Randy's Followers
Corina Rival_Ziggy
Hi,there how are you? I'm just a some silly ġiгl hobbies: swimming, singing, art, volleyball, etc. likes: Zootopia, Twilight, Starbucks, fav games: Splatoon, ssbs4, mk8, and more, When I get older one day I would want to go around the world helping people to setting them free from poverty. Besties are 1. ★Jdog.exe☆ 2.TCQ 3. ROCK!!!! Thx for reading and God bless you!!
lauren jaguargirl07
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wendy wendybelhomme
skittykid Captain.kyky
Hi im Kylea and i love video games i love my wii-u i have 4 dses my 3dsxl is my favorite ds my favorite ds game is animal crossing new leaf! i would love to give people yeah's and comments feel free to leave a yeah or a comment i also do youtube videos on my video games! :-)
Mr.Turner PacmanRules
Hello My name is Timmy's dad, I am the father of Timmy turner and sadly the neighbor of DINKLEBERG! Anyway, I love eggnog and I would put a trophy on my case........ IF I HAD ONE! I have a second account name bananagram. Joined miiverse 2013 retire from miiverse when miiverse ends Dinkleberg is B O N E L E S S
KrossBow Blingwizar
Boss of the clan [LAM] → Prestige 14 AC3 [LAM] →Prestige 2 AC4 [TPA] 0_0 → prestige 2 BO2 . Speak French and English. I have a one channel youtube my name is : KrossBowizar . I have Xbox one , my name is KrossBowizar i'm search Good players for Ac brotherood and Ac Révélation ONLINE !! , add me please ;-) ( i'm 16 years )
Leo Excalibur99999
Lover of Rpg's, strategy, and fight games! Favorite games include: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, Super Smash Bros: Wii U Earthbound, Earthbound Beginnings, Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Pikmin, Pikmin 3, ...and many more! BLOODSTAINED: RITUAL OF THE NIGHT MARCH 2017
Dr. Pepper brmybutler
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wyatt Snickys
Hi I am wyatt i love to play any minecraft and splatoon. I like to eat pizza from donbrands and chick-fil-a.I will join any ones minecraft world.My favorite FNaF characters are Toy Bonnie, Spring Trap and FredBear. If you follow me I will follow you.I am a expert of lots of games if you need tips on some games i can help you.thank you for all the suport so far even when i took a break igotfolows
zelda05201 Zelda05201
Hello! You can Call me Zel everyone does. I love nintendo and my favorite games from nintendo are The Legend of Zelda Series, Super Mario Series, Metroid Series and of course i can't forget about the Donkey Kong Country Series, the Fire Emblem series & Pokémon. Plus my Newest addition Monster Hunters. But I'll always be a Zelda Fan 4 Life.
Ben CloudStrife2001
Greetings. You have stumbled across the GREATEST MIIVERSE ARTIST OF ALL TIME!!! Actually that's a lie but feel free to look around while you're here. I love: Fire Emblem, Metroid, Kirby, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Ys, Xenoblade, FMA, Strawberry Panic, JJBA, Fruits Basket, and Evangelion. I want to make art but you all want memes instead
Rocky Awsome_Party
Friendship, Teamwork, Partnership, Brave, Hope, Courage, Smart, Loyal, Sportsmanship, Never Give Up, Find the way to Win. Their no I in Team, Be Ready Everything, Bring it on, Never Back Down from the Challenge. got be Smart, got Move Faster, to ahead of the Battles.
Denise~ starry567144
Rip my childhood Goodbye everyone, thanks for the memories Untill we meet again...
Japan Smg4Smg3
[I do not post much but I am very active..] こんにちは。私の名前は日本です。私はあなたと素晴らしい時間を過ごしたいと思っています。 ドイツは私の健康を助けるために塩味のある製品を食べるのを止めるように言います.. ACNL Dream Address: 6E00-000F-53E9
Mina MinaBoo01
»My name is ☆мιηα☆ »I'm mixed ω/ Irish & Puerto Rican »I love pųrple »I lόve making new ƒriends »Splαtσδn is mah life βάby! »му сочşıņ Adri ïς usually ïņ control ðf my account :[ ;з Rεquest me αnγtime but nφ wiiu chat plzż bcuz I'm 2 yung
Sethum Sethum
This user's profile comment is private.
Zak TheRadZak
Hi guys I like SSB4, Binding of Isaac and Deadpool! On Miiverse, if you follow me, you save a young Koopa trooper from cancer. So, hit that follow button for updates and conversations. Thank you for wasting your time reading non–true facts and advertising. You are all awesome gamers. GOODBYE!
TEAM_PUNCH team_crazywolf
welcome to meh dome
OB Drumpouch1901
Hello my name is Kevin O'Brien and I'm a huge fan of Nintendo. I enjoy all of their games especially Zelda, Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. Feel free to add me as a friend I post screen shots as often as I can.
Tommy Pokemariosonic16
Favorite gaemz Super Smesh broz. For Wee U n 3DS Supur Mayro Galaxy Sanic Adbenturr 2 Pokemanz Yee Mayro Kaht 8 Zelda: Spiret Trax Scribblenautz Unmesked Lego Botmon Too Sanic Genorationz Sanic Heroez ROB IS LOVE ROB IS LIFE Sanic iz da coolest character evur
sharon sharonsan928
fire emoji
Game&Watch ChristheAwesome1
this account is dead i may come to check on my friends every once in a long while logans sisters chicken rip
Shade Dude efs434343
Welcome to Jurassic Park. I'm called Shade Dude. I am a railroad enthusiast, a traveler, a gamer, and a guy who makes cartoon drawings on Miiverse. Some things I draw: Cartoon characters, steam locomotives, O.C.s, video games, ect. There is a big world out there. Enjoy.
placebo Placebo36
AGHengen How_Do_I_Potato
Miiverse is doomed Room 69 of Bigley hotel I am CelicAGH How does one potato? https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAADVHkSPR0QkQ Best Miiverse post ever #IceBearForPresident
Alex •ω• alt_alexdude1085
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Elecman SamusVaria
The last metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace..
Failston Marioman44
Kawaii ne onna no ko Kamishinoikaokii Atashi no hovercraft or you die, kiaru. Ima kayoubi desu. Princess Kenny korosu. Naze matta? Naze osoi? Kenni-chan kawaii purinsesu.
RXDiaz7 rxdiaz
Hey everybody!
Coltair ColtairJr
Hi I'm Coltair and i'm in 7th grade. Thank you for looking at my profile♥♥♥! I like to play Sm4sh with my friends( I REALLY love my friends :D), draw, anime( My favorite anime is Magi), Animalcrossing, and Mega man.Earthbound is my favorite RPG and SNES game. It might even be my favorite video game! Enjoy my posts and Peace out~ (^o^) ☆★☆★☆
Tom Summer Roy4Smash5
This is my final goodbye to all of you Miiverse users I am going to remove this account and not touching my Wii U, I lost my interest of the Wii U since Nintendo Switch is announced January 16 2014 - February 25 2017
I draw and play games
It is with my heart that I say thank you, to all those that have been...
I draw and play games
It is with my heart that I say thank you, to all those that have been my friends on here. I wish you all the best.
Second account: Tactician-Lord