M14's Followers
Kenny oblivion88
To anybody who cares my discord is Kenny #9500 HAVE FUN TROLLING TONIGHT_BITCHES MIIVERSE IS_FUCKED AF
Bandit Gamesrmii
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Emanuel EmanuelSFX1
Hola! Soy un vicioso de los videojuegos y me encanta jugar en linea! Hi! I'm addicted to videogames and I love to play online!
Though miiverse should be dead by now, it's really inspiring seeing everyone hanging in there and posting to each heart's content, also Matt-B-u speaks the truth. I'll be screenshot dumping till the 7 ps.top kek Mattypb
PSYCHO fwrdgdrtsstchsej
hi i just joined miiverse and am very confused of why it is ending so i am trying to get as many followers as i can. i am 12, love 2 rap , i don't have but 4 games and sadly home schooled. followers are excepted
Thorben Thorben1993
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Flight Flightz
Artie Blanksy
The Super NES was the first console I ever owned and is still my favorite one - Yoshi's Island was the first game I ever beat - Hyrule of Ocarina of Time feels like home to me - Super Metroid is possibly my favorite game - I still need to finish Final Fantasy III someday. My favorite communities represent every game I own or have owned for Wii U and 3DS.
$¶€ÁLÉX§¶⇒ happyfarm158
Hello everyone i'm Alex, aka AlexGamer!. I like a wide variety of games from action and adventure to racing games. I follow everybody that follows me, I will accept messages to games I have. Plz follow me and freind request, I'm a very nice person. I don't swear or trashtalk, insult other people, or give up everytime I lose something. Once again plz follow and thankyou.
ethan gyrobaby
i love assassins creed 4 but i got a beautiful mom who is very kind and loving and trying to do the best she can for me so thnx mom i really appreciate you not letting me experience the epicness of that and others :-] thnx to all my loving siblings and i hope everyone who is reading this has a wonderful day/night. R.I.P. Mipha, you mean everything to me
Seawolf Seawolflinkon
#Dontendmiiverse #pleasedontslamthedoorinourfaces I'm sorry.. Wow.. Miiverse made me feel more connected to Nintendo, and fellow Nintendo Fanatics.. The Switch is a barren wasteland (not because it doesn't have many games yet either)..with no menu..it is an isolated, connectionless tablet [no miiverse :(]. I have a Switch, I wanted to like it, I could have eventually.. Now, I'm Furious!!! ♥♡♡
Ariana ♀ ArianaMoore2004
Hey guys!! You might know me as Mikey D. This is my true form. I am Ariana Moore, I'm 13, and I hope you guys friend request me! If you do, I'll anwser the request! Please notice that I am in love with JDM★Racer☆. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sash Lilac FP2Lilac
Hi everyone my name is Sash Lilac the dragon girl from Avalice, or as everyone calls my homeworld the game Freedom planet. Im very excited to get to know you all and meet you! I'll be sending you messages so that we can talk to each other. I will also give you video clips of me and my friends racing in mario kart 8. and I'll be giving you levels in Avalice for you to play in mario maker! Have fun!
jajapotter jahicis2
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Alex☆FS alexandervera
Lilix 0_0Peace
Profile Comment Unavailable To The Eyes Of Humans ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
Bonjour! I am jazz. My real name is jasmine braswell but you can call me jazzy for my nickname. My favorite color is blue,yellow,white I am a big fan of bryshere gray,and keith power. I'm eleven years old(11) if i'm one of these grounded(#) offline(*) out of post($) online(@) follow my boyfriend fazbear
DaddyChris Crist_Heiser
Ouch my face! Hi there! I'm Crist im 21 yrs old and I live in El Salvador. I've been videogame fan since I was very little, the very first videogame I played was Metal Slug on the arcades and my very first console was the Super Nintendo. I freaking love Nintendo and it's IPs specially Pokemon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Splatoon. I also like anime, Vivan las lolis.
Nintender Ntzbn27
Hi my name is Gabe or Gabriel Im from a place called PuertoRico ITS NOT IN THE U.S.A >:( !QUE VIVA PUERTO RICO! I like to play onlinegames NeedForSpeedMostWantedU,SuperSmashBros ForWiiU,Xeno X MonsterHunter3 Ultimate btw im HR7 MarioMaker,DisneyInfinityAlso I DONT ACCEPT BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS Other facts about me:I like Minecraft,SmashBros and Nintendo
kento poli-gentil-gg-g
salut j'm'apelle kento mon vrais non ses léo moi je sui fan de dragon ball Z ,fairy tail, de naruto et de star wars one pièce objectif:300 abonner s'il vous plaît abonner vous.Ma liste de personnalité:gentil★★★★☆ méchant:★★★☆☆(quand on m'insulte qu'on m'énervd ou qu'on se fiche de moi) rigolo:★★★★☆ blagueur: ★★★☆☆ joueur:★★★★☆ amical:★★★★★ confient:★★★★☆ s'il vous plaît abonner vous
Ian Shrek2000
This is Ian, this is IanGamer's Wii U profile.
yo wassup its kera im a 9th grade GIRL few things about me: 1:im in love with food!!!! 2:i love Pikachu!!! 3:currently bored status:LMAO Zay is mahh bestie for life!!!!! Asia is my girl!!!!! Lace is my bestie!!!!!! Liv is my sistaaa for life!!!!!! Timothy is my bestie for life!!!!! King Frost is MYY bestie!!!!!! I hate people. especially fake people...
††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† Ηι ίм Мr. WANKY αηď Ι Łΐķε το dгаω тнîηģς…Ĺϊķę ƒůηηγ τнιηğς…ďøп'т ģετ ςçαгεď, įм å ğřëäť łâżγ ΒΌΫ Łαηğυαģες: Ęņģľišħ ★★★☆☆ Ďütçh ★★★★★ ƒřεηсн ★☆☆☆☆ ƒανουïтё şοηğ: Sevn Alias - 96 bars Ťħįś ωας му îñƒő αβουτ ме! βγε-βγε! ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† βγε! XD
julius juliuswright
hi im friendly fun and cool
Sem MichelK33
Hi Welcome on my profile, SOMETIMES WII U CHAT English: ★★★☆☆ Dutch: ★★★★★ Take a look at my posts and have a nice day! Bye! Do you have see my info?! Why do you scroll down? Hello? can i get a answer? Can you see it go back! check my posts. wait it's special... Your trolled XP Bye-bye!!!
Elmo Its-ya-boy-Elmo
☆★☆★☆★☆Hey people!!!,☆★☆★☆★☆ Welcome on Elmo's Profile!!! =) My hobbys are: singing 123 and abc and more songs, dancing, drawing and gaming! My favourite song: Bonus Ducks If you like it, be my special friend !! I hope you enjoy my profile! And don't forget: Always be happy like me!! :D Have a nice day! Bye-bye!! #MakeAPostForElmo ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
♪★Ůηκиοω★♪ Orange-Beatboxer
Ηι Ιм γøυг QUIZzzz мαςτęř I♥ βεατβοχ I♥ τнε ωοгιď I♥ мγςзιƒ #Orange-Beatboxer #MiiverseWithBeatboxers #ImAQuizMaster ģοοďβγε мίϊνέřςέ΅
kaylea kaylea76
CB2 Thelonegamer29
Himmler ParadiseWorld
Skittles GSfanskittles
Probably the biggest Golden Sun fangirl. I'm just a 26 year old who loves RPG games, especially Golden Sun. Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem are also my main games. Nice to meet you. Note: I'm only accepting friend requests from those 18 and up.
Deija deija12
♥Best friends: Brayan, Manny, LUFFY^^,Gabriel, KC, Tyler, Brandon, and Dj. "I'm used to being sad," "Because, i'm that person everyone replaces after a while." Last day announcement, "Be careful with the people u trust." So u don't make the mistake I did." "Friends can break you're heart to"
thinkcap thinkcap99
Big Nintendo fan since the DS. Been playing: TLoZ: Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 Hyped for: Arms, Xenoblade 2, Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, No More Heroes Switch
Eleni Eleni09
Shawn ethandust
SEGA★Gil NinGilbert
Even though I just joined and I know that it has been 5 years since this site existed, I'm still gonna miss you all. At least I met new people on here like you guys just like IRL. RIP Miiverse: 2012-2017 You will truly be missed, in our favor, and we all know it.
Nin10dobro YouTubeNin10bro
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KING☆DJ Spirit_goku
KManΩ KMitchell0026
I am an adult gamer; I have been a Nintendo fan since the NES days. No matter how many years pass, my loyalty to Nintendo will never change.
kian kian7lol
im a pro at video games, enjoy zelda, and quite the comedian. im 14 and not single :\ but im generally nice to be around shoutout to: Jer coco Eligha+sister maiya gorongamer barak hylian evan lya and the rest of my freinds and followers. you know who you are ;)
Haley Doglover219
Hello My name is Doglover219 And here is a list of the games i play - Minecraft - Yoshi Wolly World - Super Mario Bros. - Pokemon games - Tomodachi life - Animal Crossing (all) And if you want follow me and or friend me Also check my latest or my old post and i got two sisters doctorwho219 and magicmaker219 follow them and friend them if want keep it up and read my post!(^-^)
natasha tinybaby
Diamond Diamondis9
This is Charmaine's alter acc. Brother: Liam not gonna eat.... I'm dying in 28 days... :'( No food included , im not gonna cut,or hang. i no longer have motivations or aspirations.
Wolf WolfBeast95
I'm Wolf I love wolves & werewolves ☆ = All time favourite Favourite game franchises: -Okami ☆ -The Elder scrolls ☆ -Banjo Kazooie ☆ - Mario ☆ -The Legend of Zelda ☆ -Sly Cooper ☆ -Crash Bandicoot ☆ -Resident Evil ☆ -Silent hill ☆ -Tekken ☆ -Phoenix Wright -Darkstalkers -Smash Bros. -Animal Crossing -StarFox -Metroid -Pokemon -Monster Hunter
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen t...
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games.
Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list.
I also own a Nintendo Switch