Elzonire's Post

Wyoming Club


8 hours ago

Check the comments, please. And so, the end has come. I've been here since the beginning for the 3DS, and despite being a rather immature kid when I first got here, having not as much of a clue as ...

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51 minutes ago

*bows to honorable Elzo-sama*

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

My final Fun Fact is written here. The Tabantha region in Breath of the Wild and the Castor Wilds in the Manish Cap both are called タバンタ (Tabanta) in the Japanese versions! They're the same place! ...

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1 day ago

What's the "blue bird?" Is that Twitter?

Wyoming Club


11/02/2017 6:13 PM

Finally figured out how to turn the stupid Furigana off in Zelda! I wish I figured this out 400 hours of playing earlier, but YEESSS! It was in the settings the whole time, but I didn't know anothe...

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11/03/2017 3:43 PM

It definitely can be quite useful for when you’re still learning kanji and it makes looking up words you don’t know at all simpler, too.

Wyoming Club


10/31/2017 3:19 PM

Yesterday I finally got the chance to play New Super Mario Bros. Wii. I've waited eight years to play this, and boy is it fun.

Wyoming Club


10/23/2017 2:47 AM

To the ZNG who have been busy editing the Wiki with all the page saving lately, I have something to say in the comments below.

Wyoming Club


10/11/2017 8:20 PM

And so another nail is struck into the coffin of the Boy Scouts. Guess it's more of a blessing that my time ends next year.

Wyoming Club


10/08/2017 7:02 PM

Hmm. I made a bit of a problem for myself. I changed the Switch language so I could read and play Breath of the Wild in Japanese. But what about other gamesI'll get? I don't know, am I playing Mari...

Wyoming Club


10/03/2017 3:19 PM

To the ZNG: I still plan on doing my travel guide log after I'm done with BotW. Though I'm becoming increasingly certain that it won't be on Miiverse, I'll find a way to make it work elsewhere.

Discussions Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Community


10/01/2017 8:19 PM

Open Closed

The original Pokemon opening

I got the original Japanese Pokemon anime theme stuck in my head yesterday. It was stuck in my head for so long that, since I already understand the lyrics fully, ...

Discussions Breath of the Wild Community


09/30/2017 6:29 PM

Open Closed



Wyoming Club


09/24/2017 11:06 PM

I just watched the first episode of Star Trek: Discovery. I'm concerned about it's quality already.

Discussions Breath of the Wild Community


08/30/2017 11:59 PM

Open Closed


村人「リンク様よ!他ののは構わないぞ!ハイラルだけを救ってくれ!」 リンク「ハイラルダケを?他の茸構わない?ハイラルダケを救うには、がんばりだけを使ってほしい?」 ...

Wyoming Club


08/29/2017 1:11 AM

Nintendo, ya done goofed. You messed up this entire service, wondered why it wasn't working, and instead of easing up and rectifying your illogical and militaristic policies, you gave up because yo...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


08/26/2017 6:48 AM

Fun Fact! ...Apparently Beedle's Japanese name is テリー (Terii, Terry). Ooookay then.

Discussions Breath of the Wild Community


08/22/2017 4:07 AM

Open Closed



The Legend of Zelda Series Community


08/19/2017 5:13 AM

Fun Fact! In Japanese, Koroks are called コログ (Korogu, Korog). Why the sound change? It didn't take me very long to start accidentally saying Korog in English...