★ßεηzσ★'s Followers
Sky Sky_Blackquill
Sup, I'm a 15 yo German boy, who bought a Wii U for no reason and now doesn't really know what to do with said console. I mainly play Mario Maker and might get making soon.
UK mario1 nathanj04
Feeling: HAPPY. Lol u clicked on my face didin't u. well nice to meet u my name is Nathan and I love video games sports hunting fishing and going outside if u are wondering how old I am im 9 im turning 10 this year I LOVE MARIO MINECRAFT TRERRAIA AND CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPPS 2 AND MIIVERSE!!! SO MUCH! i have 1 brother and 2 sisters my gender is a boy plz follow me and yeah my post have a great day!
FreshMetro FreshMetro
No point in trying to think up a comment
michael rylzgaming
hello, i'm michael and iam 10ish, play my super mario maker courses please, and i also play mario kart 8 and splatoon and minecraft. on my 2ds, i play mario kart 7, super mario 3d land, tomodachi life and i am soon getting animal crossing: new leaf. follow me and friend me cause it will help me, yeah my posts aswell. big brother: rylie. bye! bye.. SLAMS DOOR IN FACE*
Verti CoolyEpic
Hey, I'm Verti. I'm a professional pixel art creator. If you want any of my pixel art in your level, just ask! I'm not really focused on Making levels. I'm more of a pixel art guy. But I do tend to play and review courses on YT Which are either popular, or not. Sometimes I may take suggestions to what course I should play, or I might find them randomly. Thanks for the support on YT!
SupaBadmin STrickster824
Hello What brings you here? Miiverse is like about to end tomorrow. So goodbye
franco17 leonidasalexande
hi my name is franco and i just got my wiiu so do u want to be my friend
Leo LegoGuy777
CJ CJ-DJ-InTheHouse
Zach Nerd456-Hi
MORGAN!!!! ktieszen
hi,my name is Morgan and i am awesome. (i dont give info about me, that isnt my real birth day, either. if u follow me i will follow you.GOAL IS A 1000 FOLLOWERS BOI'SSSSSSSSSS.I have had my wiiu for almost three years, bout a month away. i like minecraft,madden,splatoon,mostly everything involving chaos, voilence, and death. (yeah i know :-/). This is what i like and i enjoy sports. its been 400w
Sebastian Sebacel527
Imogen ImoneK
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Gyro wodolija
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chris horseisthenumber
Robot markrmarkr
Hey, I'm E_X_P_L_O_SION9/BurningInBlueFlames7, I enjoy watching YouTube, playing games and acting! That's kinda it...
bschlee gottfried123456y
hallo Ich bin 12 Jahre alt Liblings spiel (e): Splatoon, Mario Kart 8 fifa 13 Willkommen auf meinen Profil fifa 13 ist auch voll cool Liebe Grüße splatoon ist bei mir gerade voll auf trab Im Privaten Kampf können mit mir alle spielen Ich bin oft Online in splatoon. ich hoffe mein Prfil gefält euch (P.S. in fifa 13 bin ich auch voll gut) ----------------------------------------
こうすけ marian4142
りょうた w123zxc
†ιεοη† CryoxHD
#Nintendo4Life Hey Guys im a big nintendo fan♥ Add me and we can play together :) I'm from Germany← Thx for 200 Follower♥♥♥ ♪I listen to: Cloud Rap♪ ♡I love Japan♡ ☆My favourite food is Pizza☆ My favourite Games:MK8, TomoDachi Life, Splatoon Favourite Artist:£εα★Cro♪ H A V E A N I C E D A Y
slim★shady schamps
hey everyone i love splatoon and super smash bros be free to send me a friend request anytime
Thomas famillesimpson
CqlumGqmez calumfm
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&Æ$ÞËR bdsoze
How is it going? Im sans the comedian. I am a pokemon nerd. I love mew. I have not lived a full life. Follow these friends of mine. ☆Matt★: He is a really nice guy with a great heart. Foxy123 (Chara): He is really cool with swag drawings. melee18: He is a nice person who is excellent at minecraft. Thats all I have to say. Y U DOWN HERE?????
Kolb Kolbytroopa
Hello Mario Makers My Name Is Kolby Make friends and will start a Making Club Give yeahs to my posts and comments
pro•kenan 1kenan06
Hi and bye
Warner Target2121
Hi im Warner a current Super mario maker creator im not that popular on the game but some day i want to be if that day ever comes?? I play Super Smash Bros. so if you want to play with me just ask. P.S im not that Great :] I Dont mind talking to people on miiverse so ill talk anytime if you want to?? Plus im apart of two Groups The NAS and the NLM incase your wondering!! Thats About it see ya!!
Çä||ämärĺ billbobob
I like Super Mario Maker! I have a series called Wiggler Story! Be sure to check it out! I'm part of the 3 Mii-keteers, along with chris, and TRG▲ħäñķ!
SMAP! ryuryuryu0328
こんにちは ジャイアンです。高校1年生です。 フィッシャーズ大好きです!!
max paulajhill1973
Kнøэ¢жмдп Kh_gam3s_YT_007
Hey, ik ben Khoeckman zoek eens het ID:elyknamckeoh op voor mijn standaard accound :D veel plezier hier ik ben nl, i can spreak english and not japanees xD
Alessandro indrao
ik ben 10 jaar en ik voetbal graag, ik vind de wiiu heel luek. mijn top 5 spellen voor wiiu zijn: 1fifa 13 2 splatoon 3 art acedemy atelier 4 mario kart 8 ( MK8 )5rayman legends. en voor wii 1 fifa 15
Javier yago788
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hallo ik ben dries verstraeten mijn beste vriend is Ben Van Steenlandt. ik ben de grootste fan van de wereld van link en sonic. Als je mij volgt volg ik jou, mijn lievelings spel is the legend of zelda en sonic boom. Mijn lievelings dier is een tijger en een hond,mijn huisdier is een hond genaamt paté. Ik maak snel vrienden. geef a.u.b een ja op al mijn posts en ook op die van Ben. Tot ziens ;)
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
TPGkevin KevinTheGamer08
I love playing Minecraft, Mario Bros games and Pokemon. I will gladly accept all friend requests and follow back My Favorite Show Is Steven Universe And My Favorite Character Is Peridot Favorite Food Pizza And French Fries Bye Have A Good Day
Ally AllyTheTorchic
Hia I'm Ally, I'm nice sweet.But turn your back on me and you will regreat it!
CEDRIC cedric2409
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Adi Adi3333
Hallo Ein paar Fakten über mich. Mein richtiger Name ist Adrian. Meine Liblingsfarbe ist Gelb. Ich spiele Fussball. Mein absolutes liblings Spiel ist Super Mario maker. Ich bin 13 Jahre alt. Ich freue mich immer wieder über neue Wii u Freunde. Viel spass noch mit meinen Profil.
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
Pablito pablofernandez13
Hey i know i just wrote a note but, as you know I play Super Mario Maker. Also thank you because i just reached 819 stars in super mario maker and thats great guys. Anywho I play other games like smash 4,mario kart 8,and splatoon online and in splatoon im in level 35, My favorite smash character is Lucas, and favorite game is Mother 3 or Super Mario Maker!
Main Acc: Benzo YT