Am I the only person who yells at the tv to my team telln them to C'MON! Knowing they can't hear me.
ят|Coach's Yeahs

Likewise, and nice to find mature adult gamers on here. Somebody has to step up and keep Mizu busy chasing his way around those propellers! lol >.< Uh-oh, my embarrassing squid songs have been noti...

This was fun Coach! I kept having drops, but stayed in for most of it! I hope you have a happy birthday!

The place we moved to has a fiber drop, but I will need to thread my own ethernet cable, or as per the owners preference "get it done professionally". So, no LAN for a bit. Half the reason I'm not ...

Memo to friends: Sorry about not playing today. I went to Sea World with my friends. It was awesome!
Former Wii player and love Wii U even more. Not any good at gaming, but I play for youthful enjoy...
Former Wii player and love Wii U even more. Not any good at gaming, but I play for youthful enjoyment. Splatoon, I love you despite all your many, many [...failed to connect to partner device...] faults.