Mizu-Maru's Followers
ミルヒーDumbo baranohanamuko
Geanie Geanie
Hi, I'm Geanie! *23 year old Lady *I'm in a serious relationship right now~💗💗💗 *I love drawing, but most of all I love my boyfriend so much!!!!💗💗💗 *Yeah bomb me away! *I love Professor Layton, Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective and the mystery skulls animated video. *Great friends:Tori(Layton),Bri,Jion,Kit,Sora *Please no request at this time thank you *Have a SUPER day!:)
Will WillMark2
Will's old 3DS account. I need more posts!
Dude 2 Jaden-Avner
I've been a 3DS user since the beginning. I've been a Wii U user since spring of 2013. I've been a Miiverse user since 2/24/2016. I received my first Nintendo system (a GameBoy Color) in spring of 2000. The first Nintendo system that I used was my parent's NES.
Robbo TenaciousPunk
Dream Address: 7A00-0012-42D7 It was fun while it lasted now lets all enjoy this last ride together.
Valentin B Val3nt1_MK-0nly
Welcome on my profile☺ I'm not a YB on MV & not a GD on MK8 👌😃 As Miiverse is ending I give my Tw🐤tter to everyone : @Valetudiant. Join me here if you want to follow me even after the end of Miiverse.☺ But it's not a gaming account unlike Miiverse (be tolerant)... I'm Valentin or C.Étoile in MKWii❤ | 20 ツ😎 Would be nice if I could reach 900 followers before Miiverse shuts ! 😁❇🌴 please :)
Blackjam Blackjam1
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Luz Sweetheart1234
Hi I`m SweatHeart1234! Everyone Can Friend I am friendly to everyone! Friend me to Play Minecraft with Me
ぽろ ئBoost P6-poltergeist
ようこそココへ。(・▽・\ Thanks for following me. こんなヤツをフォローしてくれた方、 一緒にゲームをやってくれた方、 ありがとうございますっ♪ [自己紹介] アホです。 好きなこと:つくること、らくがき 苦手なこと:色塗り、下書き、パソコン 欲しいもの:やる気、夢 【好きなゲームの種類】 いろいろ 【好きなモノ】 重装備、古いモノ、朽ちたモノ、メカ 【好きな本】 冒険とかとか 【好きな映画】 西部劇、香港映画、そしていろいろ 『勇気、根性、良い睡眠♪ いつも楽しく仲間と共に』
マシュマロ AKANE-masyu1128
ミバが終わりますね。 こんにちは、マシュマロです。 11月5日に最後の投稿をしました。 よかったら見て下さい。 フレンドのみなさん、フォロワーのみなさん、投稿に共感・お米をしてくれた方々 本当に、ありがとうございました!!!
Francis Smokingspoon
Mst3k fanatic. I'm friendly despite my creepy drawings. Find me 'out there', Smokingspoon. I'm a huge fan of Metroid, StarFox, LoZ, Mother & also Fzero (keeping it to Nintendo). I preferred M:OM over Prime, deal with it. Metroid 0,2,3,4 are my favorite.
cazV.V130 cazcaz130
Sky skyman00
Hi guys, I'm Sky, but sometimes I like changing my name to a pokemon but you can still refer to me as Sky. I love to play Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and other nintendo related games. I also like to build things on Minecraft. I hope you find something that you like on my profile.
あまつ 0808ayana
1私、あまつからの、最後の挨拶です。43 55私はMVSに来てまだ、一年もたっていないと思います。ある日ミバを知って、はまって、だけどしばらくやらなくなって、それでもう一度やりだして……それから、ほぼ毎日MVSに来ていました。67 1ミバ大親友、ミバ友、所属事務所がたくさんできてその一つ一つを紙に書きました。ずーーっと大切にしておきます。 5私は絡んでくれた、皆が大好きです!時には、嫌なこともあったりしたけど、それもいい思い出だと感じました。55 明日MVSが終わるなんて、今だに実感がわきません。4 でも、最後は、「さよなら」より「ありがとう」を伝えたいです。 私と絡んでくれた皆、大好きです!本当に本当に本当にありがとう!!! 。°*更新日*°。11月7日
Sushi Star Starlathenerd
Heya heya! What's shakin'? Let's sing Gera Gera Po! Wait-no, you want me ta describe mahself. Sure! Well, name's Star, I'm 10. Oh, I'm super careless, too. Mah friendos are Sevie, X™, and J-cub. Yeah, uh, I don't have a sweetheart or anythin' like that... but this one guy on miiverse... he's so awesome... >///< I'm gettin' a little off track. Well, see ya! Or... Aloha! Sayonara! Farewell! Bye!
Hey. I'm a lucky guy. More waifus than I can list. I love stories and I want to be a storyteller. Thank you. You know who you are. If you read this. Currently jamming to: Her by Eery Once had 300+ followers. I think I'm 400 now. Feel free to follow. Thanks. I wish I had more time. I wish I could hear your story. What else is there to say?
Ella Crazy_Gal88
YAAASSS!!! guys I was dumb and did a random email and password and I pressed don't save password and had to create a new account, so I lost 860 followers, and I'm pretty mad, so PLEASE FOLLOW ME!! BYYEE!!!
SumD00d misterartist
Hi there. My name's Alexander Schlicht and I'm very deviant to my art. I'm an autistic ыςξχμαι cartoonist, and I'm pretty heckin' good at it too. I'm totally gonna miss this place. I met so many people here and I hate to see it go. But oh well. Status: Packing up and ready to go. You probably know where to find me. There are 1801 MisterArtist clones going together in this cord.
SuperGirl SuperGirlblaze
Hey everyone!Glad you're here!I love to play, write, and sing music. I also like to write stories. I'm just your not–so–average person who loves to laugh, smile, and see people happy! I'm not the one you could ask to talk about myself-- I have nothing else (I could think of) to say! Anyways, Stay true, be you, and DON'T FORGET TO SMILE! :)
TKT_ガブ k-fujisann
TKTリーダーガブです ミバおわるなんてあんまりだ~(泣き 顔ポチあざすスプラやゼル伝をやってます マイクラは禁止されてるからできません(泣き メンバー募集中コメしてね-
DIO AkatsukiTreeLife
*Not really wryyyying internally* I feeling the sads at the moment. It has been a good run. I would like to thank you all for being friends with me. I appreciate it. IhopewecanmeetonClosedVerse!
こうた kota0620a
mike mikirks
だいふく yuutofuna
こんにちは こんばんはビッキーです。 主に WiiUだったら マイクラ スプラ マリオメ一カで、SDSだったら ポケモン 妖怪ウォッチ カ一ビイをやっています。 好きなアニメ ポケモン ブラッククローバー スナックワ一ルドです。 好きなyouTebeの人 ぺいんとs あしあとs 赤髪のともs ★★★★ ★幕末志士★ ((キッズがなにいってんだ殴 ★★★★ またあいましょう! アデュー
ЪН☆Кαгΐ★ Kari082003
«Hola, Hello, Bonjour, Kon'nichiwa, Olá, Ciao, Guten Tag, Пpивeт» ♥~These people make the difference~♥ •Ðαηηγ •Mαχ •Hαγδεη •Gαbΐ •Ðαнΐłα •KΐτΚατ •Mΐυмγн •Jιкσ •Bαсоп •Sτερн •Κενιη •Καгεη •Sακυгα Сłαης: AO…xΜ…GLƒ…ĦG…R&γ ☆ ƒ α с т ς α в о υ τ м е ★ ~Name: Кαгΐηα Τгσсΐυκ ~Nationality: Űκгαΐηΐαη / Ραгαgυαγαη ~Age: 14 - Ρłαγιηg ωιτн ƒгΐεηδς ♥ ∞ Øстовεг, 8 ∞
heidimario catmarioheidi
Hi, I'm Heidi. Mario is added because I've always been a fan of not only the games but the character himself. Mario Maker is my favorite game, because of my artistic side. This game is like a dream come true because I always wanted to create something that others might enjoy. I also like playing other makers creations and getting to know them.
イカっぽいジョンソン asahirahira
プロフィールはジョンソンによって天ぷらにされているナリ ローレイル合衆国詳細 国家:ローレイル合衆国(United States of Rooreiru) 大統領:クリーピン・フィッツジェラルド・ジョンソン(C・F・ジョンソン) 領土:モーリタニア、ニジェール、マダガスカル 首都:ワシントンDC 最大の都市: 所属軍事部:MCWiiu軍事部 同盟国:たくさん 加盟組織:国連R、中規模国家連盟、MC警察連盟、海軍技術向上連盟、MC鉄道連盟 ミーバース、さみしぃよぉ... そうだ!大声出して、寂しさをかき消すナリ!あぁぁいぁぁあぁぁいぁぁあぁぁぁぁいぁ!
Tammy FMendes12
Hi..My name is Nafasia!! I am finally 13!!!! I would love to be your friend! Things you need to know about me.... -Favorite song:That's What I Like-Burno Mars -Favorite Artist:Jordan Fisher -I am a singer -I love mystery books and movies -I love Amazing World of Gumball -I love CHOCOLATE Live life to the fullest!!!!
jjtc dscgDSCG
this is JJTC's ds account. follow jjtc4471 just ignore this if you'd like. I hardly ever use it. ♪“Don't listen to your parents, all they ever left is a world in a mess!”♪ o----{==(;u;)===>
SEGA★Gil NinGilbert
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still gonna miss you all. At least I met new people on here like you guys just like IRL. RIP Miiverse: 2012-2017 You will truly be missed, in our favor, and we all know it.
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
will willflorez
RAINZ Rainz1
First game system was NES and i've been riding with Nintendo ever since. Fav franchises all time are Zelda+Metroid but I play all types of games. Props to Nintendo for Miiverse..they always deliver something new!
Classically trained on the N.E.S.