Users Allison Is Following
Jonathan SWARM4444
Hi i'm 15 and i love to play Mario :) My favourite Mario game is Super Mario World I also like to watch DashieXP and McJuggerNuggets on youtube! Also you should check out YummiR6 i love trucks, motorcycles and basketball my favourite team is Golden State Warriors
Tesoro★ tails35
Hey Name is Ivan and its been a while well im back and glad to be back STATUS: -_- NOT ON MUCH i have a dog the breed is a French Bull Dog her name is Minnie FAVORITEYOUTUBERS:DavidDobrick&LizaKoshy&SSSniperWolf&Reaction Time PeopleToRemember:Lily,Bryan,Matt,Jesse,StephZ,JackieZ PosibleNewSeries:Victorious? SSB4 MAINS:Rosalina&Luma,Yoshi!
Brennon glar56
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Danny dannyman25
talaya Talaya03
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Charlie charlie1108
jakob jakobcallais
animal crossing legend of zelda
Sophie Bop Tokidoki99
Hey there, I'm Sophie, AKA Tokidoki :3 I'm 17 years old. I'm a lyme warrior just looking to help people and make people happy :) I love all video games, but my favorites are The Walking Dead, The Last of Us, and Sims. Chronically Awesome ;) DON'T FORGET TO SMILE :) (She/her pronouns)
Кρş◆にゃるまる 12n_n7
2016/7/9 旧Śοƒ_" 創立 2016/7/31 新Кρş◆"創立 2016/10/3 Кρş◆"解散 2016/10/25 Кρş◆"復活 創立から今まで→1年と3か月位(適当) *メンバー*現在は募集していません *フレンド*現 在 は 募 集 し て い ま せ ん *旧垢(サブ垢):YDK-YAREBADEKIRU *建築垢(廃垢):nmnmn7 *この人の説明* ・黒い化け猫 ・男の娘 ・底辺建築勢 ・にわかPvPエンジョイ勢 ・アスレ好きじゃない人 ・毎日プロフィール更新してる人 ・ノーマルテクスチャこそ頂点だと思ってる人 *以下くだらない雑談* いやーミバにも結構お世話になったなあ。 4年ぐらいかな。 自活なくなったのいつだっけ。 覚えてないや。 1つの投稿に1000コメまでできた頃が懐かしい ありがとうミーバース さようなら
SirMaster★ whunter16
Hi everybody! I'm SirMaster★ Age: 12 Started miiverse: May 2016 Second account: TheCoolMan
JamesMurr Ferret40
Hi its Allison
james gering1831
out going, fun, funny , happy, good friend, nice and cool . good prson , i like all animals are cut , play lot of sports
chayse taquria
i love to dance
star girl narumon11
HI FRIENDS , My name is stargirl . you can call me star. . follow me i will follow u back . i love diabolic lovers. ayato is so handsome . folow my followers . IF YOU NEED MATH LESSONS I CAN GIVE YOU ON MIIVERSE .
jacob dico1141
alex alexj12002
alex. 14. anyone have need for speed
Dr. Mario Jakester_27_ver3
This profile is only for Miiverse, nothing else. I play games on a different account. Also I started Miiverse on December 2012 (not on this profile of course). 100K yeahs given → complete (no more yeahboming for me) If you really need to know this my name is Jake, I'm 17 years old, blue eyes, blond hair, and wears glasses. I have autism and ADHD. (Attention Deficit Hypersensitivity Disorder).
Paul YUGIOHGODS're on my profile.... You must either like my posts or maybe mistapped... You scrolled down this far. Go figure. Don't tell me you're hoping to find me describing myself, like a normal Miiverse profile message. If you're looking for something like that, go into my list of followed users. There should be a Mii exactly like mine in there somewhere. (It's my Wii U profile.)
αмβεг That1EmoYouLove
Hey~ I see you've found me. So why not follow? I'm really not on here a lot. Bleh I'm a mixed up person but living the best way i know how. ~Don't Play Me Like A Joke, Because I'll Leave You Like It's Funny.~ ~Have a great day. !Like My Fav.!
Zachary Heroiczach
Miiverse posting is discontinued on October 5th, 2017 You can still View / Yeah / comment on my old posts when Miiverse ends in November 7th, 2017 Also, Please yeah my last post shown in my profile. (0 Days Remaining it's finally ending) This is the last day for everyone including my followers
Du-det Dudet2010
Hi♪ Having a GREAT TIME on Miiverse! ☆★☆♪ ♪♪♪♪↓♪♪♪↓♪♪♪↓♪♪♪ ACTION ~ stands for platformers & shooters! By the way, I'm finally playing on a New 3DS XL♪♭★
Kyle MasterJedi365
What's up? My name's...well...Kyle, and I love me some Star Wars. I'm almost always on and making posts, so there's always something to check out!:D Anyway, here's some random stuff about me! Age: Between 14 and 9,001 Homeworld: Korriban Favorite phrase: It's HIGH NOON! Favorite game: Overwatch I T S O V E R H I G H G R O U N D I H A V E T H E A N A K I N
Chiyo RainbowSea1
Hi I won't be here on Miiverse a lot because I have much stuff to do though. (>~<) (Like homework, chores, etc.)
¤•снγηᕤ Radical4790
Tybo is me senpai‹3 2·25·17
▲~ιСαηδι~▼ jeraldbegay
hallo k////i/////k: NotSakura_ fite meh ;3; im back >:3 don't tell anyone this but... i have an obsession with Gorillaz ˙˘˙ rip miiverse...
$Coolguy$ 13marcus13
Hi im $CoolGuy$ And I do posts on Super Mario Maker for 3ds, Nintendo Badge Arcade, Mario Kart 7, and more. If at any time you want to do a 1v1 race, comment on the discussion at the bottom of this page, and we can race on the community above:p Community Code is: 13-6193-8040-3928
Kate autumnr
Hello my name is Kate I love horror movies and my fav number is 13. I love anime(currently watching Dangaropa)
Xterminus menlaidy
ŠÞ Kai christianbomia
Hey names Kai, right now im aiming for 100 followeers, and everyone who followed will be invited to a MiiVerse party were all we do is talk to each other, and tell our game experiencess I will be doing this every 100 followers Bye love u all,ecpecially my followers ** ººººººº
ashgeninja wes422
did you really have to click me ok time to know about me i have mk8 i have pokken tournament i have mario and sonic at the olimpic games i have sonic boom i have just dance 4 i'm 9 o and dink your the best and xmas dude your the best to and my cuzen lullocario and if you follow me i will follow you (^-^) o and if you can't be followed tell me and i won't
Cameron Torie87
hi NOW ... GO AWAY!!!
Eclipse SuperTalonX2
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Red HenryDoodle
Hi. My name is Henry. my favorite games are Mario kart 8 and smash bros. wii u. I would like if you could like and follow me i will follow you back. Please help me reach 400 followers!! Fnaf, Bendy and the ink machine, undertale, memes. That's where it's at. Shout outs to............... my friend Ryan! No not simpleflips.
ben iscool fivenightfredds
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«US»_ςqυιd dawnmstevens
cat man phildaman88
my son and I really enjoy mariocart8! We also just got into Skylanders (we r playing Giants now) and plan to get the newer one thats out now,soon, REALLY like that game . Alot better than the disney infinity one I feel anyways. We hear smashbros is the game to get,so that is on list of games to buy next . Sounds like fun!
Gaming Pro funhouse2015
Miiverse had a great run. Rip Miiverse 2017. :(
billou kylian88
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Hi Im Allison I want to play games with friends. I will accept any friend requests. I don't do wi...
Hi Im Allison I want to play games with friends. I will accept any friend requests. I don't do wii u chat. Im 15 Favorite games are Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Maker. I love Joe from Impractical Jokers. I love to play Slender The Arrival. I also like to watch Dashiegames. I enjoy eating Cannoli. I want to meet the Impractical Jokers someday. I also love to eat Sushi.