Requested by Tαηγ, the girl who somehow manages to draw so many requests herself. Isabelle (from Animal Crossing) in her winter outfit. (Hope this is like what you had in mind) First time I've ...
United States
Game Experience
Systems Owned

Favorite Game Genres
I do drawings of Legend of Zelda, Speed Racer, Splatoon, super heroes, Vocaloid, Pokemon, Metroid...
I do drawings of Legend of Zelda, Speed Racer, Splatoon, super heroes, Vocaloid, Pokemon, Metroid... just about anything really. Check out some of my art if you wish.
Some of my favorite games include: LoZ Ocarina of Time, LoZ Minish Cap, Splatoon, Lunar: Sliver Star Harmony, Portal 1&2, LEGO Indiana Jones 2, and Star Fox Zero.
I don't accept random friend requests.