Users Oscar Is Following
Sockboy SockzRcool1
Welcome, to the socktastic world of Sockboy, The one and only sock wearing boy in miiverse! i put a lot of imagination and a lil' humor in this gallery so if you want, yeah a post or two or follow me! and don't feel shy to try and friend me i'm a very trustworthy and entertaining guy, be sure to chat with me a little first. well, enjoy my socktastic art!
Dr.Eggman GiantTalkingEgg
Yo, this is Mr.Waft. I'll use this alt. whenever I'm out of posts on my main.
DooThreed oops.avi
Dooveed's other alt. My other profiles are Dooveed and Twoveed. If you're reading this you probably already follow my main, so good for you. Don't expect good drawings from this account; I'll likely only use this if I get permanently banned on Wii U.
Baked Tato MissInnu
Missingno-Senpai here. (Or call me Flo.) LEADER OF {PA} and [Sв]... It's only a matter of time before I disappear. So please, my friends, try to contact me, with the informations I gave you. Farewell, Miiversians.
♪★Jυηε★♪ SilverLover06
Why hello there! I'm June, a girl who draws herself way too much and loves tsunderes and bunny suits. Uw< Here you can follow the posts involving June, Casper, Yoshi Bot en de rest! "June is always right!" - June, 2014 I'm sorry if I don't respond to your comments. I do acknowledge them though! If you want a bunch of Fates posts, go to my 3DS account, GoofyfanGJA.
Voxridian Nintendrew97
Hello! I'm Voxridian, previously known as Gills! Pleasure to meet you :) I loved Miiverse, so I will miss this place! Ya'll have been so kind, thank you so much! I consider myself a cartoonist, positive entertainer, writer, voice artist and humorist. ♂ 20 Libra
Oy! I'm HKR (or call me Heather if ya want), and welcome to Miiverse!! I only play games because it is filled with hype, fun, and entertainment! And...I normally do post stuff to have friends here who like to spend their time here too. I also love anything but chicken and competition for fun! So sit back and relax. Update: I now play games on 3DS P.S.: Give Chrono some love please! He needs it. :D
Louie HandsomeSkully80
Justïn Gecko321
Heyo, Justin here. I'm just a guy working hard to becoming a great artist at some point in my life. Hope you enjoy my drawings and whatnot~ WiiU get- 3/5/14 3DS get- 6/15/16 Thanks Miiverse, it's been a wild ride :) Find me tumbling around a place called Melonhut Goodbye, and thank you... -Justin
«Paranoia» xxConMan-Trickxx
◆[тaken by Ðεмøη Кıηg]◆ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello I'm Paranoia, I'm just a simple artist who wants to improve... I draw on other accounts from time-to-time.
Dragon Dragon4527
Hallo, I got me a Wii U as of 9/19/15 Woohoo!! I like et alot so far. l:p Now I've had me Wii U for a year, 9/19/15 - 9/19/16 Woohoo!! Now 2 years! WOO! Another anniversary! 9/19/15 - 9/19/17
Jamie AfroNinja1996
Wacky toon boy who loves to doodle and eat noodle. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon. @afroninja180
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Brendan brendancorris
I'm a long time gamer who grew up with the NES and SNES. My favorite genre is 2D platformers such as Super Mario Bros, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Lost Vikings, Mega Man, Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, and loads more. I also like plenty of other genres, and I love The Legend of Zelda. I draw cartoons a lot. I love horror movies, video games, TMNT, everything 1980s and early 90s, and lots more.
Diаnе ImaginneRush19
I love anime, fighting games, anime fighting games, and Nintendo. -- * Mains * GGXrd - Millia SFV - Cammy, Alex (Ibuki hype.) Skullgirls - Cerebella Pokkén - Lucario Smash - Mewtwo, ZS Samus, Ness -- Oh, I also draw sometimes.
DROOPY droopy2323
Kyle Xavier830
Hey there everyone! I'm Kyle Lyons, also known as Karisen and I'm an artist. I love drawing, painting, playing video games, watching movies, listing to music and going on the internet. My plans for the future is to be an Illustrator, an Animator, a Cartoonist, an Actor, a Voice Actor and a Singer. I also want to make my own comic books, animated series, movies and video games! ;D
JCMatt Mr.MattAttorney
Hi, my name is Matthew, but you can just call me Matt, ok? I'm a BIG fan of AceAttorney/GyakutenSaiban and Mother/EarthBound series. And i LOVE to draw and play videogames. I also speak spanish. (Well, it's my first language after all) So, hope you like my posts. Bye!
Saturizzle SkeletonKnight82
Hello there, my name is Louis, also known as Saturizzle. I enjoy drawing, I sometimes do like to show my creations, but I mostly like to entertain you. That's my main goal here. Not much of a profile to be honest, I hope you enjoy my works, that is a way to show support, on which I do seriously appreciate.
David G david-waterfalls
Haru LegendaryHaru
Haru here! No more wii u, but I'm glad I can still use my phone to look around miiverse. Sorry about yeah bombs, and have a great day!
Dooveed baconsoap3700
Just look around for Dooveed. Sometimes with "the" and potentially an underscore.
xd wuss poppin b yeah, i dont care moved to ig: kathsaurus i love dank memes Still here? Seriously annoying
Ray Raywasbanned
I'm Ray, the meme queen, and 18. Also sometimes likes to make poopy drawings. I never ever ever ever accept blank friend requests. (I won't accept it if we haven't talked much either) IT WAS BIG, SCARY, AND PINK!
Waggysaggy Oneiroturge
Powerful fish. My gaming experience is decent I guess, but you'll probably just find me through doodles anyways ( º~º)
Pudgi littlegreenlady
Age: 23 Amateurish and Lazy Artist Big Dork I am nice person and I get along with others ,but I'm very shy.^^;; Please no wii-u chats Well ,have a nice day everyone! (This page is rated M for Mature)
NS-Aladeen AladeenMF
It's a me, Aldo ;D No Wii U chat, sorry :( 26 years old, likes to play and draw Loves Shantae :D
Groose Groose
Now let me start off by saying that I am Groose (Only the best character ever made), from The Legend of Zelda:Skyward Sword. Now then, Everybody just Flip-a-Dip! Original OCs -Skitward -Baseball Cat -Jake Barbra Steel -Mittens Marvin -Snip Slum -Barrel Chest Dennis ˙˙˙^ ˙˙˙|˙\ ˙˙˙|˙˙\ ˙˙˙|˙˙˙\_ ˙˙˙|˙˙˙˙˙\_ ˙˙˙|˙˙_˙˙_˙\ ˙|\|˙/˙\/˙˙\ \/| ˙˙\||@|˙@˙||/ ˙˙˙\|˙˙==˙˙\/ ˙˙˙˙˙\_____/| ˙˙˙˙˙˙|——/|
R.Echo SilentMoon911
Hiya folks, I'm Rhythmic-Echo or you can call me R.Echo or Moony for short. I'm an artist and animator that likes to make all sorts of artwork and I'm currently working on improving. Some of the things I love and a big fan of are: classic cartoons, Anime/Manga, video games and steampunk. I also love making friends so don't be shy ^v^ ♪Rhythmic-Echo♪ An Echoed Melody~♪
VY1Pink Creepypasta325
Shea/13/Texas/Taken I'm just your casual Nintendo fan that likes drawing, collecting figures, and playing games. Have a good day~ @BlueLightOfDeath @UmmHai @GamerGirl325 Colors!3D and other media: VY1Pink *Always up to play Smash 4 or Mario Kart 7/8*
Aftertaste SilverWolfSilent
Patti 1Patti
This user's profile comment is private.
davidwhite DavidWhites