Patrick's Followers
ArmOUT ejj2004
I trigger people with Verlis posts/quotes. It's a living. Red and Gladion of the Tr4sh Brethren And Lucario of the Rebel Allience.
Nin★Miri♪ marc0sa
☆Hello guys i'am Nin★Miri♪! I am 12 Years old thanks for following my profile!☆ ♥Hobbys: Riding a horse and swimming!♥ ●Favourite Food's: Spaghetti Bolognese, Burger!● *My Birthday: 15.05.2004* ◆The best Youtuber is Anita Girlitaiment (^o^)◆ PS: I hate Wii U Chat, please no!!! Thanks :-) ★Thank's for over 350 Followers!★
DaProGamer DigsNation
Hi and welcome to my profile i play (ssb , mk8 , minecraft and fifa 13) I accept any kind of friend request and hope we make it to 1 thousand followers
ただいま、ミーバーズの投稿を休止しています。 ・スマブラで、好きなキャラクター(WiiU&3DS) 1位(ロイ(FE)) 2位(ブラックピット) 3位(ヨッシー) 4位(マルス) 5位(ピット)です。 フォローは返します。 追放はやめてください。 ボクの知り合いはフェレアです。(Miiはありません) フェレアは時々出てきます。(ボクのMiiを使って) ボクが持っているamiibo(スマブラアミーボ) 1(ロイ(FE)) 2(ピット) 3(ブラックピット) 4(ヨッシー) 5(ロゼッタ&チコ)です。(今持っている個数5体)。 ロイ(FE)の練習中で・・・・・・今もやってる・・・・・・。 フェレア[こんなビギナなんですが、皆様のご協力お願いします!。ボクのMiiは、秘密の事情により、ありませんが、ビギナの力になるように頑張るので、ミーバースが終わるまで、皆様よろしくお願いします!。]
thugbug alexiahyer
a little about me i like to race i race every weekend i love a kid named Jacob i role play alot im in love im not really in love yet but i will be why are u still here u can leave now!
swaggerbro balmain_chukee
silent but violent
Ike SSB_Ike
-Official Ike and leader of of the Smash Brethren- -Official Ike and Saizo of the Shepherds-
SuperSayan heythea
Sup guys im the Irish★Wolf Go follow my sister Lyria Wolf but remember follow me ummmmm My goal is 100 followers feel free to draw then come and get me :)
FoN Neo OceanTheBluePit
Official Pit and Takumi of the - Smash Brethren - ! Official Takumi and Donnel of the Shepherd's! Member of the Forces of Nature! Friends: ΛΛΛEli64, KirbyLuigi, GlitchyR., Toy Moon, Tamara, Kat, SquashyASP, Laslow, Chrom, SB members, most Shepherd's members. Featured MV artists: Eli64cute! Toy Moon, KirbyLuigi, RBG(Both accounts), Astrid, the Kid!
ニカイドウ fytuh481
Claire Wirawsome5678
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Samuel WK# forthouse
This user's profile comment is private.
Johnny JKgaming7685
Ike felipezu
Oh? Expecting me to say hi? Nah, this place is a walking trash. Bye miiverse, I'm retiring in here :y So long, Smash Brethren and Shepherds Facetome - Felipe Zuniga Cord - Felipezu426#2339 Umblr - Ike Gawain
Midori Mokester27
Hi, I'm Midori of The Shepherds! Actual birthday: 5/13 Fave. game: FE: Fates Avatar name: Bubbles Fave. video game character: Midori Part of the Miiverse Peace Police ★Official Midori, Selkie, and Sophie of the Shepherds★ ☆Official Zelda, Lana, Selkie, and male Morgan of the Smash Brethren☆ ~Official Leader, Spirit Zelda, and Red Link of the Hyrule Warriors~
☆Maltese:3 joshl282
HIIIIIII!!! XD Welcome to my awkward profile intro! I have nothing else to type sooooo..... potato
TC|Blitz TonyBlitz15
New 3DS after mom threw away old games T-T hope I can find My old friends and Clan...its been almost a year T-T Comments Left:In the 20s
Rilee Rilee.s
Tim tum baller: floofyaxolotl Blue bird that tweets a lot: @FluffyAxolotl A deviant that does a lot of art: FluffyAxolotl
ambёŕ ryuusei923
顔ポチȚħαńķ you!! #(◎'∀'◎)# 皆さんどうも!ぷちです。 趣味»»絵を描くなど ポケモンも好きですね。 アニメも結構見てるんで気が合う人いると思います。 最近は絵を描いては投稿しています。 是非見てね!|ω・`)b 絵の投稿は気ままに更新… 『最近描いた絵はプロフィールにて』 ※名前変更することがあります
VIPER brian401985
Crimson Crim_Color_Red
kjsocool21 vellgurl
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Henry wombat-leaf
'¯' ya'know. I'm changing.. XD Help. I am now a weird af girl who is obsessed with HENRY, and most likely wants a body pillow of him. I have too many husbandos at this point but. Don't we all ;v;. (Help '‹') Honestly I can see myself being a psychopath when I'm older who well love you if you give me candy '‹'. I'm trigering but MV is more trigering with those admins. Alsoooo... #Voltron-v-b
Young Link enoleafkitty
Thank you guys for all your support! ^^ Favorite game series are LoZ, MGS, FE, J&D, R&C, Sly, and Bayonetta I watch anime! Count:29 I Role-play! Bayonetta, Young Link, and Big Boss of the Smash Brethren Young Link and Fierce Deity of the Hyrule warriors rp group Rin Okumura, Oga Tatsumi, and Beelzebub of Anime Alliance Young Link and Big Boss of The Nintendo RP
Felipe FelipeZu42648
Hola! Me llamo Felipe. Tengo 15 años y soy de Chile. soy un gran fan de Super Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, y Sonic. English: hey guys im Felipe, im 15 years old and was from Chile. Im a huge fan of Super Smash Bros, Fire Emblem, and Sonic. Feel free to add me, i might follow you back. oh and I'm a Ike main, obviously alternate account: felipezu (as Ike)
foxboy jonathanbudgell
hello! im jonathan aka foxboy i like xbox and nintendo (i hope i get nintendo switch)
かな Fe25ay.KJTlv
こんにちは、かなと申します。主にイラストを時間があるとき投稿していました。 (ちなみに3DSで描いてした) 最近、ジョジョメインの青い鳥始めました。 ※投稿はもうしません。 共感、コメント、フォローしてくださった方ありがとうございました!! H29,7月29日
Aaron UncleLuigi
I am the great Emperor Andross! In the closing moments of Miiverse, I want to thank my MV BFFs for standing close by my side thru the whole way:) Always remember, I'm not done yet. I am always lurking out there in the galaxy...waiting for you, Star Fox!
LordNooki tanookirampage
Šőме ƒăċťς άβσμτ мё ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ - 15 - Real life name is Jordan. -♂ -Will except friend requests. -Will do Follow for Follow! -Loves you guys! >ω< -Another name for me is Sugar Glitterbook -I like watching (early) Spongebob, Girl Meets World, The Flash, Marvel movies, The Blacklist and Agents of Shield. ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲
LIV 331.030
Loyd Loyd3160
Just your average Gamer here who's into anime card games chatting all the works. ^^ Don't hesitate to hit me up if you like to chat yo :)
Pebphiz Pebphiz
the end is nigh, abandon ship. find me elsewhere on the INTERNET if you want to be friends. Goodness gracious, could I do with a few of those.
kurenai229 metal-na-are
よかれと思ってただいま参上!! 好きなゲーム ファイアーエムブレム スマブラ MOTHER 世界樹の迷宮 牧場物語 トモダチコレクション 残り期間 精一杯楽しむとしましょうか
Ryoma blinkerz21
Hello i am Ryoma and one of my friends on miiverse is Timmie who is in love with fire emblem just like me! =D
Flowr Powr BoyWonder64
Hi! I'm Flowr Powr! Age: 16 Favorite communities: SSB4 and Youtube Favorite hobbies: Gaming, Drawing, and Music Enjoy my posts and please follow if you like them!!
********* ClassicGamer500
Other Platforms: Dεvιαntαrt: ExtremeKirbyDX ΐFυnny: ExtremeLocket2 Dιscσrd: Kirbytone#4429 Twitter: ExtremeLocket2 About my YTC, play my Mario Maker level.
(I'm inactive, sorry)
I am extremely random... yay.
Well, I enjoy a lot of games, mainly Ninten...
(I'm inactive, sorry)
I am extremely random... yay.
Well, I enjoy a lot of games, mainly Nintendo games.
I draw, the quality varies
I follow people with good art or humor