Users Elzonire Is Following
アッヒャッヒャッヒャ dnku3d
Ethan Chezdip
Traveling across the land at the speed of a doghouse.
Kira koolkiramg5465
"When someone calls you weird, say 'thank you'" -Tumblr post "A sword has no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage." -Hero's Shade "We must have been married in a past life!" -Beetle (BOTW) "Master, the batteries on your Wii Remote are nearly depleted." -Fi "Pick a god and pray!" -Frederick the Wary "Never judge victory." -Kira, the teen behind this profile. Have a nice day!
King King-X
Miiverse continues at MV Haven! - Christian. - Adult. - London, England. - Musician. - Into Zelda, Final Fantasy, Tales of and similar. - Anime: Studio Ghibli, SAO etc. - Listening: Classical/VG & film soundtracks/80s/upbeat stuff. - Into astrophotography, Photoshop, YouTube, drone aerial photography... - Official backer of Yooka-Laylee. - Joined 2012. Thanks for reading!
TKMあんこ 1633takuma
ミバが終わる・・・。 顔ポチありがとうございます。ヤキリンゴシカデナイゾ。 はじめまして。ゼルダシリーズをこよなく愛する ゲーマーです。中2男子という勉強すべき人。 だがゲーマー。ちなみに13。 投稿はそれなりにやります。フォローはまあ適当に。 たまにモンハンします。リンクでやってます。 長くなったけど要するに「宜しくお願いします」 と言いたかったのです。シーユー! 仮面ライダーエグゼイドロス・・・更新日9/18
Mahiro t641193s
Botwやってます!ゼルダ大好き!という人はぜひフォローお願いします!チーム目覚めの勇者に入団しています!ここのところミバやれてなかったのでフォロー返し出来ていなかった人すいませんでした! 中学12年生です。 お知らせ!!!しばらく活動を休止します!すいません!!! ミバ終了までにフォロワー100人超えたいな…
Logan rmfoerch
†πσαн★άιτ† NV63NValt
Hi! I'm Noah's alt! You can find my main account at: NV63NV Sorry, I don't accept Friend Requests on this account, if you want to Friend Request me, do it on my main. I use this account if my main is out of posts. So...feel free to give this account a follow! I WILL NOT check notifications super often, so if I don't respond, that's why. Thanks for reading! -Noah Am I on my alt?: Yes [] No [*]
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
Hi! My name is Mo (my real names a secret and so is my age). I am... An Animal Crossing nerd Christian (Lutheran) A T1D and someone who can be pretty wierd at time. ...and I think that's it.
Charcho pookachunk
Greetings, my name is Emily! Yes, in reality I'm a girl. This is now my announcement/gaming only account. Put in "Charcho" in search users to see my two main accounts
Maddy Roze xX-Roze-Xx
Kakashi please! don't forget to find me on e-chat, you all i got, i'l see you there mitch, i hope. echat→ [ Maddy Roze ]
Montana Mixolydia98
I just want to say I'm sorry for all of the inactivity these past few months...But, no use moping about it. If you would, please, check out my final post's comments.
Didi nayru65
Sad that Miiverse is ending but I'm ready to move on. My friends and I will continue to talk games and have fun. I will treasure the memories forever. A special thank you to all my friends. You know who you are. Thank you for being you.
KManΩ KMitchell0026
I am an adult gamer; I have been a Nintendo fan since the NES days. No matter how many years pass, my loyalty to Nintendo will never change.
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
Iwata SatoruIwataA
Hello, I'm Satoru Iwata, global president of Nintendo. Thank you for enjoying our products. Along with my duties as company president, I also focus on "Asking" and "Delivering news directly to you".
[A]Karoshi SuperSonicFan14
Hello, I'm Ethan, leader of the Assassins clan, and this is my profile. I like Anime, Games, my friends, and my GF^^ Favorite Animes-Black Butler, Gurren Laggon, Attack on Titan, Hetalia, Tokyo Ghoul, Psycho-pass and many more ^^ I also like drawing so if you want to ask me for a drawing request feel free to ask. Kick logic to the curb and, DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!
Caretaker SuperMario0910
I shall carry on Tyler's legacy.
Brian Bman97
Well, it’s been fun, but all good things must come to an end. With Miiverse shutting down, I plan to stay here till the end times. I’ve enjoyed my time on here, and met many fellow Nintendo fans. I wish everyone reading this the best of luck in their future endeavors. ‘Nuff said.
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
KaiScorch mojo63
Hello strange people of miiverse! My name is Dawky! About all I do is play games and...stuff...yeah...anyways, what you can expect from me is usually crazy, random and VERY cringy stuff...yeah. And if you follow i always follow back! I have a few friends such as: Wildstyle, Lak, coco (obviously) and i guess i consider didy a friend...yeah. So i hope you enjoy my profile!
Percy LuigiOrSomething
Aye, how you be fellow readers? I'm the same person who's runnin' Charcho's profile! If you want to see more of me, go put in "Charcho" in search users, and there you go! Simple as that!
ProfAwsome pro.awesome03
¨The love for your comrades is your greatest strength, it can unlock unimaginable potential¨-Master Roshi MY FRIENDS Andrew AmenGamer Dallas Mangle Ed™ Glurp †Clarence† and lots more
David David.V.NNID
Been a fan of Nintendo since the NES. My favourite series of theirs is Zelda with Metroid being a very close second place. Top 5 Nintendo games; 1. LoZ: Ocarina of Time 2. Super Metroid 3. Super Mario World 4. Pokémon Red 5. Donkey Kong Country Currently playing - Pokémon Moon, Severed, Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, FE: Fates (Conquest), SNES VC Thanks for looking/following, yeah?
Robert reptile101
Hello, my name is Robert, I'm 17 and I love creating art and playing Nintendo games. I'm also now on the Nintendo Switch. If you want to become friends, message me. :D
†Jαz† JFlower1
John John01234
Vio Alex_P_010
(I'm no longer going to be an active user on here. I just don't find it fun anymore) Hey, I'm Alex, and welcome to my page. Facts about me: Major(a) Zelda fan, Mario Kart pro, Smash veteran, Guitar Hero expert, 22 years old, left-handed, and... that's about it. (Vio is the best of the 5 Links, no competition)
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Goodbye's been fun. I actually might shed a tear or two tomorrow... But for a select few, our strong friendship will live on. Goodbye fellow memers. -Noah (Noer) 2017 :(
Caleb clbgolden12
Currently playing: Super Mario Odyssey Thanks for all the fun times, Miiverse. You’ll never be forgotten. Anyways... Follow me, because I'm awesome :P ! Just kidding, but it'd be nice if you followed me. :P I don't WiiU Chat or take random friend requests. Please to the understanding.
Naminski naminski1a
Swagger hyliaeleven
The man that makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.
Scragglier din1986
60 comments was not enough. I needed 90. If you like this guy, don't follow him or send him friend requests. The main account attached to him can be found under the NNID Lanayru79. Cheers.
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Ed™ Edward_Wetter
"WHEN I REACH THE OTHER SIDE I WANNA LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND KNOW THAT I'VE ARRIVED IN A WORLD WHERE I BELONG" Judge me. I dare you. HOY! I'm not Ed™, but you can call me that if you want. My job is making Charcho Chains. …Okay, so I also go to college and work at a real job. SO. ~Christian ~Guitar ~Zelda Nerd Galoshes ~I'm not from Wyoming ~Hobbits ~Fried chicken
LinkOpalMM LinkTheOpal2
What's up? Worker and gamer by day and night. Favorite Games: -Xenoblade Chronicles -Resident Evil -The Legend of Zelda -Final Fantasy -Chrono Trigger -Life is Strange -Metroid -Mario -Bayonetta -The old Mario RPGs -Super Smash Bros -ETC Other interests: -Pizza -Cats -Some horror, shooter, racing games. -Movies -PC Gaming -Guns -Survival stuff -4 letter word, starts with a "P"
Knight Salt_Hero
I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy the characters, storys, timelines, universe, theorys, anything and everything Zelda related. Other things I love include Metroid, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, Anime, and Music.
☆まあず★でっす♪ 今、好きな奴がおるかも・・・ 別のクラスなんやけど、なんか1日話せたら、超嬉しいかったり・・・ 「中間テストで1位とったら、アイポットくれる」って、いよったんやけど、無理っぽい・・・(母がこっちに) 向こう持っとるか、知らんけどラインしたいなぁ~・・・ ・・・告ってみようかな。 こんなことばっかりごめんなさい! また、色々投稿します! では!
Madison PaddyE2
PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN (This is the 2nd account of PaddyE i will post here incase of a ban but for now i will use this for more posts and comments #ShamelessPlugIsShameful #PapaBlessHughMungus #StopTommy, my other account is the leader of the #StopTommy † Clan)
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