Users TS★CHASE Is Following
michael michaelsavage
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Mr. Cipher Super_Cipher
Hey! I'm Super_Cipher! I am a Wannabe Voice Actor and a Wannabe Game Creator. I love Splatoon, Smash, and Metroid! "All the best people are mad." -Lewis Carroll "Reality is an illusion, The universe is a hologram, Buy gold, BYE!" -Bill Cipher
John qqqq0ui
Hi,I play Super Mario maker,and I love to create traditional platformers on it,I also watch a variety of youtubers,those being:Jacksepticeye & 8-bit ryan Just a little advice: NEVER Answer questions about wether you like the Switch or not & say no on miiverse because its apparently mean (according to the questioners.)
AlteaKorry Dazzleharp
Name's Korry and The Co-Leader of the group Champions of Atlea along with Alex. I'm a fan Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, etc. I love sweets, pizzza, burgers, and anything meat. Fan of abridgers series such as Xanauzumaki, Tauberpa, and Phatdog. PSS: I have a Niles (FE: Fates) obsession... I also write supports so if you want any just let me know
Dr.Thunder OffBrandDrinks
"From Start to Beginning." {18|They/Them(†)} ⇒I go by QMC! ⇒tu»thefollyofsin ⇒Primary Language: English ⇒Learning/Beginner: French & Swedish ⇒I love folk punk more than my own life. (†) Some people may be against these pronouns. If you don't want to or if you're uncomfortable with using my preferred pronouns, you can use female pronouns!
>>-ČĻąřă-> Coleslaw.Wonder
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Dataevous Turnupcrew
LEMON MAN! Sonic_boy879
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Fox Ghostfox66
ben SneakyBen
Kaeli ^^ snuggles30
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♪ Roxy ♪ RockyRules4321
Under Construction
Ephraim #2 yaakov2269
i love Animal Crossing New Leaf Welcome Amibo and soccer futbol and mario games
karl karlduke10
i do mario and kirby and of corse pokemon and um um um um and clash of clans and angry birds that is about it
Lars Mr.Beedrill
Hi! I Fixed my Wii u settings, but now I have to restart miiverse. Sorry! Anyways I will try to post every day. If you want to play with me, just ask!Follow for follow. And i hope you enjoy! And by the way I'm LarsMcc
Nathan NathanLetsPlay01
Hello! Welcome to my profile! I am Nathan and I love video games! I play alot of random games and will be online daily... Unless something happens. Anyway, Feel free to yeah my posts and follow me! See y'all later! Peace! P.S-My Mii will be changed every week! -Nathan
melissa melissapic
ciao mi chiamo melissa e ho 9 anni i miei giochi preferiti sono: super mario 3d world donkei kong country tropical freeze funky barn nev super mario bros u e minicraft (♥♥♥)seguitemi in molti e io lo ricambiero vorrei altri amici ciao holà bounjour ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Abdramane ahtoure
“Mvp±”にむっち 4649ASUKIO
こんばんは! こんにちは! 入っているマイクラチーム チームTDT チーム【SP】 皆さんと楽しく活動できたらいいなと思っています 皆様のおかげてフォロワーが700人いきました有難うございます 好きな曲 あの少女の愛がまるで人形のよに嘘めいていたとしても ドーナツホール マトリョーシカ Lyrics Bad Apple
primetime kennystowe
sup im kenny i love playing games.Idont care how old u r or good or bad Uplay or drawU alway #1in my book.If need help with any games i try to help.the old gamesRfun 2 play i like sport games smashbrothers megaman zelda.(i dont wii chat) for youtubers(kameron lindsey 2015 buzzer shot)and(freshman makes tripleplay!loses shoe) the end ps have a nice day KAY♪♪go cubs go♪♪ JOHN 3:16† SAVE MIIVERSE:'-(
chelsea cjhawksworth
hi name:chelsea age:15 relationship:single youtubers: pinksparkle and sophie louise comment: please comment on all my other posts best friends on miiverse: anthony out of posts
™yasmin hosnaMILADA
Welcome to my profile! I have a ™ clan and any one can join¦D The 3 pupils in the clan is ™jennifer ™jet yvonne Jet™abby My bff's are puplis i the clan and juila ★SCHOOL DAYS NOT ON★ ☆WEEKEND OR HOLIDAY ON☆ leaving party invation out tomorrow!party next saturday make sure to follow bye! Leaving party for me cause miiverse ending on march
bman23 412378
I like it
Dr. Choi StewartChoi
I'm Stewart Choi. R.I.P Miiverse on November 7th. Got none more to say besides the games I play and other stuff lol
Kyra|-/ CaNaDaGiRl01
Hy. You guys might jnow my other Account CaNGeeKFreeK. It's Kyrana, Kyra. i love TØP. and tyler joseph that's it for now!
Kyяа CaNGeeKFreeK2003
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Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
%橋本翔英% exoswordz
Heyo, I'm David ! 16 y/o HS Junior..~ Gender→ Male ♂ Pronoun→ Her/She ♀ Languages (speak little of each) → English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese. k/////i////k > xqai
Sam internetman45632
Vince VincesLastResort
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Cyber ZeroSonic3000
Im Back!!!!! Hey! its me, Cyber I was on Miiverse before but i return!!!!! What i like: Nintendo! Games! Racing! Running! YouTube! Anime! Manga Dragon Ball Z/Kai/GT/Super!!!!! I'll Accept All Follows Follow Me :'D I cannot accept any more friend requests, sorry. my friend list is full so what i'll be doing is that if i follow you back. you're counted as a friend. ^~^
London LindseyTheBee
hi be my friend plz
νιrgо◆ςςκ NolanSimpson
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jakebossm8 meanbeansuzay
hi guys my name is jake i am ten i live in wisconsin USA my favorite game series are... mario The legend of zelda splatoon pokemon metroid disiny infinity1.0 2.0 3.0 lego dimesions! AND UNDERTALE!!!! feel free to send me a friend request :3 :3 why are you still here? seriously go away stop stalkin meh plz...fine you can stalk me
lunavalent zaraeli2
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Kyle j c kcgamer94
hello everyone my name is kyle my age 22. about me and my life. I have a sister. We are both handicap. She is 25. I currently live in supported living home where as my sister needs full support. I'm single and working on getting my ged since I never finished high school. If you wanna play with me just add me I also like video chatting with people that are adults. see you around men.women.boys.girl
Ðαяк Иight plumocito
Thank you for your support throughout my stay on miiverse! I've met really awesome friends in these 3 years of a long journey that I won't forget. I'll always carry in my heart all the amazing experiences I had in this place! I'm truly grateful to all of my followers. My name's Gisela, 16. BlυеBird: gise28rodriguez Au revoir et merci beaucoup à tous! <3 -G.M.R.
catdog4444 connorgray123
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~Mettaton~ TheNightWolf64
Hello darlings~ It is I, the one. the only, and the absolutely fabulous Mettaton~ Ohohohoho~ Best Buds: USPapyrus♪ Luigi Dana Toby US Papyrus Evan Fido Papyrus Steven Ron Bug Shadowhowl Tessa Galex yato-suma Mina Kuroe Sam If you're looking for cringey memes and occasional RP, you've come to the right place. Much love and appreciation to my followers & friends. Kthxbai. -wo
Blackmagic 1122eep
im awesome cool fire loves music games pun guy follow apolo she's great
Hey im TS★CHASE and im apart of TS★CLAN well here is somethings about me
Relationship Status:...
Hey im TS★CHASE and im apart of TS★CLAN well here is somethings about me
Relationship Status: Taken by my lovely Dessy
Fav Game:Arkham Knight
Fav Song: Neyo One in million
Hobbies: Basketball,Games, PS4
Things I Hate:People who think their funny,Toys
What You Guys Should Do:Follow Me Thats It!!!!!!
PS my mii will change often!!!!!