Users ★ßεηzσ★ Is Following
Leo LegoGuy777
Zach Nerd456-Hi
SMAP! ryuryuryu0328
こんにちは ジャイアンです。高校1年生です。 フィッシャーズ大好きです!!
max paulajhill1973
Kнøэ¢жмдп Kh_gam3s_YT_007
Hey, ik ben Khoeckman zoek eens het ID:elyknamckeoh op voor mijn standaard accound :D veel plezier hier ik ben nl, i can spreak english and not japanees xD
Alessandro indrao
ik ben 10 jaar en ik voetbal graag, ik vind de wiiu heel luek. mijn top 5 spellen voor wiiu zijn: 1fifa 13 2 splatoon 3 art acedemy atelier 4 mario kart 8 ( MK8 )5rayman legends. en voor wii 1 fifa 15
hallo ik ben dries verstraeten mijn beste vriend is Ben Van Steenlandt. ik ben de grootste fan van de wereld van link en sonic. Als je mij volgt volg ik jou, mijn lievelings spel is the legend of zelda en sonic boom. Mijn lievelings dier is een tijger en een hond,mijn huisdier is een hond genaamt paté. Ik maak snel vrienden. geef a.u.b een ja op al mijn posts en ook op die van Ben. Tot ziens ;)
CEDRIC cedric2409
This user's profile comment is private.
Ally AllyTheTorchic
Hia I'm Ally, I'm nice sweet.But turn your back on me and you will regreat it!
TPGkevin KevinTheGamer08
I love playing Minecraft, Mario Bros games and Pokemon. I will gladly accept all friend requests and follow back My Favorite Show Is Steven Universe And My Favorite Character Is Peridot Favorite Food Pizza And French Fries Bye Have A Good Day
♪Cleo♪ PrincessCleo89
Hi my name is Cleo. Games I like: Pokèmon Nintendogs Animal crossing Mario maker My best friends: Every single one! My birthday is July, 14. I will accept all friend requests! Follow me and I will follow you back! Please no Wii U Chat. Thank you. ♥♥♥♥
♪Rose♪ RoseFlower001
Hi! I am ♪Rose♪! Some call me Rosie! I love playing Super Mario Maker! I love drawing in different communities. I can draw normal drawings, straight line art, and textures!
Adi Adi3333
Hallo Ein paar Fakten über mich. Mein richtiger Name ist Adrian. Meine Liblingsfarbe ist Gelb. Ich spiele Fussball. Mein absolutes liblings Spiel ist Super Mario maker. Ich bin 13 Jahre alt. Ich freue mich immer wieder über neue Wii u Freunde. Viel spass noch mit meinen Profil.
Pablito pablofernandez13
Hey i know i just wrote a note but, as you know I play Super Mario Maker. Also thank you because i just reached 819 stars in super mario maker and thats great guys. Anywho I play other games like smash 4,mario kart 8,and splatoon online and in splatoon im in level 35, My favorite smash character is Lucas, and favorite game is Mother 3 or Super Mario Maker!
Δι♭¡ε Albies_NINID
TRG★CoLe colesnewacountXD
hi guys this account is b.mcneil17/Smily guy's backup account!Please go check my other account out same as this account! Please hit that follow botton on what account u think is cool! Check my profile for some cool posts! Don't be shy,If you want we can have a chat! And don't be affraid to friend request me! See yah!
Ender★☆Dan LyleChatt
Hello. This profile will no longer be useful. Nor any other. Goodbye, Miiverse. We thank you for all you've done. And Nintendo. This was a great opportunity for the world to interact with each other. Everybody has been thankful so much for this ever since it came out on the Wii U release, November 18th, 2012. Thank you Nintendo. Everyone of Nintendo, thank you and Happy 5th Anniversary Wii U.
MyrcoAiche aiche.a
★WILLKOMMEN★ Wichtige Infos: Heise Marco und komme aus Österreich (Kärnten) Bin 11 Jahre alt und 170 cm groß. Ja ich bin für mein alter sehr groß !! XD. Allgemein: Bin Chaosflo44 fan. Mag Fussball. Folgen Für Folgen.Yeaht mein Lieblings Beitrag.Gehöre zum clan BM, ΘK und im BK. ©Copyright 2015 Miiverse by MyrcoAiche
★GRADY★ tottenham123
hi my name is grady i am 13 and live in the uk.if u follow me i will follow u back things i love football mario games superheroes music mythology creatures cars
Alex hunt Newfoundland2015
Hi my name is Alex. I live here in canada I live in hare bay my fav color is purple fav game is geometry dash
utendo 0.0.E5
Mein Lieblings - Spiel ist Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze! Weltrekorde in dem Spiel: Welt 3 Boss (Platz 13) & Welt 7-3 (Platz 19)!
BS★MATT★ƒ rrrrrhhhhh
hey guys Matt(Matthew) here I have bin offline recently because I play Roblox so u can see me on everyday. Well cya
バーサクヒーラー mizuki-gogo
MEME DREAM racecourse_sean
hello this is my profile,dark and depressing.Well i dont have much to say but one thing...........MEMES ARE NOT JUST DREAMS.Famous qoute from a freind Rainbowlemon21 check her out LOOK AT ME GO!!!
CqlumGqmez calumfm
This user's profile comment is private.
Khoeckman elyknamkceoh
MOTD: Splatfest needed Hi, ik ben Kyle: 13 jaar, ik speel het liefst Super Mario Maker. Als je me een plezier wilt doen, geef me dan een ★ :D. Ik post elke dag zeker 1 post op m'n accound, veel plezier hier! -Favoriete games: Splatoon™, Super Mario Maker. -Mij: Ik ben 1,55m, eet het liefts Ribben - jongen ♂ Doel: 1000 sterren halen op SMM. Nu: ☆Sterren: 992|1200 ●Munten: 5|6
мέмέçħįćķη cubantiger
ok im a total nerd but i do think good. my number one wish i always wished for is a tail. ik very weard. im not that good at video games. follow for follow!!!.WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ON MII VERSE! And i lik turtles! lol bffs are [kg] [mosiya[jmcco] and minekid and sebastion and david also kit kat why you here also accept wii u chat.
Ð×€ølîÑ×GM colin12807
SuperYoshi SuperYoshi631
Hello! My name is SuperYoshi and I like to make mario maker courses and upload them occasionally and likes to play games like Smash Bros, Zelda, and Splatoon.
&Æ$ÞËR bdsoze
How is it going? Im sans the comedian. I am a pokemon nerd. I love mew. I have not lived a full life. Follow these friends of mine. ☆Matt★: He is a really nice guy with a great heart. Foxy123 (Chara): He is really cool with swag drawings. melee18: He is a nice person who is excellent at minecraft. Thats all I have to say. Y U DOWN HERE?????
4410«òωó»$ Y.H-4410
ヤッホー 4410(ヨシト)でーーーーーーーーーす よろ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!
karel bowser645
hoi ik ben karel ik ben 13 jaar ik eet graag lasagne,pizza,macaroni,spaghetti(italiaans eten) en drink graag fanta ik hou er van om vrienden te maken op miiverse mijn lievelings games zijn super smash bros.for 3ds,tomodachi life en pokémon sun and moon de leukste dag vind ik 8 oktober want dan is het mijn verjaardag lol mijn miiverse vrienden zijn sam fleur karim bent aaliyah sylvana
Franconaru neji15552
Hello Its Me Franco! I hope i can make Lots! of Friends here On Miiverse. I hope we understand each other. My favorite Titles Are: The Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess HD (<3) The Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker HD. My Favorite anime is: NARUTO!!, Attack On Titan and One Piece. I hope you tell me about yourself. C Ya Later!!!
Main Acc: Benzo YT