M4th's Yeahs

Comment on M4th's Post


1 hour ago

Maybe a poem? I'll try. Today we're here, filled with fear. With heavy hearts, we all depart. Out time together, happiness beyond measure. and although we will lose out community, it will not shatt...

Comment on M4th's Post


1 hour ago

Let us not have a console war, let us be friends forever more. It maybe time to say goodbye but our gaming spirits will never die! Ill see you all soon friends of new and old! Goodbye Miiverse it's...

Comment on Trav's 3DS's Post


3 hours ago

You have always been one of the greats. Always so chill and easy to talk to. Can't tell you how many times you had me bursting with laughter. Master Chief in a bikini. Still have it saved. Take it ...

Comment on Trav's 3DS's Post


4 hours ago

Trav, you were my earliest. I was there for your wild ride in the start, and now its end. Your whimsical art & humor has always been a treat, and your work has inspired several of my piece here & t...

Comment on Trav's 3DS's Post


4 hours ago

You were without a doubt one of my absolute favorite artists on here, Trav. Hope to keep up with you outside of here. Keep chugging dude

Discussions YouTube Community


8 hours ago

Open Closed

Final post.

Already made a few final goodbye posts in some of my other fav communities but the last post i make here shall be in this community. Its been fun at times while it...

New Jersey Club


7 hours ago

Today's the end for Miiverse. I'm beyond thankful for this place introducing me to everyone here, especially my bf Eric. I'm gonna miss all of you guys, but I'm not gone. My Nintendo name is on "ki...


4 hours ago

have fun!

In-Game Sonic Lost World Community


7 hours ago

Put this item to good use!

New Super Luigi U Community

Trav's 3DS

6 hours ago

Well Miiverse, it’s been fun. We had some good times, some great memes, and all the adult mischief one can have in a children’s social media experiment gone horribly awry. Hopefully my drawings an...

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18 minutes ago

trav's looks like this is good bye i wish you the best of luck in life and i hope youre dreams of becoming an artist or animater come true, and hey maybe we will cross paths again someday.

New Super Luigi U Community

★Star Pit

5 hours ago

This will be my final post goodbye to all my friends and supporters and this community ill miss Miiverse and handwritten post im sure we'll cross paths again XXX.

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4 hours ago

Til next time old friend! I'm sure we will cross paths again.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


5 hours ago

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11 minutes ago

Your art has been amazing throughout! I remember when you boosted from 200 followers to thousands! Good luck I the future!

New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

It's been a great run, my friends. But all runs eventually end. Thank you to everyone who supported me over the years. This was my first Social Media experience. To all my friends I've linked up wi...

Drawings The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Community


03/14/2017 7:27 PM

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


4 hours ago

R.I.P. to Miiverse. Since 2012 this place has an absolute blast.


4 hours ago

Good bye Malik. It was great knowing you.

Drawings SDK Paint Community


2 hours ago

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1 hour ago

Am here with good news there a place called MV Haven it's were fans made there own miivers of this place look for it!

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


3 hours ago


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3 hours ago

Doesn't work like that.

Comment on M4th's Post

Trav's 3DS

6 hours ago

It was fun while it lasted. But I’m glad to have you guys on my other devices. It’s always good to see some familiar faces pop up on my Switch and PS4 feeds. I hope you guys take care. Cheers!

New Super Luigi U Community


16 hours ago

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2 hours ago

Wow, it hasn’t gotten taken down!