KingRetro's Followers
YuukiYuuki SwordArtOnline1O
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jr flyingeric21
# Don't End Miiverse Oww.. That hurts you tapping me Hi There nice to meet you info about me Hair Color Dark Brown Eye Color Brown Favorite Food Thinga Favorite Game Majora's Mask Legend of Zelda Favorite Anime Attack On Titan Favorite Show 13 Reasons Why Feel Free To Friend Request me or Follow me im grateful for anything. If you follow me i will follow you back
Kirby kirbyman4
Hi I have a Laptop! I like to play Mario,Sonic,Pokemon,Smash,Kiby, and other games. I mosty play pokemon or smash a lot. I'M 12 Years old. I do Wii U chat Top five Wii U games are 5 Mario U 4 Sonic Boom 3 Luigi U and Nintendo Land 2 Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 and 1 Smash Wii U and Mario party 10. I have 48 Amiibo ko I mean ok.!!!!!!! Ps. I have a Youtube Channel. Peace!√ Going to 7th Grade
storm98 fighterlombax98
hello everyone, its nice to see such a friendly and creative vibe throughout miiverse.
♪Kat♪ KoolKat77
I'm an aspiring artist who absolutely adores video games! I mostly spend my miiverse time in the Zelda community, but sometimes I'm in others. Things about me: I love Zelda and animals, I have too many favorite youtubers, I play the Sims (a lot), I'm in highschool and homeschooled, I'm 16, and no wiiu chat! Thanks, to all my followers! Be kind to others and have an amazing day! Goodbye Miiverse
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
james JamesDG04
R.I.P miiverse it was fun while it lasted i cant wait to see what nintendos next community will be goodbye everyone ill miss you guys
LuigiGeek LuigiGeek347
Hello Miiverse users! I am a Luigi fanatic! Well...thanks for showing up, I guess... Thank you and have a great day! Been playing: Splatoon Also been playing: Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam And also playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door I will post news in Activity Feed. Thank you for visiting my profile! My old posts are not funny whatsoever and don't deserve yeahs..
Crazdude tkbone9
Hi im Ty i am a huge zelda fan esay to get along with. I am LDS i do not play games like GTA Call of duty Halo etc. Lots of people like me i do fun QS lots of botw i am 10 years old have a g mail have a wii u and a swich. And im on (MAC) Murray Acwdces Club.
OpalSoul78 Opal-The-Mon
Der König von Koniland wartet auf Sie! Beugen Sie sich zum Lord! ————————————————— Announcements: -I appreciate all the support over the years, thank you for the great journey. ————————————————— -Posts Available: Yes ————————————————— Unknown Codes: -↑↑↓↓←→←→BA+ -!tw OpalSoul7800 -↑C↓C←C→C+HoldA ————————————————— Guten Tag!
Sasuke Eliteavatar21
Ohayo.I am Eliteavatar21. I am a big fan of anime like attack on titan, Death note and Naruto. I wiil keep updating my file every so often. Shout out to Blondbeard. Im a tomboy. My name in Japenese is Edisu. Im learning japenese. If u asked what my fav anime would be. Its Naruto hands down. Cya :)))
Sammy samw391
Welcome! i mostly play Zelda so i'll be posting my exploits throughout my adventures. here to have fun and make friends! please come and say hi and lets be friends :)
**** *** WiiUN.R
ど一もどーも。メタナイトです。(キリ!) フォロー100%かえします!私は主に、スプラ卜ゥーンやマイクラ、大乱闘をやっています。 今は小6で身長は133cmで、2006年の1月5日生まれです。 東方がすごく好きです!好きなキャラは、 1位 小悪魔 2位 ハ雲藍 3位 藤原妹紅 4位 秦こころ 5位 チルノ 6位 パチュリー・ノーレッジ 7位 アリス・マーガトロイド 8位 フランドール・スカーレット 9位 西々寺幽々子 10位 十六夜咲夜 です!これからよろしくだZE!
コロコロEX 200864ryu
マイクラとか、スプラ、マリオやってます!!!フォローしてくれたら、かえします!!よろしく!!どんどん投稿します!!トピックもだすから、良かったら答えてね!!なんかあったらコメントよろ!!(>_<) 好きなアニメ/ヘボット/ポケモン/デュエマ/パスカル先生/などです!! フォロー300人!!ありがとう!! あ、そういえば名前はたまぁに変わります↑ サバイバル生活シーズン2!スタート!よろしく!! 目的!防具無しでウィザーを倒す!! 良かったらまえの(サバイバル生活!)も見てね!! あとテラリア始めました!!色々教えてください!!! 忘れてました!!ミーは顔などたまぁに変えます!!そこは注意してください!! フレリクは受けれません! 長文読んでくれてありがとうございました!! コロコロのつぶやき ミーバース終了が近づいています↓投稿をどしどししよー!
żαητ Latin4210
I've played for who knows how many hours of Hyrule Warriors. My favorite characters are Volga, Cia, and Twili Midna
Pixel Da-Pixel-Artist
Yeah...this account is inactive, so I guess you can say my account is dead, I have a switch now tho. I may sometimes visit the Wii U, and talk to old friends, and..well yep. XD Thank you all so much for the followers I never expected to have more than 800! And..yup. Cya around..
joe ramonamcgee
hi i love pizza
Hetched stripethecat
Hey guys! Its Hetched and welcome to my profile! Favorite song: Attention Favorite game: acnl (animal crossing new leaf) Favorite animal: Wolf QNA's: every 100 followers My 2 favorite pokemon are Keldeo and Lucario Be sure to like my posts! And i will like yours! I also love Anime anyways Hetched out! ☆★☆★
Mi Mi twanawise
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ezra EzraJA913
hello im ezra and before i go on please follow my page and my favorite games are zelda and smash and splatoon check out all of my posts injoy! :p
SpiritFall Zaiaster
Spanish: Hola amigos. English: Hi Friends. Spanish: ¿Lemonade? English: Lemonade? Spanish: ¿Pico de Guyo for Cinco De Mayo? ¡Ha ha! English: Pico de guyo for May the 5th? Ha ha!
danny bruhh2
yo, what up, this is danny, my goal is to get 1,000 followes. I hate the miiverse Admin. My handwriting sucks. I know my Mii has a straight hairline but in real life my hair line is messed up. quick little teaching of who I am and enjoy my account if thats even possible.
77 amare2003
wuet game shud i get for the 3ds
Kingardeth kingardeth
Hey guys my name is ardeth. Please follow me because is hard being alone boy in a house with 4 women. So please follow me and I want to get to know please. I also love these anime: Attack on titan, SAO, Bleach,Death note, YU–GI–O, etc.
KingRetro3 KingRetro.III
Hello, I'm KingRetro III, welcome, go to my other accounts, kingretro2 and the original KingRetro!!!
Stevo Stevo3528
I love to play TONS of games like pokemon shuffle, ACNL, and majora's mask are some things about myself... favorite color: Turquoise favorite pokemon: Turtwig and Munchlax favorite game series: POKEMON Fav animal: pig. If you follow me I will follow you. I LOVE RPGS. I love to draw random pokemon on miiverse #TEAM SUN #TEAM ROWLET Follow goal:100. I know we can do it!!!
☆Garrett☆ mindstormmaniac
Hi! My name is Garrett. I love Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, Pokémon, Animal Crossing, and Mario. I consider myself an expert!!! (^o^) I like bunnies, dogs, stuffed animals too. I have two dogs, and a little fish. Follow me if you like Narwhals!!!
Jadon Jalline
I'm Jadon, some nerd who roams Miiverse. I do a lot of discussions, and like making in-game posts sometimes. Interests: Fire Emblem Zelda Xeno Musical instruments Computers Swords Memes Proverbs 3:3-4 “Let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will find favour and a good name in the eyes of God, and man.”
ClickMyMii ProfileComment
Hello, this is User 22. I will be revealing some interesting information near the end of November. This information will greatly help Miiverse users, but I will reveal said information in a pseudo Activity Feed post, so you will only be able to see the valuable information if you follow me. There are users who want to keep this “trick” to themselves, but no longer. Spread the word, please.
colleen coleenh1990
hi im colleen i love games such as zelda dragonball z and starwars force awakens and im 25 who loves nintendo and anime that are new to me or haven't seen such as fairytale and naruto
Daren w.w. daros88
hallo! hello! hola! im dario, i speak english, español and deutsh, i like meet people of all the world. i love Zelda! i like all types of music folge mir und ich folge du, follow me and i will follow you. add me! atte : Daren WonderWood.
zamuel Fepe23
bye if you see me disapear from your friends list it because i have a switch bye everyone get breath of the wild
Kallé ZzQqZz
I don't know what to write.
Fabulous SweggyPotato
I am a pro gamer who has the hottest ankles on the planet and I can speak fluent German. Bonjour, amigos. I also know the first 7 letters of the alphabet. A B C E G π ф. Official ally of Phantasma and hater of Mii Queen.
luke chestercat02
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Digital JTheGR8pro
'Hoy! OC's:Neko,Tsygeksu and Fanboy! I love PTV! ♪I'm a chemical kid, your a mechanical bride....♪ I am identify from now on as a SHOE. Best Friend:Sara your a great Friend Go Follow her she Deserves it! I only want her and only her....She's my Alex Dorame/Asuna....Better even...BACK OFF M8,SHE'S MINE. Feeling: [Sad] [Upset] No Wii U chat.. H20DELIROUS. ONE PUNCH
★♪★αιαχ♪★♪ gameview2
жж неııο τнеге мίίνеге жж му паме ίš ★♪★αιαχ♪★♪ I Love Drawing and Posting About games and News about them when i have time ofcourse му рîаÿ тìме ίş 5:00PM-9:00PM пύммег опе тнιпğ ι лопť ďο ιś щïïú čнат ♥★♥I Love Drawing!♥★♥ Welcome To My Profile↑→←↓ √ Enjoy Your Vist Miiverse Friends! ♥♥ Posts [20] ♥♥
Dr. Mario Jakester_27_ver3
This profile is only for Miiverse, nothing else. I play games on a different account. Also I started Miiverse on December 2012 (not on this profile of course). 100K yeahs given → complete (no more yeahboming for me) If you really need to know this my name is Jake, I'm 17 years old, blue eyes, blond hair, and wears glasses. I have autism and ADHD. (Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder).
Unicornfly Frozen3.0
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Hannah™ 22Crystal
Welcome to the mystical corners of Miiverse. Its your gurl Hannah! Great, your still on my page!:3.Im 15 yrs old and love Zelda and gaming. I've met many vloggers like superwoman and Stampy:3! Keep following your dreams! Dont give up!:3 Oh and if u read this you owe me a follow... Just kidding XD
Daysie BatmanofHyrule9
rockers.jr Yazidruiz
I am Rockersjr. I like playing Legend Of Zelda Games, Splatoon, Super Smash Bros Wii U. I Want to be Friends With You So Please Follow. I Just Got Tomodachi Life.
Good day, i'm King Retro and welcome to my page!