KingRetro's Yeahs

I understand. Its hard to go back to games like OoT, WW, TP, ect, when you play Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild. I see what you mean buddy.

I agree with you dude. I don't hate Ocarina of Time, but it's not my favorite Zelda game and it's not my favorite N64 game nor do I think it's the best video game of all time like most people do. I...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Another update to provide. Either August 1st or August 3rd will be when I'm able to order a Switch. I should be able to have my Switch within the first couple weeks of August depending on how thing...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

I AM SCARED so i was just hanging out on my bed playing my 3ds and a HUGE SPIDER climbed up my arm and my instant reaction was to flick him off so i did and now i cant find and im scared to get bac...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

TP Link is taught by the Heros Shade. WW Link is taught by the Orca. OoT Link is taught by a couple of tutorial signs in the Kokiri Forest. XD
Good day, i'm King Retro and welcome to my page!