M14's Friends
Sash Lilac FP2Lilac
Hi everyone my name is Sash Lilac the dragon girl from Avalice, or as everyone calls my homeworld the game Freedom planet. Im very excited to get to know you all and meet you! I'll be sending you messages so that we can talk to each other. I will also give you video clips of me and my friends racing in mario kart 8. and I'll be giving you levels in Avalice for you to play in mario maker! Have fun!
DommyPooh Dommy19
I love gaming. Plan and simple.
GenZelda2 GenZelda2
GenZelda here! And welcome to my profile! :D I am huge Undertale fan, I am obcessed with Gaster and him being Dadster, Asriel is my baby. I'm probably the biggest Volga fangirl out there and my OTP is Volana (VolgaXLana). My favorite movie is Dragon Heart and my favorite author is J. R. Tolkien. I'm also an artist too. Dragons are my thing. So follow me if you want to, I won't beg for follows.
Deku Link Xtreme.xirtam
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Angelina AngelStar291
I'm just a 24 year old girl who likes to play videogames and have a good time :) But I am also dedicated to my job, work and career.
Skyborne leopardgamer
I'm just a teen who likes videogames like some people. Smash bros. 4 I'm pretty good at unless u think I'm better than u! >:) Lol jk. I place Just Dance 2015 and dance a hell of alot!
angie~RoS Linkfan4eva_eva
alt Proud RoS member~ ▲RoSD is a group dedicated to protecting the LOZ com. from the ones who want to disrupt the peace. If u are ever in trouble, please feel free to contact us▲ ▲The RoSE is an all LoZ event group that has daily events any LoZ fan can be apart of▲ If u are interested in joining either, feel free 2 contact me :) Have a nice day, may there be peace!
keykey queenie10030
back up account: quiana188! i do wii u chat im 15 years old i dont accept random friend requests fav games: splatoon, just dance, art academy and more! live in the big apple! (new york city)
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Holly MusicRulz
Lynn88 Lynn88
«Jακε»şƒ Sad-Lil-Tails
I Am: On. Playing: Idk. Status: Wow. 8 months. Theme: Something To Believe In~Fashawn Yes I made a 3rd damn account. Im just a 15 year old average gamer. I can be very shy, but i love making new friends. Homies: Kyra, Skulli, Justine, Liam, Jared, Kyhier, Meg, Harmony, Jackson, M14, Derek. See ya around!
Sparky SparklingThunder
^_^ Random Facts about me! I'm turning 19 this year I live in Canada so i speak French and English and I play Soccer and obviously hockey =P My favorite games are Zelda, PKMN, CoD and Yoshi Official AceX member !!!! =) I follow back, and that's it!!
Gtoda4 Gtoda4
Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Who the heck do you think i am?!? I'm me, Hunter of Monsters and watcher of anime! Name:Garrison [not really] Level:1900 Class:N/A Skills:Seasoned Hunter Temperment:Friendly Equipment:3DS,Wii U, PS3, among others Our friends are a reflection of ourselves in that we are drawn to qualities of ourself. ~Garrison
jmoney jay-money1210
My last comment was deleted by Administration. Sum it up I said I own Wii U, The New 3DS. I also said I own two other next gen consoles. Since I can't call them by name all I'll say is one was a Halo Bundle, the other a Destiny Bundle.
Zi-Zi RedBlack7
This user's profile comment is private.
Meg Ike-n-Meg
Im a wife and mother. I am currenty a returning college student. With one degree already, whats another? I've been playing video games as long as I can remember. Go gamer GIRLS!
Diаnе ImaginneRush19
I love anime, fighting games, anime fighting games, and Nintendo. -- * Mains * GGXrd - Millia SFV - Cammy, Alex (Ibuki hype.) Skullgirls - Cerebella Pokkén - Lucario Smash - Mewtwo, ZS Samus, Ness -- Oh, I also draw sometimes.
sammi Sammigirl05
I'm just an awesome average girl
Rosälïnå skitty17mew
Thank you all for the support I've received on Miiverse. I've made awesome friends and we all have the same thing in common: we love Rosalina. I guess I fell in love with Rosalina after me mum said that she's pretty and that she likes her green dress. Ever since then, I've always loved Rose; she reminds me of my mom ever since then, and playing as your mom in a video game is pretty awesome haha!
Yoko l1ttleramen
I'm 24. I mostly draw here and make posts/comments. Thanks for visiting! blue bird: the same name btw (you can find me there) for art etc. Note: Since it's closing here, I'm more active on the Switch. Mostly playing Splatoon 2/ARMS. [Games I like: Splatoon, LoZ, Pokemon, Smash, Animal Crossing, Rhythm Heaven, and Mario Kart]
Snake Shulk0077
Goodbye. Thank you for the memories.
AceX_PhniX Sacred_Phoenix
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Moshi Strikerwott12
(temporarily profile post until I make a new one) Hi everyone, the name's Moshi! I'm a teenage Shellhead girl who has a HUGE fictional crush on Donnie >w< I also ship AprilTello a TON! It's my OTP! >v< I love: -drawing -TMNT (mainly 2012 series) -SRMTHFG -Trolls -The Loud House -Transformers -Pokemon -Nintendo -Memes -Cartoons -Video games -lots of others My OTP: AprilTello! ♥
FanTendo.T FanTendo.T
Sup. I'm 21 and from New York City. I have forever been a fan of Nintendo. The NES was my first console and so far I have owned every Nintendo home console. I fancy playing video games and watching all types of anime. I don't 'friend' random people and no Yea bombing. Currently playing: —Mostly Just on my PS4 now. Not much activity here. For all games I currently have →(Favorite Communities)
Melody♪♪♪♪ starla6262
Emil EmilXOM
»Finally got myself a Gamecube adapter, woooo! Hi there, I'm Emil, just your average stuttering artist and gamer. I got a weird sense of humour and I draw stuff fairly frequently, both here and on DevianART and Tumblr. I also study cartooning and animation. Feel free to have a cheeky gander and see if there's anything you like. Don't be afraid to comment either.«
♪ßriтт♪ TowerNet
•º•♥ωειсоме то му ряоfiłε♥º•º I am ADDICTED to YouTube! Some people I watch are: ~Markiplier ♡ ~Jacksepticeye ♡ ~Game Grumps ♡ ~ PewDiePie ♡ ▲γου'νε мет а теяяïbłė fατε, наνεη'τ γου?▲ I'm an older gamer, so please don't send me a request if you're younger! ▲ ▲ ▲ ....wut
What's up! It's ya boy DJ Splatta! The King of Splat Style! Splat Crew is a group of friends who dominate each other in fun competition on Splatoon. Splat Crew...See you in Turf War! Splatoon: Mon-Thurs, 5:00-8:00 p.m. ET I watch Anime.
Skelter jonwskelly
USA!!! 19 and ♂, Love soccer, skiing, and camping. Nintendo enthusiast, Zelda and Metroid are the best. I enjoy having discussions, so feel free to start a convo with me! Follow for cool drawings and good talks RoS forever, bois Favorites: Super Metroid Xenoblade Mother 3 Link to the Past Mega Man 3
Dakota dakotathewolf17
Dakota's the name, gaming is my game!
▲ Helen ▲ trojanbeauty
Council member of the Requeim of Spirits (RoSD) Please note, I only use Wii u chat with family and people who I personally know. I guess you could say I'm a huge rpg lover. Some of my favorite game franchises are Legend of Zelda, Paper Mario, the Tales series, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts and Golden Sun.
Jake sonic357
angie~ Linkfan4eva
Recent graduate! I'm back, finished and ready to game! :D Breath of the Wild hype strong ▲IT'S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE▲ Take this and fight with me ¬l========> (\_(\ (=' :') ~♥ MH4, Splatoon,SSB4, MK8 (,( 0 ) #vaati4smash Lazy~Anime~Food If I could be a fish I would be Koi *Drawing requests closed* RoS co-leader
Squibbles Honeythecat2000
Steph sparklecherry
Hey! I'm Steph and I'm a big anime, manga, vocaloid and sonic fan My fav anime are Fairy tail, Attack on titan, Noragami, No game no life and Angel beats I love music My fav games are Xenoblade X, Hyrule warriors, and Super smash bros My mains in smash are Robin, Shulk and Bayonetta I love, to draw for fun and I'll do any requests ςεε γα ~♥ ^ω^
Fro Man DestinyJaden
Well i don't have a whole essay to tell about ya about myself but i'm funny i'd like to think random whenever i want to be i have a 360,ps3,wii,wiiu,ds,3d and a ps4 now blah blah blah anyway sarcastic when i want to be just living you know so yea have great day fellow ninjafishes :D
Mario SonicHedgehog777
Beta SilverKnave6
Nice to meet you, I'm Knave, also known as Beta. I'm a fan artist that's really into Sonic games, my favorite being Sonic Colors. I also enjoy Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Splatoon. I'm not on much, but don't be afraid to ask me for a game or two, I love some competition. XD
Tally TetraZelda13
The name's Tally, sibling to Tweetie and Knave. I love Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, Okami, Okamiden, and Sonic. I watch Phoenix Wright Let's Plays and I'm a huge fan of chuggaaconroy, the Let's Player. I DON'T date on the Internet, but nice try boys. :) Also, if you speak French, I can talk to you because je parle français. (I speak French.) My main goal is having fun. See ya around, fellow stalkers! :)
kittygirl blackrose2
lm a HUGE The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, NIGHTS, Super Smash Bros and Anime fan! ^-^ ♥ Age: 27. Favorite Food: Pizza, Sushi and Ice cream P: Likes: Video Games, Anime, Drawing, Music, Romance and Cats :) Dislikes: Video Game Haters and Animal Abusers >:( Fears: Spiders and Scorpions 8( Favorite Colors: Dark Blue, Blood Red and Green :D Relationship Status: In a relationship! ♥•♥
Jet Jet2203
Let's see what to write about me... Well I'm a 23 year old who plays games. *I do own these current gen consoles:WiiU,3DS,PS4,PS3,PS Vita and older consoles as well. *I do like to watch anime. Comedy is my favorite genre in it. Favorite so far is Space Dandy. *Games I do like to play are Pokemon,Super Smash Bros,1st person shooters, Mario Kart series, Animal Crossing. Cool Points: 450 くβ彡
Alex Alexlovessega
Huge Disney Fan! Left handed :P Miiverse since 8/18/13 Wassapa? It's Alexlovessega here! I'm 17 years old I love sour patch kids My GF is Joselyn ♥ My favorite show is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Jeffrey X dreamcube2
I'm 20 years old and I ♥ SEGA,Nintendo,Atari and Microsoft. I've been gaming for 16 years.
Meagan Meagor
Hello, and welcome to my profile page. I'm a big fan of Pokemon, Zelda, Smash Bros, Tales, and Dragon Quest. I'm also a RPG fanatic. My first video game console was the N64. I've been a Nintendo fan ever since I got the N64 and proud to be one. Have a good day! ^_^/ I don't do Wii U chat with people I don't know well and I don't Miiverse date.
Its Yer Boyeeee Ruff! Age:13 Had to remove my gamertag because of miiverse -_- New update sucks azz but I can't complain.Not like Miiverse gives af Cool Peeps Kat:She's a kitty. Kameron:Put up with it. Hunter:He's a hunter so I don't mess with him. Fralv:(Insert comment here) Bros:He's a bro Letrell:Irl friend Interests:Anime All the fine ladies out there :3 Gaming Sports K Bye
Kai ZeldaPika
Why,hello there!I'm just your averageOtakuwho is a huge fan of the Zelda series.I create fan-animations, speed-art and vocal covers of Nintendo games&Anime! I alsodoLet'sPlays! I am the _TheOtakuArtist_ »ProudNEET&Otaku »I have 2Parakeets&4Dogs »Artist&Christian »Beginner Animator(Flipnote3D&FireAlpaca) »I draw on here! ★GameCurrentlyLPing:TwilightPrincessHD ☆GamesPlaying4Fun:FERevelation&BOTW
H H.2-3228
Enjoying Summer! Alright, I've finally put in my last moments to miiverse. Again, I've had a lot of fun. Thank you for the many conversations. There were also many interesting ideas on miiverse. Gaming can be pretty serious lol. I'll see you guys on the switch and enjoy! Peace. (For real, I'm out this time.) I got as many people as I could on the switch. Take it easy.
kAmUi marcelokamui
I'm Brazilian, 32, English teacher. I luv games, old school gamer, my bf, family and friends, huge Sonic fan and I hope to make friends here! Tks 4 the visit. Sou Brasileiro prof de ingles 32 anos de S. J. Rio Preto-SP, amo games, meu namorado e sou mto fã do Sonic. Quero fazer amizades, desenhar e jogar online. Games I play online: M. Hunter, Ken's Rage 2, Mario Kart 8, Xeno X, Smash, Pokken
Welcome to the Trav- Zone! GET READY!! Hope you enjoy my scribbles and what-have-ya. I want to thank all those who yeah, comment, and follow! THANK YOU!! Also be sure to check out my main account: The Trav (Megablurx) for all my WiiU posts and other random cray.
MichiMeg linklover87
I eat, sleep, and breeeeathe zelda! So if you consider yourself to be the biggest zelda fan on the planet? Friend me! I need zelda buddies. :) Im not exclusively a zelda player of course... mario, fps's, splinter cell, etc... Im from michigan so peace and love to my fellow michigander gamers! Oh, and im 29 So no gamers under the age of 20 please. Currently playing: too many... lol
Korg Vaprack
''I am the Hammer.I am the Sword in His hand.I am the Gauntlet about His fist.I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous.I am the End'' Sic Semper Tyrannis
Rasta_Frog Rasta_Frog
Easy going help as I can kind of guy. 1st Gen Veteran Monster Hunter and Proud Knight of Redland. U.R.L.K. Elite!, but not an Elitist. Maintain a helpful but no nonsense, relaxed sort of playstyle. Let's push our limits and have some fun doing it! systems stashed around include: NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy(the brick), GBA, Genesis/32x, Dreamcast, PS2.Wii U, nn3ds
CrazyBeast Gameboy25
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games! Currently playing: Chaos Child Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth Bad Apple Wars Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)
D-man D-Nasty_24
Just a guy who loves to play games. Been playing games since I can remember. I also watch lot's of anime. Nickname is D-man but my Sony side nickname is D-Nasty, for those who was wondering. My fave two gaming series from Nintendo is Zelda and Metroid. My fave series of all time tho isn't even a sony title. Metal Gear Solid. But look at me ramble. If u wanna know more just message me.
Chibi chibinina
Hello! I'm Nina ^.^! Lots call me Chibi though. It is very nice to meet you! I am a huge fan of Nintendo, been so since the SNES. My favorite series has to be Zelda by far. Also enjoy playing Monster Hunter! Looking for people to hunt with all the time! Please don't not send Wii U chat requests. I will ignore them!
Cardo Affirmative
I've been playing video games ever since I was a kid, and the first home systems -- which only played different varieties of Pong -- were released (yep, I'm old). My favorites are usually rpgs, strategy, and sim games, but I'm not at all averse to the odd "shoot everything that moves" session.
JεммÅ—◆ MsGemz
º ßonjoůR 안녕하십니까! º I'м Jeммα 난 젬마예요 & bειηg froм Nеω Yοrκ Cιτγ I'м jυsт α sιмρlε тoмЬoγιsн gιrl ωнo eηjoγs gαмιηg.. OMG I ♡ Sρlατοοη!! Dεfιnιτεlγ мγ fαvοrιτε gαмε fοr Wιι U. Mγ мαιη ωεαροη[s] αrε αll Cнαrgεrs! So, ιf γoυ sεε α lαsεr bεαм, tαкε мε oυτ fιrsτ, bεfοrε ιτ's τοο lατε.. Lαngυαgες: Frαnçαιsε & 한국어 • [Tнαηκς ƒor vιsιтιηg Mγ Prοfιlε. I cαη'т ωαιт тo ρlαγ γου oηlιηε, Åυ Rεvσιr] •
Mrplayer Mrplayer102595
well my b day is an error its actually on 10/25. Well I'm a gamer :3 and I'm a big fan of Mario, Pokemon, The Legend Pf Zelda and other games ^_^ but I'll play any game. I'm currently single ^_~. Ps I'm a brony 030.
SR|Eмilia ShadowLiink
Hi. My name is Emilia, I'm just another person who enjoys wasting time playing video games for children. I especially like the series of TLoZ, Mario & Sonic, but generally play anything Nintendo related. I currently reside in Denmark where I study mathematics and software engineering. Other interests include music, cartoons, movies, sports & sleeping. Eng/Esp MK8: dBP: 5th EU BC: 8th EU 74K VR
Fralv Sav Fralv123
Ayee yo so wats good yall yea dis Fralv Savage [aka, Dominican Savage Boii] Ball is Life, so yeah some of yall might know me from online in Smash Bros. WII U, NG3,MK8, BO2, n Ghosts [GUNz clan], i draw n im lookin to meet new ppl oh n don't be scared 2 friend, follow, n put yeahs on my post and i do wii u chat [not all the time] so thats all 4 now im out n Shoutout to mah homie Fresh Al
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Julio HeroOfShade-Link
I love the Legend of Zelda games! My all time favorite game is Ocarina of Time. I also grew up with Dragon Ball, Spider-Man, Pokémon, and many other franchises. Nintendo and gaming have been a part of my life since I was 2 years old, with some of my first memories being playing the family's old Super Nintendo. I'm 18 years old.
G.Cuban eimack3
Hey Guys! Please Check Out My YouTube Page! Just Search Up GorillaCuban... Thanks For The Support ;)
Katzuya KatzuyaSagara
Hey Katz here!. Let me tell you about myself. My favorite animals are the Wolf, Snake and Dragons I'm a Graphic Designer, Ilustrator, retired Capoerista, and a Good Friend. I love being competitive, so I accept every challenge! I'm a creepypasta fan, and my favorite game genres are: Puzzles, Platformers, Accion, RPGs and Fighting. So, let's have a Good Time! :)
MegαJøhп¹³ MegaJohn
Im a 32 year old gamer, from the Great State of Tеχas. I had heart surgery in 2010, and thats how I got the name MegaJohn. Since I have a piece of metal in my heart. I am console agnostic, and believe being a fanboy of one console means that you are not a true gamer! Game Collection as of 07/24/16 шıı ц/шıı: 31 χвох опе: 133 χвох збо: 264 ρş ııı: 22 ρş ıν: 52 ρş νıτλ: 59 λмııβσ çøυητ: 10
♪Nina Mistress_Nina
Im Nina and im a burrito on thursdays~ Baboons are kinda mean. My favorite things are nintendo games, anime, mabinogi, kittys, birds and food favorite nintendo series : animal crossing favorite anime : Steins gate favorite horrer game : witchs house I would also like to say that bacon ish gr8! That ish all. ^w^
Courtnay CJluvsMJ27
Today's the end I guess. If you wanna find me on "kick" or "bird sounds" page, I use the same Nintendo name as I do here. I hope to see you there. :)
Haze DarkKnightLink
I am a person. It's pretty swell. I might do random doodles and the like, I always found drawing fun but I haven't done any in years.
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Rellmon Rellmon
Hello, Im Rellmon, one of the most dedicated gamers you will ever know! I hope to be one as long as life will let me be! Gamers, especially oldschool and nostalgia freaks get my attention in priority!!!!! Lets be cool together! Or at least til the Switch over.
Mikes ShadowMetal
Hey there! As you can probably tell, I love video games! I mainly grew up with Super Mario & Sonic the Hedgehog games, but now I've come to love tons of others, too (like Metroid and Shin Megami Tensei). My experiences have led me to pursuing an all-around career of music composition, game development, and art. I also play Smash 4 a lot. You may or may not bump into a sub-par Zelda player.
This comment has been taken by Kaito Kid. He should return it once he deems it fake. It seems Kaito Kid gave my profile comment back. He stuck it in one of my drawers. I'll keep it as a souvenir. With that out of the way, hi! I'm Michael! (AKA Mariotag. I'll probably change my Mii to reflect that better.) ...and I've little keeping me here now...
Rose Kinoko
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen t...
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games.
Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list.
I also own a Nintendo Switch