Oscar's Yeahs

Comment on Oscar's Post


7 hours ago

Info is on my favorite post, so you'll know who I am. :)

Comment on Oscar's Post


7 hours ago

its been great on miiverse! I will add you on the dizzcord and notify you.

Comment on Oscar's Post


7 hours ago

I'll miss your art. Take care!

Comment on Oscar's Post

Double Dee

8 hours ago

I'm Gorgonzales.

Comment on Oscar's Post


9 hours ago

Ipm going to miss you and your art, man! Stay well! And thank you again for that Guyver drawing!

Comment on Oscar's Post

SSJ Tyler

9 hours ago

Farewell you wonderful man!

Comment on Oscar's Post


10 hours ago

Sooo... Your user name in deviantart is (toilet word)forbrainschan, no?

Comment on Oscar's Post


11 hours ago

I’m gonna miss the Hues. (and the Ham) see ya on dizchord. c:

Comment on Oscar's Post


12 hours ago

Nvm, I sent you a fc as Mr. Good

Comment on Oscar's Post


12 hours ago

Bye Oscar. (Well on Miiverse anyway)

Comment on Oscar's Post


13 hours ago

Bye Oscar!

Comment on Oscar's Post


13 hours ago

I already have you boy. See you on the other side.

Comment on Oscar's Post


14 hours ago

Thank you so much for your wacky posts!

Comment on Oscar's Post


15 hours ago

Comment on Oscar's Post


15 hours ago

Hope to see you outside the realm of Miiverse. Perhaps DeviantArt or Tumblr...

Comment on Oscar's Post


15 hours ago

Goodbye my friend! Have a fantastic life!

Comment on Oscar's Post


16 hours ago

See ya around man, I always liked your drawings. Hue...

Comment on Oscar's Post


16 hours ago

Hue man... thx for your drawings

Comment on Oscar's Post


16 hours ago

Farewell and have a fantastic life.

Comment on Oscar's Post


18 hours ago

Has been an absolute delight man, you've done so much amazing stuff with Miiverse's system! Thank you for bein a pal! Will miss seeing your stuff in my feed.