ят|Coach's Friends
コーチ thecoachj
Raw Rawtalnt
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BLACK-SUN black1012
Дмёё deemeeAlt
KuroKoala♪ Kkoala125
Whaddup. I'm Kkoala125 and I am otaku central. Anime and vocaloid fangirling/boying is all chill. I play games also! Also another thing, I identify as both a girl and a boy online, so call me whatever you want guys. I play stupid games like... Super Smash Bros. Splatoon Pokken Tournament Minecraft Wii U Mario Kart 8 and various other games! Join me in the jungle!
SKOPŞкорёr NotYourAverageG
Ay wadup peeps om CFF★SKoper aka SKoper 900. i love splatoon smash bros and other games.If yall wanna be my friend dont be shy just friend request.If your gone for a long time or if you have plans its aight' bros and girl bros.Have a fun and chill day.BTWAlso if im gone for along time i might be running some errands be on a road trip, or no internet.
LycanZorua EMPZorua
Alex That_One_Nerd17
the meta FiveworthLClover
Yes, I'm THE flc.
The Boys TheBoysWASsup
Izzy Izzybruh
уоияш teknik08
aytoms29 tomyoman49
ят|Andяés ThisFungi
FCFireLord FieryLightning57
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brie ralynn15
goku Chavez_Jen
splatoon why do you have to be so addicting lol
redvekh nicho54321
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Zap 2 zadokuta
kayla kaylaber
Markus bb Dollarmarkus7
Hi my name is Markus and i love Splatoon
Meghan Meghanman4
Techos! techos33
Morowensa Morowensa
Hello! I'm going to use Miiverse until the BITTER END, and I'll wear black because I'm in mourning. I try to draw what makes me laugh, and I hope it works for you. Please check out who I'm following!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ят|Chomps ChompsOnTheLoose
CDS☆REDMew DominicLanderos
hello people :] my name is Dominic i like to play splatoon super smash bros pokken tournament ROBLOX and Pokemon nerd lol :] favorite song Pacify her by Melanie Martinez :]
Leah LolipopLover56
Hey, i'm Leah! >.< Friend request and message me to play Smash, Splatoon or Mario Kart!! :D {Undertale lover, Legend Of Zelda nerd, otaku, gamer}
eGGz shrubby03
Wazzup! Welcome to my profile.. IDK why you're here, but welcome!! "That's pretty good!" -iDubbbzTV
SaltNBurn PaulElleeGames
Tech Techshiek88
If you want to see me game I stream
ÇÇŞ¤Weasel katie815
Hello there fellow squids, it is I, Weasel. I accept all friend requests. I like to draw and play video games(mostly Splatoon). I am part of Alpha Dragon Riders Im a S rank about to rank down save me...
Charles Naturlichkeit1
James soundboy64
Toadsili;T Toadsili_T
¥ nikkimanic
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Zap zapzupnz
■ Cephalon Geomancy-paw
Austin Alearnedman
bread ChibiTV
(/ ò wó)/ ~★
ςкг◆Bob bobthehoboiscool
Oh...you've arrived...I see...may the best man win!
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
sísepuede Tapiador2013
Parker pauleew
Hydrus Jett_Berger
D Carter DCarter07
hello my name is d carter but you can just call me dc and i like all kind of games so im fine if you are
mj denean
Aqua AmazingFai
Mi Ameskitter
robbie robbieferg
Trigger215 iamgamer215
Only things you need to know about me: I like Lucarios. And my name's Corey. Which bears a strong resemblance to the name Korrina. Who is a Gym Leader that uses two Lucarios. COINCIDENCE?
lysee nah1106
Latias bb pikachurox19
イカ よろしく!
Chris ChrisRenucci
hi guys! Im half french, half german and im always searching nice people to play online.
LHoT ><>º LHoT10820
ρωεн★Saтaи I.am.Sare
I draw stuff. Currently wasting my time in Splatoon. My favorite games include Zelda, ACNL, and Pokémon. ♥
KFC-M,Jose josevelazquez
Hello My name is Jose im 16 Years old and the one ho back from death like 5 or 6 months so my last object in the of wii u is to make new friends im social so u can talk W/me so don't worry you won't botter me the one whit te bad luck in everithing and in Game Pad charger breacker have a nice day.Selfish of me in the past new men today and forward
Dennis dennisboy
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BluRacer7 BluRacer7
"No Way I'm Gonna Lose" cause that's why I say when I play to win BluRacer7 here, I play games on my Youtube channel that are either Sonic, Mario Kart or Smash Bros.
San Diaz Santilasdor
Tré Green Day new album, its gold converted to sound.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Former Wii player and love Wii U even more. Not any good at gaming, but I play for youthful enjoy...
Former Wii player and love Wii U even more. Not any good at gaming, but I play for youthful enjoyment. Splatoon, I love you despite all your many, many [...failed to connect to partner device...] faults.