Users Randy Is Following
Mari SeaSunSmasher97
Hello, everyone! I'm Mari. I hope you enjoy my work. Over the years, I've improved a ton thanks to all of you! I appreciate all of the love and support. Even if I don't reply, be sure that I've read every comment. My only competition is with the woman I was yesterday. I love guinea pigs~♥
Ben CloudStrife2001
Greetings. You have stumbled across the GREATEST MIIVERSE ARTIST OF ALL TIME!!! Actually that's a lie but feel free to look around while you're here. I love: Fire Emblem, Metroid, Kirby, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, Ys, Xenoblade, FMA, Strawberry Panic, JJBA, Fruits Basket, and Evangelion. I want to make art but you all want memes instead
ĢΛßΣ Gabes9thAccount
@GabeTheFrick ĢΛßΣ#6205 You know the rest *BLOCKED BY THE FAMOUS GAME KING ON 09/04/17
Denise~ starry567144
Rip my childhood Goodbye everyone, thanks for the memories Untill we meet again...
Mina MinaBoo01
»My name is ☆мιηα☆ »I'm mixed ω/ Irish & Puerto Rican »I love pųrple »I lόve making new ƒriends »Splαtσδn is mah life βάby! »му сочşıņ Adri ïς usually ïņ control ðf my account :[ ;з Rεquest me αnγtime but nφ wiiu chat plzż bcuz I'm 2 yung
Mugen K. MugenKagemaru
(PM me if you want to battle on Sm4sh) Nothing to say, really. I'm just... me. LIKES * The Legend of Zelda * Metroid * Castlevania * Mega Man * Undertale * My Little Pony (laugh it up now so I can block you) * C H R O N O T R I G G E R DISLIKES * Trolling, playful or malicious * Stupidity * Drama * Hate, both needless AND baseless
Sethum Sethum
This user's profile comment is private.
Zak TheRadZak
Hi guys I like SSB4, Binding of Isaac and Deadpool! On Miiverse, if you follow me, you save a young Koopa trooper from cancer. So, hit that follow button for updates and conversations. Thank you for wasting your time reading non–true facts and advertising. You are all awesome gamers. GOODBYE!
Marx Zerobeatness
The name's Marx, 22, tri-lingual, obsessed with JoJo & Fire Emblem, draws on impulse and I like chatting. (No, I'm not female.) こんにちは!私の名前は マークスです。私はジョジョの奇妙な冒険やファイアーエムブレムシリーズの大ファンです。プロフィールを見てくれてありがとう!歓迎します Read the manga or die. Ciao
NSW☆Paul Folkloner
My apologies, Wii U News on Miiverse is now closed. Thanks for all the support and the wonderful memories. I'll see you NeXt time.
Saturizzle SkeletonKnight82
Hello there, my name is Louis, also known as Saturizzle. I enjoy drawing, I sometimes do like to show my creations, but I mostly like to entertain you. That's my main goal here. Not much of a profile to be honest, I hope you enjoy my works, that is a way to show support, on which I do seriously appreciate.
Brendan brendancorris
I'm a long time gamer who grew up with the NES and SNES. My favorite genre is 2D platformers such as Super Mario Bros, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Lost Vikings, Mega Man, Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, and loads more. I also like plenty of other genres, and I love The Legend of Zelda. I draw cartoons a lot. I love horror movies, video games, TMNT, everything 1980s and early 90s, and lots more.
Marcus Cooldisks101
~Good day, everyone! I'm a fellow 21 year old Canadian guy who's a huge fan of Nintendo things! o3o I'm a reletively nice & goofy person who enjoy's being with pals, doodlin', listening to random music, VA-ing and singin'! I'm open for chatting about anything, so talk with meh! >uO So come aboard, see my various and random posts, and stay a while. I'd be more than welcome to have you here! .w.~
Emufi Leilani.Sattler
Taget av min perfekta make, DarrenE.Hunter♥ Välkommen. Mitt namn är Lans. Trevligt att träffas! Jag talar engelska. Jag talar svanska lite grann.
yo, avery, 16. i don't bite, just don't bite me first please. I draw (poorly) when i'm not busy... But i'm busy a lot. However, thanks so much for the kindness everyone ♡ I'm really into smash (Falco main, and Peach, Bowser, Mewtwo) If we're mutuals feel free to friend request me! have a nice day if you add me on miitomo be aware i'm super vulgar and have poor taste lmao
darren nobodyhere.bye
Nothing important to see here. Just an ignorant kid at work. If he's here, he did something bad. Like usual.
VGFan64 GamerFan64
Just another user here on Miiverse. Don't mind me. XD Please no random friend requests unless we've talked to each other. P.S: I don't do Wii U Chat. I like to do competitive matches and friendly matches. Also, I ♥ to draw! Thanks for liking my art! ♥ you all! My Motto: Show Your Smile to the World! t: Bunch o' Stuff Star Squad: Me, FireDragon, Pooba, Alexandra, Kirby & King Dedede
Shade Dude efs434343
Welcome to Jurassic Park. I'm called Shade Dude. I am a railroad enthusiast, a traveler, a gamer, and a guy who makes cartoon drawings on Miiverse. Some things I draw: Cartoon characters, steam locomotives, O.C.s, video games, ect. There is a big world out there. Enjoy.
placebo Placebo36
Stalker TinySnoopy
I'M WATCHING ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( σωσ) < ⌒ヽ / へ\ / / \\ | ノ ヽ_つ / / / /| ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒) | | ) / `ノ ) Lノ (__\ OWNER OF THE WITCH & HERO COMMUNITY I Read Every Comment And I Quite Enjoy And Love Them All Yes, I Know I Don't Have A Mii
Yu Tigger98
Why Hello~ I'm just a gamer and an artist with a big heart! -18 -Virgo -Artist -Poet -Anime Lover -Gamer (obviously) -Funny Joys: Smash Bros, BlazBlue, Fire Emblem, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Kill la Kill, Darkstalkers, Touhou, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, Guilty Gear,Pokemon, Conception II, etc. Mains: Robin, Lucina, Palutena Hope we can get along!
Diana DessyDesu
Failston Marioman44
Kawaii ne onna no ko Kamishinoikaokii Atashi no hovercraft or you die, kiaru. Ima kayoubi desu. Princess Kenny korosu. Naze matta? Naze osoi? Kenni-chan kawaii purinsesu.
RXDiaz7 rxdiaz
Hey everybody!
I draw and play games
It is with my heart that I say thank you, to all those that have been...
I draw and play games
It is with my heart that I say thank you, to all those that have been my friends on here. I wish you all the best.
Second account: Tactician-Lord