You can draw in the comments.Whatever youre comfortable with!
Patrick's Yeahs
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community

~Dawn and Dusk RP Post!~
About last night Nico... "One does not simply MUCH EFFORT." *Boromir here*

((Here's how I progressed at Pokémon: When I got ORAS at 12: "I HAVE A FULL TEAM OF PIKACHU! *Screams from excitement*" When I got Sun at 13: "After going through millions of Pokémon, I choose 6. T...

Albin ran up to where Patrick and Erin were, and said, "Hey guys. I'm done with todays work in the lab." He looked around for Dusk or Neo. "I'm guessing Dusk and Neo are at the Gym?"
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

-Smash Brethren Post-
(I'm inactive, sorry)
I am extremely random... yay.
Well, I enjoy a lot of games, mainly Ninten...
(I'm inactive, sorry)
I am extremely random... yay.
Well, I enjoy a lot of games, mainly Nintendo games.
I draw, the quality varies
I follow people with good art or humor