TS★CHASE's Followers
DADDY OOoh lewis213
Tilou tilou5
Yo. abonez vous prochain objectif 700 aboner plus :Mon profil bcp minecraft mario maker et splatoon faite moi une demande d'ami mot pour mes abonner:merci de continuer a suivre mes message et a likez mes message xD je veut des bon amis bonne vacance tout le mondes ceut qui joue a minecraft demander moi et merci de vous abonner je suis fier de vous :-D bah c tout a+ <3 bye-bye...
michael michaelsavage
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joe ramonamcgee
hi i love pizza
>>-ČĻąřă-> Coleslaw.Wonder
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corykenshn mylesfam5
Chase spacechase123
Please Please Please be my friend! My name is Chase and I have a Wii U. For Wii U send me a friend request and don't be scared or shy because I will accept all of them and one more thing, don't think my profile is all about friends, I want followers to. P.S. I broke my red 2DS so my dad got me a blue 2DS so don't friend me on it!
LEMON MAN! Sonic_boy879
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Dave gabriel64000
hi everyone im dave. im the brother of supersavage. i have all the games that he has. im ready to make some friends and posting funny stuff for you guys. well this is dave saying peace
Lou loul2700
Prénom:Lou L'age:10 ans Jeux Nintendo 3ds préférés: Miiverse et la boîte aux lettres Nintendo Film préféré:Fast And Furious1‚2‚3‚4‚5‚6‚7‚8 Série J'abite en: Bouches du Rone J'abite à: Istres
SKD2 sheri456
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♪ Roxy ♪ RockyRules4321
Under Construction
doop snawg teamfinley5
hi everyone. im brady. i am really wierd and like nice people. i cant have to many friends or my parents will get mad so i might be your friend or i might not. i have a dog and my favorite color is yellow. my favorite youtubers are jacksepticeye, coryxkenshin, and 8 bit ryan. my favorite wii u game is splatoon. my friends like to call me squampo.
PĀ◆Dαгkz connor03z
Ephraim #2 yaakov2269
i love Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amibo and soccer futbol and mario games
karl karlduke10
i do mario and kirby and of corse pokemon and um um um um and clash of clans and angry birds that is about it
Olivier Mr.Guido
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Kaeli ^^ snuggles30
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Lars Mr.Beedrill
Hi! I Fixed my Wii u settings, but now I have to restart miiverse. Sorry! Anyways I will try to post every day. If you want to play with me, just ask!Follow for follow. And i hope you enjoy! And by the way I'm LarsMcc
Nathan NathanLetsPlay01
Hello! Welcome to my profile! I am Nathan and I love video games! I play alot of random games and will be online daily... Unless something happens. Anyway, Feel free to yeah my posts and follow me! See y'all later! Peace! P.S-My Mii will be changed every week! -Nathan
Gamer-Noah NoahBoah-yt
uriel superuriel123456
hi guys my name is uriel my favorite games are mario kart 8 minecraft tanktanktank and more i how you want to be my friend
kakashi jouse2008
sup im DaRk_GaMeR the games i like t o play r smash bros , minecraft , mk8 my fav tv show is naruto if u follow me i will follow u. well see ya
CODKyle chekoro
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melissa melissapic
ciao mi chiamo melissa e ho 9 anni i miei giochi preferiti sono: super mario 3d world donkei kong country tropical freeze funky barn nev super mario bros u e minicraft (♥♥♥)seguitemi in molti e io lo ricambiero vorrei altri amici ciao holà bounjour ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ava104 nafissa2007
hi my name is ava104 i love to make new friends.if you be mean to me this will happen. so if you be mean to me i will block. you also need to ask me a lot of questions any time bey and thanks PS i do not date on here im only 14
™yasmin hosnaMILADA
Welcome to my profile! I have a ™ clan and any one can join¦D The 3 pupils in the clan is ™jennifer ™jet yvonne Jet™abby My bff's are puplis i the clan and juila ★SCHOOL DAYS NOT ON★ ☆WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY ON☆ leaving party invation out tomorrow!party next saturday make sure to follow bye! Leaving party for me cause miiverse ending on march
bman23 412378
I like it
Dr. Choi StewartChoi
I'm Stewart Choi. R.I.P Miiverse on November 7th. Got none more to say besides the games I play and other stuff lol
Sam internetman45632
Cyber ZeroSonic3000
Im Back!!!!! Hey! its me, Cyber I was on Miiverse before but i return!!!!! What i like: Nintendo! Games! Racing! Running! YouTube! Anime! Manga Dragon Ball Z/Kai/GT/Super!!!!! I'll Accept All Follows Follow Me :'D I cannot accept any more friend requests, sorry. my friend list is full so what i'll be doing is that if i follow you back. you're counted as a friend. ^~^
London LindseyTheBee
hi be my friend plz
νιrgо◆ςςκ NolanSimpson
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lunavalent zaraeli2
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jakebossm8 meanbeansuzay
hi guys my name is jake i am ten i live in wisconsin USA my favorite game series are... mario The legend of zelda splatoon pokemon metroid disiny infinity1.0 2.0 3.0 lego dimesions! AND UNDERTALE!!!! feel free to send me a friend request :3 :3 why are you still here? seriously go away stop stalkin meh plz...fine you can stalk me
Kyle j c kcgamer94
hello everyone my name is kyle my age 22. about me and my life. I have a sister. We are both handicap. She is 25. I currently live in supported living home where as my sister needs full support. I'm single and working on getting my ged since I never finished high school. If you wanna play with me just add me I also like video chatting with people that are adults. see you around men.women.boys.girl
chris aiden2cool
Hello,I Am Chris[Not Real Name]Here's A Few Things You Will Find...Interesting About Me:Likes to Draw,Loves RPGMMO'S,The Real Smg4 Followed Me Before His Account Got Shut Down,I Have Drawn Sonic,Mario,Pacman,And Megaman,Will Hurt Someone To Get Ridly In Smash[Who Cares If He's To Big?!. Oh...Your Still Here...Bai
catdog4444 connorgray123
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~Mettaton~ TheNightWolf64
Hello darlings~ It is I, the one. the only, and the absolutely fabulous Mettaton~ Ohohohoho~ Best Buds: USPapyrus♪ Luigi Dana Toby US Papyrus Evan Fido Papyrus Steven Ron Bug Shadowhowl Tessa Galex yato-suma Mina Kuroe Sam If you're looking for cringey memes and occasional RP, you've come to the right place. Much love and appreciation to my followers & friends. Kthxbai. -wo
Hey im TS★CHASE and im apart of TS★CLAN well here is somethings about me
Relationship Status:...
Hey im TS★CHASE and im apart of TS★CLAN well here is somethings about me
Relationship Status: Taken by my lovely Dessy
Fav Game:Arkham Knight
Fav Song: Neyo One in million
Hobbies: Basketball,Games, PS4
Things I Hate:People who think their funny,Toys
What You Guys Should Do:Follow Me Thats It!!!!!!
PS my mii will change often!!!!!