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Thorn Reed's Post
Splatoon Community

Splatoon 2 map screen
So, did anybody else keep instinctively looking down at your controller expecting to see the map screen during the Splatfest demo? It was such a convenient feature...
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Community

Charmander card Toys R Us experience
So today in the US, Toys R Us is giving away a foil Charmander card. So I attended with 'Puff Man', and as we were standing in line (being some of the oldest peop...
Disney Art Academy Community

Picture quality
I know that drawings done in DAA drop in quality when they're posted to Miiverse. But is there any difference in the quality when posting In-Game, vs. posting in...
Splatoon Community

Need players for private battle.
Just send me a friend request to join. Anyone can. Starting in about 10 min.
Splatoon Community

Private Battle; open to all.
Just send me a friend request to join. We'll be doing Ranked modes for fun.
I do drawings of Legend of Zelda, Speed Racer, Splatoon, super heroes, Vocaloid, Pokemon, Metroid...
I do drawings of Legend of Zelda, Speed Racer, Splatoon, super heroes, Vocaloid, Pokemon, Metroid... just about anything really. Check out some of my art if you wish.
Some of my favorite games include: LoZ Ocarina of Time, LoZ Minish Cap, Splatoon, Lunar: Sliver Star Harmony, Portal 1&2, LEGO Indiana Jones 2, and Star Fox Zero.
I don't accept random friend requests.