Users Christian Is Following
Knightfall GAMEKNIGHT78
Im older than most here (39), have autism, as well as a host of other physical and mental difficulties. If I seem strange, or weird, im sorry. I do my best to be kind and helpful, and treat a lady like a lady. If that makes me "bad", then I guess theres no place for me...
Soul SoulCatTheLink
Tumbles: soulysoul DA:FluffehGrapez BlueBird: Soul_Souly ClosedUniverse:Soulysoul
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Britt britt.beckers
Hi, I'm Britt, a Belgian female gamer and collector, living in France. I'm about the same age as my 2 favourite series, Mario and Zelda. (30 in case you're wondering =)) I speak Nederlands, English, français and ein bischen Deutsch. Games we can play together online: MK7, MK8, Triforce Heroes, Luigi's Mansion 2
DiegoGovea diegogamer
¡¡Diego 2017!! ★Hola soy Diego Leon! Tengo 16 años, me encantan los videojuegos, leer y dibujar!! ☆Acepto solicitudes de amistad. ♥Juegos Online: Mario Kart 8, Smash bros Wii u/ 3DS, Bayonetta 2, Mario Golf World Tour. ♡Hago niveles en Pushmo World, en Mario vs Donkey kong Tipping stars y en Mario Maker. ◆NO WII U CHAT ♡Cuenta secundaria: diegogamermx. ★☆Julio 2017☆★ V3.7 :3
IL☆Li & So wang22000
Thank you all for your support! Li's DA : Jellycan Li's IG : Jelly_Jellycan So's DA : PingPongYinYang So's IG : PingPongYinYang
Katelyn♪ blackcathasme
I'm Katelyn ♪| She/Her | Pretty Dang Old I am working as a children's book illustrator. ♡ I've been a member of Miiverse since the day it released, but leave for extensive periods of time. I cry more than the recommended average. I like to encourage young artists like myself! ♪♪ I'm working on several comic projects atm. Idc if you Yeah Bomb me- 'Twas normal back in my day.
Maguire Mcgreen554
Hi, I'm Maguire! I'm a 16 year old Christian who was born on June 13th, 2001. I'm friendly, silly, and try my best to be optimistic! I usually check Miiverse at least once a day, and will occasionally post a joke or something about my life. For more facts about me, click my profile pic.
FoxChild Katlin5
Welcome to a random persons profile! :D Hi I'm FoxChild! But you can call me Todd if you want! :D I'm an 11 year old boy who loves to draw! :D Follow these amazing people! - Eddie - Emma - ArtiSquid♪ - Ξstrεllα - Kyle - Fabulous - Inka - Noe Have a great day! :D Don't be scared to talk to me! I don't bite! ^U^ Ooh! Have a poptart on your way out! Bye! ^^
kiwi MoonlitWolves
i'm kiwi :3c I’m only available on a place that lets you INSTAntly share images, I’m under the name queenkiwi.
Ρεαrl ▲ Miroko12
"Good bye, Miiverse..." hola .w. mi nombre es Miroko Sasanuma pero me pueden llamar Miroko, shadõ y... Mikio :v Y sean bienvenidos a mi perfil c: aquí veran todas mis actividades y capturas que he hecho. todas chungas y sin sentido(?) Clan: Game® ~(˙ˇ˙~) Y soy una chica apasionada por los videojugos. Y loca por la saga The Legend Of Zelda :'D
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
Ursa whisperstar13
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender. "That's what mothers are like; if you mess with their babies...they'll bite you back!"
Sciz ScizorSteelix
I'm sometimes more commonly known as Dean. Top Ten Favorite Video Games (Order is irrelevant) Super Mario RPG LoZ: Majora's Mask Kid Icarus Uprising Fire Emblem 7 Fire Emblem Awakening Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI LoZ: Ocarina of Time LoZ: Wind Waker *Pokémon is my favorite series. No Wii U Chat.
ピカすー nekomepika35
ポケモンアニメ&映画20周年!星のカービィ25周年!風のタクト15周年!夢幻の砂時計10周年!ルビー・サファイア&水の都の守護神15周年!今年も周年をお祝いすることに執念を燃やしている!!← ★投稿頻度:ほぼ毎日。最近は落書きやネタ系が多め。 ★ジャンル (メイン):ポケモン、ゼルダの伝説 (サブ):スマブラ、他 ★活動内容:イラスト&ラクガキ、ネタ絵、プレイ日記 フォローの際は投稿頻度やジャンル等を見極めて慎重に行ってください。フォローの付け外しは自由ですが、外されるとやっぱアレなので← 好きなキャラ:フライゴン、ネコ目リンク、カービィ、ヨッシーetc
TAKE eatBee
手に入れたぞフリーダム! コメ欄で描いてろよっていうラクガキを あえて投稿するチラ裏の日々・・・ ノージャンルで色々描くので フォローは全くおすすめできません。 むしろたまに変なの描くのでブロック推奨。 いろいろ考えをこじらせて 機能としての共感・フォローは使ってません。 フォローリストは心の中に。 共感は心の中で。
Holly hollyfig
*comments closed since I REALLY don't have the spare time to reply to them all the time. I thank my fans and followers immensely for the continued support :) I love drawing, gaming, Toon Link and guacamole. And Toon Link. Currently working as a web designer. Thank you for visiting! :)
Hanabusa 25thAlice2
Hello, I'm Hana! Thanks for joining me here! Enjoy your stay! Sorry, no requests. Thanks for 2400+ followers! Age:22 Gender:♀
Rob Membranophonist
Globby glory-glob
I'm Globby. Oh-- Glubby (Psychrolutidae) is my twin sister. •INFP•♀•Bi•Filipino•Gemini•Ram•6.46 sweeps• As terrible as this place could get, I had a lot of fun during my time here! Thank you so much! Glory_Globs
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Glubby Glubby-kun
People call me a desperate weeb, but you can call me anytime. ;) Mood's the raddest, most fantabulous; go follow him. He/Him I like otome, blobfish, and succulents. •Twin of glory-glob• "cheese" Updates This Week: Hiatus until mysteries begin to make sense (Meaning: "It's gonna be a big one, guys!") €€
Austin NE_austin
I host a podcast and a Youtube show and stuff. NO MORE ROOM FOR FRIENDS. Please don't request. Sorry. :[
しんたん sintann
「1枚の絵」こそが最強の言語‼︎‼︎ 言葉の壁をなぎ払い、あらゆる人種、あらゆる国境を越えて「1枚の絵」で繋がり合いたい‼︎と強く思っています♪ 皆々様♪宜しくお願いしまーす♪
Lesuna´∀` Lesuna
※フレンドについて※ 遊ぶ機会が減っていますので募集していません。(I don't want to be friend! Friend request No Thanx!!>:-O) フォローの付け外しについては、ご自由にどうぞ! 時折、絵心教室スケッチで絵を描いております。コメントを頂けるのは大変嬉しいのですが、コメ欄にある"注意書き"を必ず読んで下さい。あと“一言や無関係なコメントや新作以外の投稿には返しません”のでご了承下さい。(I'm happy because you write a comment. But please read the attention picture in the first comment!)
Duke Haman Xaltotun
My name is EEEEEEvil Duke Haman, and I'll have my war no matter WHAT they do! Long live Evil Duke Haman, the true hero of PALS. Down with the written word! Long live picture messages! The vulture with piercing claws will fly over your river and confuse you, starting a war which will place Evil Duke Haman on the throne of Ur!
★~Ðïlαи~☆ DilanLuquezAbreu
.•☆ // Hii sоy Dilаn! // ★•. I lovе wаtch аnything Animе. ♥★ Yokаi Wаtch , Pokémоn , SU ♥★ ★♥ SVTFV , HTF , Blеach. ♥★ ♡ Yoshi, Mаrio & Luigi, Lеmmy Kоopa ♡ ☆ Jibаnyаn y Kоmаsаn ☆ ♡ Pеridоt, Amеthyst аnd Pеаrl ♡ •I lоve Drаw аnd hеаr Music! •I stаrted in Miivеrsе ー 【13/11/2O13】 -「 ほんとに ありがと!! 」- Stаrt Gаmе!
Matthew Bard13
I am but a simple gamer using this social media. But one day I shall prove my existense in the real world. I want to be an author when I grow up, a job where imagination is the limit. I want to tell stories like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. Video games, Youtube, movies...they provide me with the inspiration I need to write these stories. If you're like me, follow your heart. Trust me.
Blu Blu_Berri
Nibelung Valesti! I like Glaceon, Ganondorf, Samus, long walks on the beach, and cats. I don't play many Nintendo franchises other than Zelda, Pokémon, Kirby, and 2d Metroid.
ヒロ Nekoronder
[お知らせ:長らくポケモン及びゼルダのネタバレ防止の為みん活の閲覧を停止中でしたが、限定的に解除させて頂きます。故に、もし共感通知が阿呆みたいに入ったらごめんなさい] ただし、ネタバレになりそうなものは全力で目を逸らさせて頂きます。(え) ポケモンとゼルダ大好き! 趣味でお絵描きをしており、ニンドリにも時々投稿してます。複数の持病と目の疾患があるので、体調不良が割とデフォ。 ポケモンは初代からの古参、ゼルダはオカリナ3Dからの新参。 ミーバース終了に伴い、どこぞの青い鳥でさえずりを始めたようだ。ゲームのプレイ日記はそちらで続けようと思います。 サービス終了日まではログインしてますので、それまではよろしくお願いします。(*´ω`*)ノシ Sorry, I can not speak English.
Oм kinoko67
◆初めまして...!Oмと申します。 ミーバースでは特にイラストなどを描いて活動しています。...どうぞ宜しくお願い致します! ...話が下手クソな奴ですが仲良く して頂けると嬉しいです! ●特に好きなジャンル ボーカロイド おそ松さん モブサイコ100 カゲプロ ポケモン ぷよぷよ 実況 ○スプラトゥーンではシオカラーズが大好きです! アオリちゃんホタルちゃん可愛いです/// ★好きな実況者★ レトルト アブ *∴ちゅるは僕の大切な恋人です∴* 『м』←お揃いのマークです! これからもずっと大好きだゾォ/// 来月から出現率がかなり低くなります。 なので来ることはほとんどなくなると思いますが...。 でもたまに来たりもするかと思うのでその時はまた宜しくお願い致します! *∴皆様∴* いつも共感やコメントを今までありがとうございました!
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages.
A v...
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages.
A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento.
I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent.
Other things I like:
The 3D Mario titles
Chrono Trigger
Death Note
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
The Beatles
Andrew Huang