Users M4th Is Following
ARMegaMan ARMegaMan
As you can tell, I'm crazy about the Mega Man series, especially the Classic and X series. Enjoy any of my drawings I post here (there are a LOT of them by the way)! Note, I will not follow anyone back just so I can keep things simple.... For those actually curious, the AR stands for Another Random.
Thalia Thalia-Star
Sup peeps of the world follow me and I shall do the same for you and thnx to everyone who follows me,later peeps remember always keep on dabing(one fact about me is that I watch anime ,draw anime people mostly girls, and i love blackpink,red velvet,twice,and I.o.I). Shout out to @SNOWFANGES#anime bestie thnx to all the peeps who followed me let's keep it up. DAB
natasha tinybaby
Jeffrey X dreamcube2
I'm 20 years old and I ♥ SEGA,Nintendo,Atari and Microsoft. I've been gaming for 16 years.
Sam T arbuckle56
I'm not the most popular guy on Miiverse, but thanks for your support. I played Duck Hunt at age three, and supported the Super NES in the 16-bit war. So yeah, I'm a pretty big Nintendo fan. I joined Miiverse on 11/20/12, two days after launch, and I've been active at every major game release since. Feel free to Yeah or comment on anything you see. Just remember, my art is mediocre at best.
*ºρгiηcεςς RosieRosalina
I'll be making doodle posts about twice a day until Miiverse ends. -> AmyRosers <- -> Amy_Roser <- .') I joined Miiverse on 12/10/13 and will stay till it's death 11/8/17! I will NEVER forget you guys, or your kindness and support through these (just about 4) years! THANK YOU for everything! -> DA <- -> YouTube <- .') May we meet again somewhere else.
Pheonix seelseel2
Hiya! I'm super nice! Love Games. ( Temporarily, I will be sharing my daughter's Mii until I can replace my 3DS. My own Mii is Phoenixflair. I'll try to tag my posts with Px so you know it's mine. Check followers for my own Mii, Phoenix!)
Sun M1Abrams2004
Hey I'm Sun, retired member of the SDSW clan ™Enduring Freedom. *Guitarist/drummer/bassist *Favorite bands are Avenged Sevenfold, Shinedown, Metallica, Dragonforce, Disturbed, Volbeat, Rise Against, Queens of the Stone Age and more. *Favorite games are anything from the Sonic franchise *Friends: Mini Mii, Brian, Patriot, Matthew, Old Glory, Sam, Luke/Max, M14 and plenty others.
★√Kevin√★ kevinregis
★★Hello Miiverse! Kevin here!! I love basketball .. My goals:Be in the NBA..andi just make people laugh if u like that then stick around :D Soo yeah thats it, make sure to follow I follow back and yeah peace!★★ 100 followers ★ 200 followers ★ 300 followers ☆ 400 followers ☆ 500 followers ☆ 600 followers ☆ 700 followers ☆ 800 followers ☆ 900 followers ☆ 1,000 followers Lets hit 300!
Samus Aran GoldenRuby777
Hello,I am a Sonic fan for life, and my favorite non-Sonic video game character is Falco Lombardi.I love Metroid, Star Fox, Animal Crossing, Mario, Yoshi, Super Smash Bros., Splatoon, Kirby, and of course Sonic! I will aid anyone who asks to the best of my abilities, whether it is gaming issues or trolls.I accept friend requests as long as you are not creepy.
Kelvin darkacez
It's nearing the end..... Thanks for all the laughs and fun times Miiverse. There will never be another place like it. Love all you guys! Let's enjoy our final moments. "Don't be sad it's over, be glad that it happened"
SpongicX SpongicX
Favorite games from my life are Banjo-Kazooie & Tooie, DK64, Conker's BFD, Mario 64 DS, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Sonic Adventure, Kingdom Hearts, and Kirby. I love animation. My favorite movies are Roger Rabbit,Big Hero 6, Frozen, Lion King, Aladdin, Wreck-It Ralph, Princess and the Frog, Kung Fu Panda 1 & 2, and Tangled, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away.
Suzette ilikeyouyoucrazy
Friends, followers: If y'all wanna keep in touch, l'm on that app that's not punch, but… "kick," without the "C". Ravenblossom95.
Pikachu Pikachu_269
My favorite games one for each system. NES bubble bobble. SNES super mario rpg legend of the seven stars. N64 the legend of zelda ocarina of time. GAMECUBE luigi's mansion. NINTENDO WII super mario galaxy 2. NINTENDO WII U the legend of zelda breath of the wild. NINTENDO SWITCH Super Mario Odyssey.
Sonku AstralSonic
Salutations! I enjoy playing video games and drawing, and I hope that one day I could perfect my art style! =) I'm a huge fan of Sonaze and Sonic The Hedgehog, but I also have other interests such as Pokémon, Klonoa, Final Fantasy, Super Mario, and many more! Have a great day =D
Ursa whisperstar13
I redesigned my Mii after my favorite character from Avatar: The Last Airbender. "That's what mothers are like; if you mess with their babies...they'll bite you back!"
Ania MechonMonado
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Xiroch Xiroch
"Time passes, people move... Like a river's flow, it never ends... A childish mind will turn to noble ambition... Young love will become deep affection... The clear water's surface reflects growth... Now listen to the Serenade of Water to reflect upon yourself..." -Sheik from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Ruri Mr.Magikarp654
Well, miiverse's end draws near... It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, many drawings here as well. Regret not drawing much here but I guess that happens when you have an old model ds. Miiverse has been a great time. And I am glad to have the friends I made here. Wish you all the best. This is not a good bye. This is a see you soon. :)
*AURORE* aurorechlupa
☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Name: AURORE Age:15 Species: ALIEN from the planet zeptunia Hobby: Drawing BESTFriends:Spade,Ai-Chan,Aidan,Justin,Jacob,Hawkeye FOLLOW+ LIKE+ COMMENT- BYE ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
P Tenn88
Annoyed about tomorrow being the final day of MV & that it's getting shut down just to try & push the switch onto customers....yeah that's my opinion. :/ And their "claims" of them still planning on supporting the 3ds family of systems I'm gonna need pretty darn good proof of that to 100% believe that.
Ania AlternateAnnie
Demon Star OtherStarPit
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Jas Jazmataz162
Hi. I'm Jas. 20 years old. I currently have only one 3DS game but I'm planning to get more in the future! This is my second account. Follow this account and my Wii U account too! :3 If you're looking for my Wii U account, just go through my followers and you'll find it (The one with the red shirt).
Ragna Ragnadadestroyer
another one of black's profiles
Zach—————— noswalgamer
Hello this is my alt account. my main account is noswal1990
PAOMario mariomegaman13
Jαмеs RazorJames35
*Sorry for inactivity, school that's why. Posts will be up and running soon* Beep boop! I'm James a 11 y/o Nintendo Gamer & drawer which I'm really working on to improve my drawings! I'm also †Christian† ^0^ OC: Andrew ♥ANIME♥ Love watching One Punch Man -Splatoon- Main:Level 50 (MAX) Rank S+ 30 Alt: Level 15 Rank A- 24 OctoShot/Splattershot Pro very competitive :o
This is Courtnay's alt, just in case. XP
Chloe' Demonic_Otaku
Hai everyone! My name is Chloe, im 24 yrs old, 5'11, and Im a gaming nerd! (That's a good thing) One of the best things about being a female gamer, is when I challenge guys and they laugh. Because in the end, I'm the one thats laughing! xD I don't want to brag though, because my motto when playing games, is that winning is not as important as having FUN! :D
Treanna Cheyanneevee
Tingle FunIsland_RoSE
~~Koolimpah!!! Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Requiem of Spirits Events! This group is an LoZ event group that wishes to bring back the quality and livelihood of the community by creating original, diverse, and more forum-based posts. To see how it works, look at the "RoSE revamp" post, and come join us in the chatroom :)
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez