Users G.Blue Is Following
Gisselle OnePieceNaruto8
☆Don't Be Shy To Follow, l Follow Back☆ ♡HELLO FRIEEENDS♥ AND HELLO READER! (yeah you, l'm talking to you...HI!!!♡♥♡♥) follow →“GisselleGonzalez”← (my DS3DXL) \(• ω •)/ I L♥♥♥VE VIDEO GAMES AND ANIMES!!!! I TALK ENGLISH & ESPAÑOL and ALWAYS REMEMBER!!!! G I S S E L L E LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!♥ ¡¡te amo CON TODO MI CORAZÓN ♡!!
milk yubeee
hi my name is demi, i'm 20 and from new mexico. I love to draw and one day I want to make a comic or cartoon! Some of my favorite games are mario galaxy, ocarina of time, mario sunshine, splatoon, and earthbound but my favorite is animal crossing. My smash main is villager. Lets be friends!♪ t,tw,da: milk-ghoul こんにちは私の名前はデミがあり、私は20歳です。友達になろう!♪ Let's talk before you friend request pls!
Ms. Milly MillyNineT
Hello honey! <3 I'm a cool mom (My son is 4!!) who makes nice drawings for you. ;) LOL When I was younger I went to school for art.
KITKAT N.and.zekrom
I will leave you with this: You said you had a dream... that dream... make it come true! Make your wonderful dream a reality, and it'll become your truth! If anyone can, it's you! I hope to see you all again! Well then, Farewell!
Flambit avacado-gustavo
This is bulbacool's 3ds profile. also known as the 99% less cooler bootleg bulbacool
Karorina Karorina13
Even though Miiverse is finally coming to an end. i want to thank everyone for supporting me over the years. Through the good times, and bad. I appreciate every single one of you. Thank You. A VERY special thanks to the ones who i was so close to. Thank You. ‹3 QuietGhost, ★Daniel★ , Purple , KevinToon, Ryan.exe, Wolverine, Cube, AngstyBaka, Villager.
Gasser OtakuLife66
.I'm just a anime fictional character name Gasser from the show Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Genre: It has action,parody, surreal,satire and comedy. Also, Gasser has a nickname called "Heppo" or "Heppokomaru" but only for English Sub. In the other hand, I created my Fb group, if anyone have ever heard or seen it the anime show "Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo". Because "haters" aren't allowed this area.
Erika Erika-with-a-K19
This is it, guys! This is the end! D: Hello, I'm Erika! I love underrated things and 12's my lucky number. Right now I'm in the mood for Cuphead! So you'll see me do drawings of that for a while. Series I like: Cuphead, Conker, Sailor Moon, Equestria Girls, Rayman, Super Smash Bros., Mega Man, Pac-Man, Sonic, Mario, ect. Nice, friendly people and guests are appreciated.
Mikaharu Mikaharu
[Requests are closed] I'm Ruima-Mikaharu, just call me Mika for short or Hammy I love to draw and games that I like to play are: animal crossing, DQ-IX, FEA, Pokémon, drawing games, etc… I love pixel art and fantasy RPG I'm African American love old cartoons and old style animation Not really the best talker blah… I'm not used to here yet but I'll try my best. Out of space.
Gisselle GisselleGonzalez
☆I follow back!!☆ \(^▼^)/ ★(ENGLISH):HELLO FRIENDS!! XD My name is Gisselle and I love ANIMES AND VIDEO GAMES like:☆Dragon Ball Z,One Piece,Naruro,Bleach,Soul Eater,YU GI OH,Mario,Kirby,Zelda,Super Smash Brothers, and more..AND I LIKE TO DRAAAW!!!! \(>ω<)/ ★(Español): ¡¡¡HOOOLLLAAA AMIGOS!!!¡Mi nombre es Gisselle y me gustan los ANIMES y VIDEO JUEGOS↑☆ Y ME ENCANTA DIBUJAR!! XD
Emo_Peasnt PotatoSalad-2040
Why are you here? Go away... I'm worthless. You're wasting you're time. Leave me alone. I hate myself. I don't need you to hate me too. Leave me alone.
nWoヒカリコ aokihikariko
たまにゲームのプレイ動画を撮影してUPしてます。 【好きなゲーム】 DARK SOULS2 SKYRIM DEAD ISLAND WWE2K18 SKULL GIRLS2nd ENCORE スプラトゥーン 海外アニメ番組「カートゥーンネットワーク」が 大好きです。 外人さんが描くイラスト、絵柄が大好きです。 マーヴルやDC等のアメコミも好きです。 【持ってる据え置き機】 PS4、Xbox ONE、Xbox360、PS、 PS2、PS3、セガサターン、ドリームキャスト、 北米版PS2、Wii-U、スーパーファミコン、 ファミコン、ディスクシステム、ネオジオX 上記ハードの中でも、特に洋ゲーソフトを 好んで遊んでます。 【スプラトゥーン所属TEAM】 M7
lelwhat™ ScoopyTOP
@spooky_bands_brooks go to google if you wanna keep contact after the end of Miiverse.
Mon2na RedGreenYellow
(If you're looking for more quality content, it'd be best to follow my main, rather than this account.) Heyyyy, this is the second account of Montana! I'll only really be using this account for when I run out of posts. If you're looking for my main account, check my Friend List, and feel free to follow if you want to keep in touch. NEATO BURRITO BLOB-OMB BLACK AND YELLOW HELLO
overlord DISGAEA21
Hey Everyone! Am the Overlord!!! A gamer who likes awesome video games and wishes to become a great game designer!!! ”Life is a challenge, But hey, we're gamers. WE LIVE UP TO CHALLENGES!!!”- Overlord Hope you'll like my drawings! Please follow me and my friends who i follow. Thank you for seeing my profile. Peace. Btw I'm 22. Everyone gets a taco!!!:D
もんぶらこ。 kadomatsu420
いらっしゃい!!!! 私の顔潰してくださりありがとうございます!!!((白目 お豆腐です。たんま~に投稿してます HUNTER×HUNTER(旧も)はもう必須です〃´ν`〃 *おそまつさんハマッテキタキタ*(((今更 アニメ、声優、歌い手、実況者が大好きです>< 好きな声優方 はんめぐ 伊瀬まりや 沢城みゆき 高山みなみ 花澤© 梶裕貴 マモ 神谷くん 浪川大輔 戸松© かっ書ききれない……´¶` どんどん気軽に話しかけて下さい^^ *フォロワー様いつもいつも感謝です○`ω´○ *ここまで読んでくれてありがとうございます!! *お返事は必ず一人一人返すつもりですm(..)m ---------------------キリトリ----------------------- 絵柄が好みの方&仲良くなった方にフォローします ★ー_ー▲ <●><●>
Montana Mixolydia98
I just want to say I'm sorry for all of the inactivity these past few months...But, no use moping about it. If you would, please, check out my final post's comments.
EmoKitten FitForRivals
I'm an uninteresting smol flying potato in a tiny cape..... Eddie is my sp!rit animal Bands I like: Iron Maiden, MCR, PATD, FOB, Paramore, BVB, Slipknot Leave me alone.... BYE?.....
. MaruTheRiceKid
They told me I could be anything I wanted to so I became a Disappointment ; v ; ) Just an Asian kiddo who has an unhealthy obsession with ONE PIECE & Peppermint tea If u came here looking 4 "good"art.... u came 2 the wrong place ⇒ k pop/ J rock ⇒16 自己嫌悪 私は無価値です :'› トイレに行ってきます!! あなたの超かわいいです This isnt my main account idk y im not dead yet Enjoy my poorly drawn doodles
DIO AkatsukiTreeLife
*Not really wryyyying internally* I feeling the sads at the moment. It has been a good run. I would like to thank you all for being friends with me. I appreciate it. IhopewecanmeetonClosedVerse!
ItsBobNoon BobbyMahBoi
A sad 11 year old walking meme who really loves Napstabot :'^) I'm also FFXV Trash ITS HIGH NOON-- *sobs while looking at Promptis*
Daiki Cha113N92RAZn1
This user's profile comment is private.
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
Blue Jay kid8000
°Goodbye Miiverse, even though I wasn't all much here, you changed my life by making me a more social person. I'll never forget you or it's inhabitance even to my last breath. For those of my good friends who didnt get their turn, we can play my 3DS "game" if you msg me here. Hurry, get your turn!°
Shiro Shiro-Hatzuki
Hullo! I'm fandom trash who has become very socially awkward… If anyone bothers to read this, I'm on AO 3 as ShiroHatzuki. Find me and my trash there if you dare. That's all I have for now. Until we meet again!
Stephan Daj60x
Hi Everyone! :) Welcome to my Profile! I love: Anime, Friends Video Games Everyone is Awesome! Free Hugs!
*けい rouge* Ayui0987
さよーなら 開始 2016 8/12 終了 2017 10/2
SF☆Falco elephantpants68
Hi im Falco but you can call me Cooper and welcome to Star Post. FALCO,Fox,Roy,Mewtwo,Lucas,Ness Lucario are my mains in Smash By the way im a girl I LOVE Falco! what can I say he is REALLY COOL! Im still tying to draw him and FALCO IS MINE! HA HA sorry went too far. favoriteMovie TheBluesBrother & Halloween FavoriteGame All MetalGear games and Sm4sh and Brawl ♡Solid Snake♥
Genevieve pancakemixles12
My name is Geneviève, or G.G. for short, whichever is cool by me Miiverse is closing so if you need to find me look at my fav. Thanks for the awesome 3 years everyone. Love you all. <3
Alanna jelloandmilk
Hello, I love Law a lot, & I tend to talk about him daily. Oops MV is ending. Friendos check my 4 latest follows *tumbles & falls* preciousheartboi *writes on a watt? A pad!* PotatSINZ *blue bird tweets* SmolLawnna *DAnces* pudding-n-jello Blox oneechanplz
Lynn uwu leah850
Goodbye guys!!!!! This place was amazing, i thank you all for making this a good experience for me and many others!!!! :::insta:::gram::: @pepsprite
Luigi skwootyrarl
Q SimpleGolem
Thanks for visiting my profile! :-> I mostly do random drawings :-/ Name~ Q Gender~ Male Age~ 17 Instrument~ piano Nintendo systems~ 3DS and Wii U Currently, not doing art requests. :T I don't accept random friend requests or Wii U chat ...Sorry :I Thank you for all my followers!! (^v^)b ★Don't forget to follow me and my friends!★ Darby Ace Mackenzie Come again☆ :)
▲◆ωıτсн◆▲ jjensei
I'm sorry D: but then my Wii U over heated and brokee......... FOLLOWING FAV. SONG: •Rude- eternal youth •Pluto- fight for you •Syros- Whenever I get sad, I drink bubble tea thanks for your support and for 3 people for not making me suis-
Kamui DayDreamClouds
By god ive been gone forever i guess i dont have a good excuse to have been gone for so long bur you know... what ever Please follow: EeveeTMI Inky GG~Blue Nancy Pick a God and pray!
Yukkie1_23 bIunsdn
♡ Thanks for everything, dear my awesome friends, I love you. ;) 良くして下さった皆さん、約4年間 とても楽しかったです。ありがとう。
Nevaeh г rap679
hello my REAL name is nevaeh lola reviere i have curly brown hair with natural highlights i love anime ...... im an okatu i love fairu tail i have brown dark eyes i love sweaters my o.cs name is scarlett sadako i have anger issues ima tusndere im a mix3d girl i love ice-cream my crush is every anime boy basicly im from pennslyvaina jonstown p.a so um ya
Μςv Cαηdγ JoanaAP24
I'm Candy girl and welcome to my profile! Games: Pokemon, Tloz, SSB and Terraria Type of music: electronic, house and electro Anime: Sword Art Online Pokemon type: Water and Fairy Best friends on miiverse: Pixel Ninja, Fálco, and Catarina Senpai: Mςv ΛΓΛΝ ^^ Member of Mςv! (I'm new in clan please don't get me wrong ><) #TeamMadQueen I Love кαωαίί thoughts! Bye! „σωσ„
Eiriku LWGamerGirl
Ow!!!! You poked my face :3 O.C's : Princess May Yuki Candy Sonica Takashi Best Friends : Storm, Steven, Megabro, Kittu, Speedy, KrisKirby, Hunt, German, Brittany, Ebony, Soul, Arichu, Cindy, Flash, Eric, Justin, Syd, Ace Hello welcome to my profile! I draw thats all, and I like video games.Hope we can be friends. Bye! ÓωÒ Sister :Brittany, Ebony, Giz, NerdBalieh Senpai: Hunt
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