Squiffy's Followers
....... Mysteriousreborn
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ΔΨςακυгα C.Isom
Τς★ξснδ FlufflePuff4ever
ťęmταςтíç jцςτ τξmταςτίç ßÿ тнё щач цёанвоmβίήģ īς αρρгёçíатёď àпδ fбııбш fбг à fбııбш! ì àм ìп à сıąп пош ςο ςноцточт то тнем!!! ............yay ίf γομ γεαн опε οf мγ ροςτς γομ нάνε το çοммεήτ αιςο!!!!!!!!!! ąıωαуς ςΰρρσгт теммíё ƒıàκξς™ ξπτσу уоцг ďопцт ďопт аςκ ωнξгξ уоц ğöт тнξ ďопцт ьуξ
SakiFox PokeGirl2B
Fav. Quote: "If I Cut The Strings, That Hold Me Hostage, Will I Fall And Shatter? If That's All It Takes, To Breathe Again, Does It Really Matter?!" I'm So Edgy... xShys Awayx Follow pandamaddiestar on music.ly. Follow MELANY And ☆Alyssa★ On Miiverse. Foxes And Crows Are Cool. I Like Anime, Nightcore, Foxes, Swing Sets, Manga, And Flower Crowns. Um.... Bye... xHands Kalex
KЯ»daliah♪ jordynswii123
Well.......i guess this is goodbye......last post made, 11 friends......nice followers......guess i better start saving up for the switch..... cya on the switches fake miiverse everyone why r u still here? -_- u gonna leave? no? ok. goodbye miiverse..... ;^;
Jeremy Jeremysnew3ds
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Kaden nachos100
"Toast is good but, Toasty is even better,"- me I'm a Christian. ACNL Dream address: 5F00-0013-81D6. (Perfect town) MK7 VR: 2.7K MK8 VR: 3.8K Splatoon: Level 26, B- Favorite Games: Animal Crossing games, Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Yoshi games, Mario Games, BotW, any Pokèmon games and MK. I like to make new friends but I don't do Wii U chat.
Cуclonε LotadPlayz
Welcome to ! ┈┈╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ ┈╱╭▏╮╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮╭▏ ▕╮╰▏╯┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃╰▏ ▕╯┈▏┈┗┻┻┛┗┻┻┻╮▏ ▕╭╮▏╮┈┈┈┈┏━━━╯▏ ▕╰╯▏╯╰┳┳┳┳┳┳╯╭▏ ▕┈╭▏╭╮┃┗┛┗┛┃┈╰▏ ▕┈╰▏╰╯╰━━━━╯┈┈▏ Clans I'm in: MКЯ [ST] (Co Leader) λJ (Member) (R.I.P) ΣΨ [AI] (Co Leader) S☆Я ★¥ Mς★ (Co-Leader) Fя Λθ #SaveMiiverse PR★ λκ (Leader) ξJ My Community- 69-7846-7025-4622
SS.Ava ^-^ Joshuak99
Hello and welcome to my profile here are some things about me. Name: Ava Age: 10 im SS. leader (Squadin squids) Splatoon: rank A (reset when i was level 43) Mario kart 8: i almost have the golden wheels|kart Minecraft: feel free to build what u want btw friend Glitchyglitch101 thats my other account if im offline then im on my glitchy account thats some things about me bye and have a nice day!
carl Game_dude_999
tHe_gOaT IkeFire120
Yo what is up guys its boy ThE_GoAt. Im a chill nice person and yeah. I mean I get that a lot so imma ya. Friend, family. Music is my thing. And dont forget to friend and follow my brother: @PacoThePikachu.Guys Lets try to get me to 200 followers and ill do something u guys want me too do or something like that Not taken :) #Logang4life #JakePaulers #Youtube #Clash Royale #Clash of Cans
(ˇ—ˇ)•Rose gengen413
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brine alliegrant570
I'm not a dude. I'm a girl. The only reason my mii is a guy is because I thought... what the heck? so I decided to 1. make my mii a boy 2. make him look nothing like me 3. name him "brine". lol idk. look, the point is if you send me a friend request just be warned... lol just kidding I have no friends... :( anyway yeah... I'm a girl. OwO ANIME (^w^) KPOP :D BTS - Jhope♥♥♥
Octo Girl dancenumfar
cats and memes are the most improtant things.friend me and lets play Splatoon!!!Video games r also important!!!!and friends and followers!this account wasnt originally mine, so it says my birthday is 11/16, but really, its 10/26 and because of that it thinks im over 13, but im younger than 13. go2favpostpls NOO MY LIST OF PPL I CAN FOLLOW IS FULL!!!! dang..i tried 2 follow back... :'-(
Jerlina Truebluebeauty
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Taylah tayTay1620
Hiiii! Hmmmmm.... looks like this place is unfortunately coming to an end. It was nice meeting you all and getting to know you. I had an amazing time and I won't forget it. Thankyou all so much for this wonderful experience. Shoutouts: Jer, Adrie, Kira, Eve, Janoah, Saria, Norms & Anna Where I will be: Clash of clans; clan: Mii Friends Animal crossing pocket edition!!
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
********* irihanna
TheLOZQuez TheLOZQuestion
Heyy guys ! The Names TheLOZQuez or TheLOZQuestion ! So what I do in Miiverse is go around on the zelda communities to ask some questions that are Zelda related. Hope you guys like this idea and if you do, don't forget to follow me for some more ! I'll right, TIME FOR SOME DAILY AND WEEKLY QUESTIONS !!!
Drk Blader magafam
Hey I'm Adrian. I'm single, I love to play soccer in real life, and I can't wait for the next pokemon game! I'm 13 and I want to beat every single pokemon game made in order from first gen to Alola's generation. STUFF: Fwends - Andrew, Squish, and Markiplier Favorite song - Keep It Mello Focusing on a book I'm writing so if I'm not on for a while then I'm writing. BYE!
µThunder dagamingkid89
i am a stegosaurus
Lizzi Izzy bizyizzy
Hi im Lizzi Izzy! Here is some stuff about me Color: Blue Food: Spegttie Game: Splatoon Follow these user! Joeleen.21 Anti Jellybeangame Good bye miiverse
angelina angelina3588
hi im angelina and this is about my life my life is good because my family is home with me and my bruther is Not home because he is old the time he mess with me and i hate wen he does about my life
acid kaleptyreke
hello everyone my name is r red and here are the things that i like fnaf4 and mariomaker splatoon mk8 and if anyone likes these games friend request me he will pay è_é nyges
Chi☆Rechey RechZero
Hey i love playing games fav is splatoon, super smash bro u, Xenoblade X. Follow me if u like cx
мäįlèηÇħäη valentina_1719
Hi i am мäįlèηÇħäη lil things bout me : _ tomorrow my parents would gime splatoon 2 _DON'T ACEPT WII U CHAT _we can do RP's if you want _Latina & proud _Puedo hablar español _ i am a h@cker but shhhhh _my sis SακυгαCнαη we are twins but So different Still here okkk stay fresh Follow me and i follow you BYEEEE!!
wolf copper2000
Night Owls h0ppys
hello! I am a huge splatoon fan! but mario and kirby are awesome to hope you have a great day! and if you want to battle on splatoon im on it
XD Jafet;) jzelaya
Profile deleted by WOOOOOMY!!!! Also OOOOOOOF!!! (Im XD_JDude in roblox btw) (^o^)
fluffyfox KittyCraft456
Welcometo my profile i'm fluffy fox I love games like fnaf, bendy and the ink machine, minecraft and mario. Oh and pokemon!!
Matthew MattSmith2002
geo I.maPeach172
i'm new here, and this place is so cool! Please follow: ★Bluti★(DA BEST :3) Pandachan(panda panda!!!) and me(but i don't like my art :/
•★Liηiε★• MassonNicolas
♥Bσηjσυг jε m'αppειιε Nna demander moi en amie mon id MassonNicolas♥Qui veut regoindre ma Team MD sur SPLATOON♥
jeremy8714 Jeremysalt
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Hunter Bossepticeye2019
This is my other profile made for youtube purposes. Go check out my other profile. For anyone on my friend list on my other profile feel free to add me if u want but i wont be active on this one much.
YRN<QUAVO Flash819
hello everyone i wanted you to know im making XD clan the names is called XD if u want to join ask me on the message
ςн/ςςкσωσ™ chalo1964
hi if you want to squad in splatoon then sure so far ive only played minecraft splatoon mario kart8 super smash bros and pikmin3 i do game chat and if you send friend request then i will accept and im level 50 rank A- on splatoon bye have a great day! well so clans im in are ƒτι★, SS★, αшρ◆, ραηdα◆, ωω★, ςςк, SND
Splatoon is splatastic!!! Send me a friend request if you like the way I play. I've never done private battles, but hope to get enough friends so I can :o)
WåRrÏØR evvllama
hi im a Oilers fan age: NO pets cat favorite games: splatoon minecraft mario maker super mario bros U SSB4 nintendo land youtube favorite YTers unlisted leaf TDM GameXplain Followers goal 500 20/500 ;) for splatoon i squid party lots and most importantly stay fresh
Monster M0NSTER0082
jamal jamal65594
Woomy woomy woomy, nyges woomy nyges. Furthermore, iwoomynati, nyges, and woomy.
Coming ...
Woomy woomy woomy, nyges woomy nyges. Furthermore, iwoomynati, nyges, and woomy.
Coming soon to a theater near you...
Boomy & Splat Tim
The Awakening of a beautiful Ngyes