▲Diveeeer ☆Depooortista ★Amable Seguidme please.Follow me please. Hotel Trivago ★★★★☆ βγε ˇε˘ Sigo siendo AnnaGamer★ me he cambiado el apodo.Si queris mas informacion visita mis publis ↓↓↓
aLeix##&11 AleixX888
Hooolaaa Gamers soy Aleix un newwwww mii en miiverse.Hay cosas q dan suerte en la vida y hay q no, pero en ese botón q pone +Seguir da una suuerteee... y más si es el mio!!!Bueno espero seguidoressss. Y seguir a mi hermana es muuuy buena annacanet-16 byeeeeee
ポツキー harakinako
こんにちは! 8月9日からはじめました、 新人の、『ポツキー』です! 皆さん、フォローよろしくです! あと、初めてでミーバースの使い方が わからないから、教えてください! (500人目指してます!) Please give me!
Hisaま2 a2y23a
どうも、Hisaま2です。 質問コーナー(パチパチパチw 名前は?»彩音(あやね 何歳?»12歳 何年?»中1 部活は?»ソフトテニス部 好きなユーチューバーは? 桐崎栄二/ノーブランド/ 禁断ボーイズ/怪盗ピンキー/ スカイピース 好きな歌手は? 欅坂46/ゆず/セカオワ/ LittleGleeMonster 彼氏はいる?»いるぉ)*´∀`*) このぐらいで質問は終わるよぉ 質問があったらどんどん聞いて◎ 更新日 10がつ23にち
Pjotir Pjotir
My favorite game is minecraft for the wii u
!プラチナ! iiyume39
イテッ…顔ボチ…? Thank youです \^о^/♪ 一時期は『ミバ終了!?』などの 報道も何度かあったんですが、 今回はほんとに終わるんですね。 投稿はフォロー数の隣にある「投稿」 からみることをお勧めします。 ふぉろー100%返します。お願いします! 外したらもちろん私も外しますよ(óωò) ~プロフ更新日~ 11/5, 0時00分頃更新!
[ΣΨ] Ruth teamarnold05
Hi! I'm Ruth! I like Pokemon, Legend Of Zelda, and Super Mario! I hope to have at least 100 followers someday! (My birthday is November 27, not 1/20.)
..***.,VMR vmarahia
Miiverse is ending might aswell get banned
chloe Chloedragon72
Luisa Riku-Sora123
Willkommen Miiverse in meinem Profil!! ^~^ Ich mag Pferde und zocken. Mein lieblingsspiel ist:Kingdom Hearts (alle teile) ;) Lieblings Super smash spieler: Ike,Roy,Rosalina,Toon Link, Cloud,Sonic und Corrin Lieblings Animes: Clannad, Pokemon, Black Butler, Tari Tari,Noragami,... Ein danke an alle und natürlich auch Miiverse! Liebe Grüße von Luisa
Megan☆♪☆ catmari0
Star_Sun kawaiigirl10
Happy hallowen EVERYONE love so much all! Star_Sun OUT and follow me xd BYE >///<
Ninja-King masterofgaming98
Welcome To My Profile Don't take The drawings To Serousley Follow For Follow Miiverse Is Ending i No Its Sad ¯\(•–•)/¯ XD Good Morning If You Like My Post i'll Give You A cookie ('-') ;) Eye Patchs Thanks for 200 Followers
★LEA★ Rosalie0603
My Dearest friends and followers: The End is Near:/ Don’t know if I will be here til the END . But I just wanted to Thank you for the Awesome ride. It was a pleasure knowing some of y’all.Going to Miss you . Thanks for your yeahs and comments. May your Future look As Bright as you and May the Lord Bless you & your family. If you ever see me online Say HiLea:) Peace out / Keep on gaming:D 9903
RIP esco 1 escoticinc_2th
I AM escoticinc REBORN Muhahaha!!!!!!!!!
********** sebastian873
My Clan! if you want to join you must put a "ku" at the end of your name example: Raccon > Raku
Bryden WingSpurz
Hai peeps! I love animal crossing,Super Mario,And Other Games Too! I LIKE DRAWING PUCTURES ON WII U
ITZDestPvP destroye7272
Emperiql ItzRqkuPvP
✠Dreqm Drqgon Clan✠ ♦ItsAlex_PvP ♦ItzRqkuPvP ♦Itz_Jonaku_PvP17 ♦ItsJeriodPvP ♦ItzAJPvP2003 ♦ItsJoshPvP ♦ItsLuigiMarioPvP ♦ItzLinklePvPz ♦SoulElitePvP ♦Mine_King_PvP ♦ItzDrqgonPvP ♦ItzSqnifaPvP/ItsSanifa-KUPvP ♦ItzShqdowPvP ♦ItzDemolisherPvP ♦ChaosPvP ♦Abeck ♦ItzRosePvP ♦corr2014 ♦Nirmall ♦Wipeout ♦Nerrdxcorre ============== Clan Wins: 009 Clan Loss: 004 =============== My PvP Name: Vqnishing
#Quitting LuckyLucy22
Thinking about quitting Wii U™, IDK yet. Idk um, I just wanna do something new? I'm kind of bored of Wii U™. No offense, I love this console, the problem is, Minecraft™ is kind of getting repetitive. Sorry for unexpected. My Heart And Souls: Pia, Lina, Jack, Kyle, Jazzy, Kenai, Ariana, Abeck, Bonnie, Maddie, Ruby and Courtz. I love you guys and i'll miss you.
Cutie_Pie cute_lina_06
T-Rex UnLawfulSpoon640
GH☆Tiny! kookceb_tiny
it's pronounced Koo Keb im the leader of the gold helm clan! but... Due to leocypher, im closing the gold helm clan
yariel yarielvaldez
pac man minecraftfan2642
★Oмgρσρ 1337ggs
I go by Omgpop
Court The_Knickers
Hi I`m SweatHeart1234! Everyone Can Friend I am friendly to everyone! Friend me to Play Minecraft...
Hi I`m SweatHeart1234! Everyone Can Friend I am friendly to everyone! Friend me to Play Minecraft with Me