Hi Sentimental, my name's Stagger. :p There was a young lady here, an artist, that you'd need an hour to record our PMs. I convinced her I was old. She went back to school. You know what's funny? A...
Christian's Yeahs

It's the people that made Miiverse special! Those feelings and memorise will never go away as long as anyone cherishs the time well spent bonding with others over a mutual understanding as sharing ...

Cripes, I'm gonna really miss Miiverse! It hasn't hit me hard until now in the final few hours. I've been here since the inception of the Miiverse service at launch & all the memories are just floo...

We’ve already had one great Stagger absence of 2017. What’s one more? ;p. I kid, obviously. I’ve started my first log over on the Haven. Not that I’m trying to coax you into prematurely joining us ...

These are your last orange dots Blake Eerie. Not much is going to change in these forty one minutes though ... your friends will be waiting at the next stop. :)

Won't have to miss you, but I'll miss the drawings… There's something to be said for the simple charm of MV's drawing system, not that your sketchbook elsewhere isn't better.

remember all of you. (Good and bad memories, lol.) You were created so beautiful and I hope all you know that. I can't tell you how many loving and caring friends I made and care so deeply about. I...

feels like a little bit of my heart is breaking off. I was brought here about three years ago and I am so attached to this place. It was part of my childhood. My fingers are shaking slightly, mostl...

I TRIED TO FIT AS MANY AS MY FRIENDS AS I COULD. I know it's not the best drawing, but even if a character I drew at least looks remotely like yours, it probably is. Thank you so so much to all of ...

I forgot Swagger had facial hair, so I had to edit his Mii really quick ... his now defunct and purposeless Mii. :p Axiom Verge was last year right? That would have made my mentions just ahead of R...

abandoned franchise than I am in my beloved LoZ. That's a weird reality to cope with for me. ;) 1: BotW ... no need to meander off about my love/hate here or my reasons for it for the umpteenth tim...
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages.
A v...
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages.
A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento.
I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent.
Other things I like:
The 3D Mario titles
Chrono Trigger
Death Note
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
The Beatles
Andrew Huang