Allison's Friends
Kyle KyleTheDevil
Hi im Kyle and I like Call Of Duty Black Ops 3.
JoeGatto JoeImpractical
Profile comment hidden by admin.
SalVulcano SalVulcano
Allycat921 Allycat921
I love the Impractical Jokers Q,Sal,Murr,and Joe.
sans thewolfgamer2
heyo guys its wolfgamer2000 srry my profile stoped so guys lets make some new memories until my other profile starts working! sans is my holloween mii.
Da lel Pizzatime16
Hi people, the name in my main account is Da lol (ID: SwagMaster81) and this is my 2nd account, I play few times with this one.
Riley coolkid69666
pizza rolls
Salut à ttes, salut a tous. j'ai hate d'avoir pleins d'ami(e)s donc si vous voulez vous pouvez me suivre. Merci d'avance.
The Eye DrWhofan4965
hello this is connor8291s second acount
ashley ashleyp1252
JackieZ BestKawaiiQueen
I'm JackieZ! I'm not online a lot. I am a mythical beast for life and Rhett and Link are a big inspiration. Even Markiplier, jacksepticeye, Pewds, Crankgameplays, Matthias and his other channels, and MatPat are cool! I play saxophone and am super friendly! Be happy with life, if you aren't God is here to help. Shoutout to Nehemiah, the person who made life better! He is answers to prayers. :)
cj 01skuta
peytons peytons123
great-dane gracegreatdane
hello i am a great dane. i like playing mario games. but i am not great at them i need more practice.
Aaliyah liyah.p123
hi my name is aaliyah i love playing games i go to a school in arlington
Alyssa Alyssa7343
Hey!! I guess this is a couple things about me Ig. I'm Alyssa, I live in Missouri, I'm Christian, and I'm 13. I don't accept blank friend requests. I tend to unfriend people who don't respond for over two weeks! Be careful! I'm watching you XD *Part of a cyberbully swat team Btw follow benwick 96 and BenWicker2002!
Davi babi3cak3z
Like playing Mariokart 8 and Super Mario Maker. I like the Legend of Zelda series but dont have any of the games yet. I'm hyped for Breath of the Wild and really want Twilight Princess HD. I hope I get Splatoon and Super Smash Bros. soon to play online. I am the leader of a clan on Clash Royale called RenoClashers. So if you need a clan, go there. THX!
Knuckles Its_Knux
My name is Knuckles, Knuckles The Echidna, but you can call me Knux! I'm the protector of the mystical "Master Emerald". I'm tougher the leather, and unlike Sonic I don't chuckle. Okay...I'll say it... OH NO.
tea earl g duckslashduke
hey yall this is duck/duke! here with a difrent profile i like video games (kingdom hearts the legend of zelda jrpgs tv shows star trek next gen happy days teenage mutant ninja turtles 1980s & mickey mouse! #dontendmiiverse GOD LOVES YOU!
Olivia aplante03
Hi everyone and welcome to my profile!Please hit the follow button above!I'm a nice person who loves to make new friends!
Lincoln malikdavis
Hello, Lincoln Loud here, I'm from The Loud House cartoon, a character who lives with 10 sisters, and is the MAN WITH A PLAN! Alright, hope you have a wonderful day, and life! .3. <3
Phylia sarachchen
donttellmomthatichangename Once upon a time, there was this noob playing crazycraft 3. He found a decepticon. But then he fell in lava to get to it. He died. The End xD Once upona time, steve fell in lava, the end Once upon a TYme. I saw heroRYAN the end once upon a time i like transformers the end Once upon a time a noob was playing devastation, got 8382993727 coins, THE END THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY
Frisk affinite
I used to be callled Micah but now I'm Frisk. I'm an enby, they/them pronouns. Friend me if you like! Mostly playing Splatoon on the Wii U. I don't have many other games for this system so basically all my posts are Splatoon related. My fav games: KH (all), Undertale, & Splatoon. Fav shows: Doctor Who, Steven Universe I like drawing, making 3D graphics and writing stories. Stay determined!
agus agustin0807
hi my name is agustin i'm a gamer i not speak much english, i'm 13 years. i love this console and yours games :) :D 7u7 :3 <3
Tre WilsonPower2005
Hi Guys I'm Tre My favorite color is red My favorite games are: Splatoon, Mario Games, Minecraft , and more! And i am a very artistic person so i am hoping i get lots of yeahs Send a friend request because i will be waiting ! :) .
momo sydneyloveXcute
"This is the space that people take time to write in, but no one cares to read"~momo
Tommy OmlItsTommy
Noot Noot! Stay Fresh! Add Mi Because Im Lonely Asf xD
EvilCherry EvilCherry
Hi.I love games+living life.I'm always testing how far down the rabbit hole I can go, for you see,I'm quite mad.Please join me in a bit of fun. Name-April Age-14 Fav.Food-Cherries No chat.Want to know why I.M. me. Interests-Drawing/Art-Cartoons(old+new)Comics-History-Paleontology-Mythology/occult-HeavyMetal Games Splatoon-SmashBros-HyruleWarriors MarioKart-S.Mario3dWorld-Shantae games-ArtAcademy
Cameron CV6061
Alola everyone my name is Cameron I'm ½American & ½ Asian Age:14 Fav Music:Country No Blank Friend Request Please I do Wii U chat Likes WWE I am a youtuber aswell
AJ Hyri princesshyri
Hello my peoples, I like to play Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. 4 with my bro and online people. My fav characters on MK8 are: Peach Rosalina Shyguy (pink) My fav characters on Super Smash Bros. are: Zelda Zero Suit Samus Sheik Peach ⇒And I DON'T do Wii U Chat thnx :)
~Suzi~ QueenSuzieRulez
Hello! I don't know if I like pokemon....Age:???,Sister:κιττεн(Follow her and go on youtube & search up: Miss Arrisa),I do Wii chat,..Uh bye? .....Ok i'll just leave...*runs away* *slams door* .. rawr oh
monkey monksnator123
i love video games and t.v. i love my friends and i swear to pretect evrey friend i have
☆-Pеyton-★ nick4126
mario is the best
Jчΐϊαη!! Geyluigi
Hey guys, names Julian, Join me perhaps, I love making new friends! MK Stats VR Racing: 10,639 VR Battle:16,075 I'm a pro... Mauh hahahaha!
H.G. Splatoon165
Hi:) I don't do face time[WiiU].Favorite games:Splatoon,Pokkén Tournament,Pokémon Moon,Animal Crossing and Animal Crossing:happy home designer.
Jeremy ThomasEddington
Free BBQ tomorrow ftw
paige 21 Tootle-oo
paige... yes, i'm 21... do i look like my mii? hmm... pretty close :) am i in school? yesss! 2nd year at bsu i suck at mk but, i have solved and beat almost every Zelda game out there!! Yes, Really 0:-)
Zaire ZaireCool
William NarutoUzumaki108
God Is #1 18 Years Old My Life Is Full Of Depression... I Gotta Stay Strong. God Works In Mysterious Ways. Love Anime And Soccer Naruto Shippuden Is Still My Favorite! Dattebayo!! :D I'm Chill, So Please Feel Free To Message Me (^-^) MiiVerse Is Home. All My Fams Are Here Follow For Follow? Stay Positive Love Yourself And Be You Have A Blessed Day Or Night xD
zaki zakahmad
Galvenise DJGalvenise
DJGALVENISE* Black ops 2 Online map Nuketown 2025* Super Mario Maker *Captain toad *adventure time* Nes Remix* Mario Kart 8 'Online'*Splinter Cell Blacklist 'Online'*Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze *Batman origin *Super Mario64 *Mario Luigi Partner in time*Nintendo Land* Mario Galaxy*
NoglaBryan Juanito0430
if anybody wanna play splatoon or smash and friend request me////////plus im 11 years old/////i love to play splatoon and meet other people/////plus i changed my name to /NoglaBryan/ my user name use to be /juan bryan/ but i changed it///////////i love to watch anime and other kinds of things like tv and alot of other stuff///// my best friend so far on the wiiu is /anthony and rebe/
▲danger▲√™ glitter54
hey what's up people of miiverse my name is danger▲ im fun to play whith in game's im a pro at smash mario cart 8 got in the drift thes in this game splatoon i'll say don't try me in that game bayonetta well i don't play it that much. i got the best her name is eva
callie sharpe6
im a lone kid that is a kid that wants to play private battle
RYLAN jeepcjfive
Nicki Sam-Bore
Mario Kart 8 :D
brice batgirl1183
This user's profile comment is private.
chris theBteam5
mario cart 8 and other games
Iaotps Ariel_Derrick
Heyo Really not active anymore. I'll check occasionally, but that's about it :T Thanks to everyone who followed me while I was active and actually doing stuff!
HI people my favorite game is fire emblem and of course youtube and anime BEST YOUTUBER: dani noe (she's dope and hot♡) and mr nightmare (he's a really GOOD scary story teller >:) and leeandlie (she's a nice anime translater singer^^) and my favorite color is green/light blue and i love katy perry and so yeah go ahead miiverse follow me and my best friend "LILI003" cause she's so FABULOUS!!
Morticia pokegirl06
O-oh geez...h-hey there. I-I guess we can t-talk for awhile. M-my grandpa hasn't grabbed me for a-an adventure...he's probably o-out with my brother. So, u-um...I'm M-Morticia. My grandpa, Rick, t-takes me and my brother, Morty, for a-adventures and s-stuff... S-so, in November, my grandpa, my brother and I are leaving for another dimension... I'll m-miss y-you g-guys...a-a-a-a lot...
Jaden jmcgrath
Profile comment hidden by admin.
nyla lovely258
Potter's Hyrule_9
¡Hola! Les mando un saludo :) guapos
Nintendude mar1064
Hi, I main Captain Falcon in smash 4. I love Smash Bros and will accept anyone who wants to play!! I love Nintendo and Miiverse! Mostly play : Super Smash Bros. Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Star Fox Zero, and The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. I also collect amiibo, Hot Wheels, and a lot of other collectibles! If you want share your collection, just tell me! Don't Wii u chat.
BoltEdge windflame
Hey, I'm BoltEdge. I've been playing video games since I was four, and still do today. I also like comedy, art, and history(weaponry). Birds are my favorite animals. If I don't comment, I'll yeah. Browse around, if you want. Super Smash Bros. is one of the greatest concepts ever imagined! Bloodstained for Smash Switch (If it happens)! Joined Miiverse 10/3/14
Isaiah XxSwagBeastxX64
I am a Pro Gamer looking for fun. Race me on mario kart battle me on super smash bros. lets just play and trust me I want lose without a BRAWL!!! follow me, add me as a friend and BATTLE ME!!!!!!... if you want. Also follow 3ds account if you want to play Some 3Ds games.
nolan luigimaster6910
I am a 16 year old male who goes on miiverse for cringe (even though I don't have room to talk with my previous posts). if you want more information I do miiverse Q&A's for every 100 followers I get, or ask when you play minecraft wii u edition with me. I won't accept blank or sometimes your friend request altogether. if you found my older posts. i would like to apologize for what you witnessed.
☆Grant★ Grant.lenz
Hello im Grant and I have splatoon and Mario Kart 8. I have Rank B+ and im level 31. I have a Wii U and a 3Ds XL. You can follow me or send a friend request if you want to. So come on in. (‘•‘) ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ⇒ :-D ! And also you can play some of my Super Mario Maker levels and plz give it a star★!
melane ann dfast2014
♪♪♪NEMO♪♪♪ Naruto-13000
♪Hallo♪ ♪Hello♪ ♪Koniquiwa♪ ♪Dobar Dan♪ ♪Ciao♪ ♪Szia♪ ♪Ich bin ♪♪♪Nemo♪♪♪ ♪Pokémontrainer♪ ♪Mario Maker Arbeiter♪ ♪Mario Kart Rennfahrer♪ ♪Sternzeichen: Zwilling♪ ♪humorvoll, sympathisch, aufmerksam, einfühlsam♪ ♪Lieblingsfarbe: Blau ♪Animefreak♪ ♪Keyboard & Klavierspieler♪ ♪Lieblingsspiele: Mario Kart, Mario Party, Pokémon, Star Fox, Mario Maker♪ ♪Nachteule wie das Pokémon Bauz♪ ♪FAs mit Text♪
Pepper1837 dewandchris
Hey guys! I'm Pepper1837! Send friend request and we can race in MK8!
Cristian mrpromking13
Hello! I'm a gamer who wants to be part of being enjoyable! I play games online to show my own skills! Nintendo is my favorite because I do care as being a Kid At Heart! NINTENDO 4 LIFE!
jael francisn
Fire 92 FireRock92
ItsMe…Arii necaxa1984
Yo ˇFave.users right here BubblePaw☆—×UrArtRules×— ›Daryl›he needs a life ‹3› Chris ♥=He's always there 4 me›♥ Pichu→(Mah bestie)=She's Mine›♥ Nana #Suga ♥=My babygirl>♥ Casey (GB) ♥=RP Pal>♥ I'm pretty gay when it comes to errything. K-Pop man.. GOT7♥ BTS♥ RΞΘL♥ SHINee♥ EXO♥ Monsta X♥ NCT♥ SEVENTEEN♥ BIGBANG♥ BgA♥ (My friend's in this one) Totally Curryahn... You cant JimIN after you JimOUT.
jyn eggdoka
im hot
shaunie shaunie6
Hi!I'm Shaunie!I'm A Huge Minecraft Fan,Terraria Fan,Mario Fan,Sonic Fan,And A Huge Zelda Fan!I Have Much Much More But There's Just Wayyyyy Tooooo Manyyyyy.Have A Nice Day!
Ava ZeldaTheZoroark
Hi! I'm Ava AKA ZeldaTheZoroark! I'm a big fan of The Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon, but I'll play any Nintendo game. Some non-Nintendo games I like are Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Monkey Ball, Just Dance, and any game involving animals. Outside of gaming, I like pets, reading, and music. I'd happily accept any friend request!
Jalen Taylor100
im a god at gaming bday january 15 03 pretty chill dude age 14 got swag 4 days plays ps4 3ds and wii u dabs a lot lol #ripmyhomieharambe rap fan rip satoru iwata posts weird stuff smash 4 king destroyer of worlds lol fun 2 talk too i am ur father lmao SC: Jaybryan115 started gaming since i was 6 last thing m8 knows more michael jackson songs than my entire family ik crazy
Johannes Mariobros123
Hi Im Allison I want to play games with friends. I will accept any friend requests. I don't do wi...
Hi Im Allison I want to play games with friends. I will accept any friend requests. I don't do wii u chat. Im 15 Favorite games are Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Maker. I love Joe from Impractical Jokers. I love to play Slender The Arrival. I also like to watch Dashiegames. I enjoy eating Cannoli. I want to meet the Impractical Jokers someday. I also love to eat Sushi.