G.Blue's Post

♪My darling Ponzu! I love you Ponzu! You make me happy when times are blue! You're my Ponzu! My darling Ponzu! So please don't take my Ponzu away!♪

So let me get this straight...Yoshihiro Togashi... Ric "The Nature Boy" Flair is Kilua's dad. Robocop is Kiliua's mom. You have a male Sailor Saturn as Kilua's little brother. The creepy eyed girl ...

Final Fantasy IV The After Years has the most Mary Sue villian ever... She's so unlikable that these other FF villians top her. (In no order.) 1.Kefka FF6 2.Sephiroth FF7 3.Jecht FFX 4.Ultimecia FF...

I can't be the only one who's tired of K.O., Rad and Enid eps, come on there's more superheroes to choose from like Shy Ninja or Mr.Logic! Perhaps address the JoffXNick Army ship I'm seeing lately.

My kingdom for Ponzu pics before the end of Miiverse... Maybe one where she gets her revenge on the Gun Toting Ant... Bonolenov works too.
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