Squiffy's Friends
Miles MilesCosmi
tin can tincanmaster
fluffyfox KittyCraft456
Welcometo my profile i'm fluffy fox I love games like fnaf, bendy and the ink machine, minecraft and mario. Oh and pokemon!!
Cap'n Cat CaptainCatty
Hello! I play Splatoon and although i'm at a low level, i'm pretty good at it! I'll be glad to friend any of you, but no Wii U chat please! I also play Minecraft. I might not play it as often, but message me if you're interested! I've built minigames, statues, and have a small survival world. Other games I play: Pokkèn Tournament, Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Brothers. Thanks for reading! :3
jamal jamal65594
SKOP*Hana! PeraliaAuburn
Hello, I'm Lacie. *Apart of the SKOP clan in splatoon. My senpai's. *Gray off of Fairytail. *Jerral off of Fairytail. *Ciel off of Black Butler. *Sebastion off of Black Butler. *Eno off of Naruto. *МςνCristin *Haru off of Free *I absolutely hate show offs, some Jocks, and some preps. *If you were to go to my school, I'd be in the nerd, geek or loner region. ~Chow!
PrpleSk8er Bossepticeye2018
Oh.Hi. i see you taped my profile. oh well, i guess ill tell you about me. I'm 13. i like to play splatoon, smash bros, nintendo land, super mario 3d world, and super mario maker.All friend request r xepted.So if you wanna be apart of the squid skaters, become my friend. No wii u ch@ srry. If you squid taunt me or be rude to me,ur off my friends list. But anyway th@ is all 4 now. PEACE OUT SQUIDDO
Levi Lehold123
sαρρнίяίs… ArtsyLlama
R.I.P. MIIVERSE!!! GIVE ME ART REQUESTS BEFORE MIIVERSE IS GONE (»°^°«) jυdε вυяġεşş is my world♥∞ and Tyler from TØP is my husband |-/ Melanie Martinez is my mom ∞ and Halsey is my overlord ♡ animoo is bæ () () (˙ω˙) in a Splatoon Squad with Eliza♭eth!
LUQY7 tacocat987
Hello! my name is LUQY AKA Christi. Why is my name LUQY? Oh it's because l played the Ouija Board and the Spirit called me LUQY. ^^**Besties**^^ My drawings jason [bae]:3♥♥♥ ♪-ρεαснγ-♪ Hope u enjoy ur day!!♥♥♡♡☆☆★ -~I LOVE YOU TOO BAE!!!♥♥♥~- #SaveMiiverse
[SQ] jacky jackydude777
Alien Alien4Prez
Hi everyone, Im Skyler I hope someday I will be successful to be president. I hope to make new friends everday.1# Anime: Naruto(My favorite show).Some shout out for my friends Step: Weird and caring( My fack son) , Needs GF Shaoub: Super Funny( For 18 and up) DJ Sparker: Funny, A good person Smitty: My Bro Sem: Hes super cool( kind of a dork) And Passtime :Cool ( We are the Bruh Bros) Bye
Kεηγ Fθχ ErickHSB
"Not Orfe Auden Fretore! Shiny Arc!!!" ~ The 7 Words of Shiny Rod (Little Witch Academy) -Um piloto de MK8 e Deluxe com DLC (não é Mortal Kombat e nem Mortal Kombat Deluxe com DLC [-д-]) -Um amante de Desenhos (^-^) -ANIME \(^o^)/ -Super Fã de Zelda e Mario!!! \(<U<)/ -Jogo bastante Super Mario Maker -Moro em Estados Unidos -Confira os diários -Foi muito bom ter conhecido vocês, Obrigado ;]
GameBox GameBoxTheGuy
smol bean
Edriel Edrie2003
♪★☆LEA Supergirl712
I'm lea new clan Captian contact me to join Clan members ♪★☆LEA ♪★☆Maylen ♪★☆Chubbs Ps:you don't have to be my friend to be a member you can be a members friend
Yashi Darreon286
hi i like to play splatoon if u be my friend we can play together my best friends are fluffy,angie,gson,logan,Bela,Trever,Funnyman and my first friend i had on here CS★Drew and i hav a Xbox one,Xbox360, and a 2DS that's all bye... (12 seconds later) wat ya still doin here go check out my profile XD btw i am a god... :/
Mason ShinyTalia
Hello! I am Mason I'm usually playing Splatoon, Animal Crossing or Pokemon Sometimes I play other games, but I usually don't because I'm garbage at them ;) Currently shiny hunting for...Buneary (w/shiny charm) I don't trade shinies. Sorry but I love all my shiny babies ˇ˘ˇ May your heart be your guiding key…
µThunder dagamingkid89
i am a stegosaurus
FreeSpirit FreeSpirit26
Hi guys! I'm Free Spirit. I like swimming, reading, writing, games, and art. I also play Splatoon on my Wii U (Level 45, Rank S). No Wii U chat. Sorry. I do follow for follow. ;) BFFs/Nice squid partiers: Ella☆, Dan, $ALT¶Frost, Neko vicky, ♪NO!ZEY♪, ★Sunbloom☆, Hunter I appreciate all my friends and followers a lot. Thanks for visiting my user page and have a nice day. (^-^)
Night Owls h0ppys
hello! I am a huge splatoon fan! but mario and kirby are awesome to hope you have a great day! and if you want to battle on splatoon im on it
****** andyiscool0000
hi nothing here jk fav song: The Eye of the truth fav pokemon: garchomp fav games: splatoon,minecraft,pokken tourment,mario kart8,Super smash bros fav food: pizza and nuttela xD now goodbye you still here bye boi or gurl still here have a cookie some milk and nothing xD ... bye idk what you doing
brine alliegrant570
I'm not a dude. I'm a girl. The only reason my mii is a guy is because I thought... what the heck? so I decided to 1. make my mii a boy 2. make him look nothing like me 3. name him "brine". lol idk. look, the point is if you send me a friend request just be warned... lol just kidding I have no friends... :( anyway yeah... I'm a girl. OwO ANIME (^w^) KPOP :D BTS - Jhope♥♥♥
Bowser BlackPanther0505
Hey everybody my name is Adam. My favorite game is Splatoon and Mario Kart 8. Also my favorite TV show is Lab Rats. Wanna play sometime I usually get online almost everyday so I'll be able to play with everybody. I also like making new friends cause it's cool and nice to have some friends to play with. That is all to my profile right now but anyway see ya have a "Good Day".
LSquid~lee Emma_Woods
hi im lee be for we start warning im crazy. follow my big sis lily her ID is Leela_woods see you in a month ;) soon peoples, soon ... BYE!!! ;-;
†ιςƒ†ιεαн LeahTrio15
Hey! Splatoon2 has to be my all time favorite! I won't be on here as much because i have the switch!!! Add me if you have one as well! "Don't get cooked! Stay off the Hook!!" I'm a pretty sharp shooter for Splatoon (^o^) Fav gun? 3K E-Liter Scope! You're still here??? Well if you're still here send me a friend request!!
Ð2Ł°|ŁðскЭ jhonnii
Wow! Had that stupid greeting for 2 years lol. Wifee: Ð2Łº|αββγ Best friends: *Too many to list... (oh well) (^o^) Um your still here....... go away plz....... are you seriously still scrolling? Ok your scaring me..... FINE! I PLAY SMASH, SPLATOON, AND MINECRAFT, AND SOMETIMES LOST REAVERS! THERE YOU KNOW WHAT GAMES I PLAY! NOW GO AWAY! please.....
Cheese Cheesecannon25
DTplayer DTplayer
Welcome to my Miiverse Profile Page, on November 7th Miiverse will close, so do whatever you want to do on Miiverse in the meantime.
ChrisGamer SunsetCoast_76
Hey! I'm Christopher and I mostly play Splatoon. I only take any friend requests, Splatoon friends/gamers, and private battle requests. Here is my level and rank in Splatoon- Level 50 S 30. See ya soon and maybe sometime/someday we can play Splatoon together.
iiςαмм passtime
If u are reading this I just wrote it the day of miiverse ending. :( Anyways if u do have the pc version of minecraft plz tell me and if u happen to have realms invite me. User: iiSamm
lisa lisa_carolm44
Nia Voragbon
only 68 more requests. none blank plz! *give u friendship bracelet* Always belive in yurslf and you will achieve your goals! happy birthday evrey day. people lag me a lot. i have a job to do. *gives u a million cookies* take it and GO!
$tö®m-San dengtwins
Sup im Storm 9 years old and a anmie drawer and a great gamer. fav food: sushi, root beer(any type of root beer candy). i go to china in June or July. Real name Kevin Deng. My fav shows Boruto/Naruto, Yu-gi-oh, and Detective Conan. so Bye
Huntley coolgirl92
Hai. I'm Huntley, in the clan TDS (The Derpy Squids). I like turtles, Nintendo, Sploon, and potatoes. Don't judge. Please no blank friend requests! Ok I'm done talking. Bye bye
τε»iPXL Senpai_X
Swoomy Shoutout to Ninja, Mudkip, Skylite, Jacob, Scrub, Shankx, Elsa, Issac, Daniel, Lini, Andro, Dennis, Fyro, Lynx, Jordan, Lini, Noah, and Shadow for being the best clanmates ever! Go Team Eclipse!
Chi☆Rechey RechZero
Hey i love playing games fav is splatoon, super smash bro u, Xenoblade X. Follow me if u like cx
Octoling★ CURTIS200
Hellow fellow gamers it's Octling!! I'm proud to be a Octling!(I'M COMING FOR YOU INKLINGS!)
Gen. Shark fiveacesintexas
this is my profile .8th grade .i also have a 3ds .im a christian .#ElPaso4life .i hate! griefers! .i LOVE Halo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's my favorite!!!! .thanks for 55 followers! .lol im cool .i want an xbox 1 .im 14 (è_ó)i dont really do wii u chat unless i can trust u ALMOST THERE! THERE YOU GO!!! :D
Zero♪ xzero14x
hey add me if you like :) I have an addiction to Splatoon. Private battle anyone? Just add me ^-^ I live in the U.S with eastern time zone.
CC★Makhi coolimac
kevin koraboy
This user's profile comment is private.
XD Jafet;) jzelaya
Profile deleted by WOOOOOMY!!!! Also OOOOOOOF!!! (Im XD_JDude in roblox btw) (^o^)
™© mariotec89
just some black dude that plays video games will only accept friend request if we played together or i know you
Aaron TurtleP1
Hello! I'm Aaron! I love everything Nintendo and own a 3Ds! Plus I particularly like Splattoon, Mario games, and Adventures! Please play with me, and You'll find out how good I really am! bye!
Alex juneylee
Yesss! Your smashed your finger or stylus on my face to get to know me more AND... FOLLOW ME!!! Right? No. Ok-_- Anyways, I enjoy playing Splatoon Other games i like to play are Mario Kart 8, Captain Toad, Black Ops, Yoshi's Wooly World, and more to come! Favorite friend: Cole! Well, thats mainly it and i look forward in playing with you Hope you all have a great day! Come say hi! -Alex
Sid★ EpicMagic7
Hey !! I'm Sid ! I'm Currently Playing : Tomodachi Life The Legend of Zelda : Majoras Mask 3D Wii Fit U Splatoon Animal Crossing : New Leaf The Legend of Zelda : Tri-Force Heroes (If You'd like to play with me Follow and Friend !!) No WiiU chat but feel free to message me. Stay Fresh ♪♪
Ishy animetimmy
Hello! I am shadowTULF,I'm happy to meet this great and wonderful place P.s.Just So you know,my brother gave me his 3ds it's really interesting on how it works.He put the Nintendo ID there,its a shame i can't change it.
Carla mariaCarla777
BARÇA lilygonzalez2222
Hi i love to play splatoon so if you want to play private or squad battle please friend request me and if you follow me i will follow back you umm ok bye
SKS}♀ΒÀÐÏÊ yelly556
Hi my name is Yelly. I really don't play 2 many games but, Splatoon is my fav, I can't get enough of it. I have other games too. Like Mk8 S.B. n a couple of others, but I'm mostly on Splatoon. Also if u follow me. I'll follow u back. I'm also apart of a beast of a clan. We're the (SKS) Silent Killers Squad! We r always up 4 any Clan vs Clan Battles. So if your interested n battling us.. Send F.R.
boom sonwukong77
YRN<QUAVO Flash819
hello everyone i wanted you to know im making XD clan the names is called XD if u want to join ask me on the message
ςηÐ⇒ Honor Franstulin
hi i am ςηÐ⇒Honor part of the splats next door squad ςηÐ⇒ i also own the squad FSK on the nintendo switch i have 3000 subs on U tube i dont like memes i like SPICY memes THANKS google is mad i play roblox YOLO nuggets go away nuggets from YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!!!!!
RM☆★Woomer SeriaWiiU
Hai ima ♥♡Wommyer♡♥ Welcome to mai pg. \(°▼°)/ Things i do here are: DWM:Draw with me!(Drawing with me or an oc. SQUID SKETCH(Pratice drawing with me! StoryTime!(i draw requested storys from you guys) \(º-º) -bye.(Ps. im still very smol so i really have nothing to say)
Raven EnderGirl248
I <3 gaming Gaming=my life
Boi Mahboi69
This my side account for Splatoon. Main Account:J.Z_02 Made this to see if I can get s+ again
ΡςWindstar c.mapassa1
Yea Boiii
Twig pookeyracer08
Hi. I play Minecraft. I play Splatoon. I also play other games. If you want to be friends comment on my latest post and I will get back to you.
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
jayden jaylee09
Jack jasper111
favorite, games - Minecraft, Splatoon , super smash, bros. i like to find out new glitchs in Splatoon if you do please tell me And God bless you! if you fallow me i will fallow you too fav game Splatoon fav glitch buddy Hisoka still here? go please creepying me out bye
Mason xXKryKatXx
•Shady• bdiaz72
Yup.Its me.Just your average person who has no life.:') Some stuf that i do. *Splatoon *Draw.(Horrible) *Miitomo (Add me Here:RoboTron) *Fooddddd. BTW this will be a dead acc. now.Im moving on to the switch so i might come on somedays.Anyone one of my friends can friend me on the switch to still play with me though! Farewell Miiverse.
Omi Omi9001
Drk Blader magafam
Hey I'm Adrian. I'm single, I love to play soccer in real life, and I can't wait for the next pokemon game! I'm 13 and I want to beat every single pokemon game made in order from first gen to Alola's generation. STUFF: Fwends - Andrew, Squish, and Markiplier Favorite song - Keep It Mello Focusing on a book I'm writing so if I'm not on for a while then I'm writing. BYE!
MiniWheats TheRealWhiteHous
Alεc •ω• VIPchick
Hi! Thanks for visiting my profile. Um.. Ask me if u want to know my age- as in years. Splatoon Stats Lvl 45 Rank A+ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level 21 Highest rank - A- When playing with CPUs on Smash bros, I prefer lvl 5-6. I like making short, stupid paragraphs. Plays Wii U in a movie theater. Plays too much Private Battles Btw, I have a switch and Splatoon 2!
Laura lmammoli
...Strange person who's main games are mario kart 8 and splatoon. SPLATOON: Best with carbon roller and 56 gal. In S+ RANDOM FACT: Likes cats. MARIO KART:Currently in 150cc trying to get 3 stars on all stages. Has everything except gold stuff. meow
elchino elchino159
YoshiGamer shahoub
This user's profile comment is private.
мёĺą GaleSphere
It's Mela! Favorite Game: Tales of Symphonia Favorite Video Game Genre: JRPG Aspirations: Writer and Ultimate Squid Kid Hobbies: Reading, writing, anime, video games (obviously), yoga, and crazy cat lady :o Add me, pl0x.
Jack Seitzingers
Brezzy breezy2013
Hey guys! Add my other account! :D
Woomy woomy woomy, nyges woomy nyges. Furthermore, iwoomynati, nyges, and woomy.
Coming ...
Woomy woomy woomy, nyges woomy nyges. Furthermore, iwoomynati, nyges, and woomy.
Coming soon to a theater near you...
Boomy & Splat Tim
The Awakening of a beautiful Ngyes