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Art Academy


08/15/2017 7:18 PM

I wanted to say what kind of music I listen to; which is Jazz. I love Another Sunny Day & Missing My Bird! Tell me what you think of it. OH and if its not your cup of tea then what kind of music is...

Art Academy


08/11/2017 7:52 PM

Enjoy these little egg doodles. While I start laying out a bigger egg drawing. I should be able to finish it before Mania comes out.

Art Academy


08/10/2017 2:43 PM

!NECK PAIN! I just wanted to finish up one big drawing for today but nooooo! I just had to develop this annoying pain in my neck. I'm gonna stop drawing for awhile till it stops.

Art Academy


07/11/2017 3:41 PM

Duck Dog I really need to practice with colors if I want my artwork to pop out. I guess I'm okay with monochrome art right now.

Art Academy


07/10/2017 2:20 AM

Bug Problem Doodles should be posted even if it looks plain. I'll make sure to post something better next.

Art Academy


07/04/2017 9:11 PM

Boxing Specter (Space Junk's OC) BONUS ART IN COMMENTS! I have about eight other OCs to draw right now and I'm going to hunt down even more wonderful OCs that other artists make!

Art Academy


07/03/2017 7:24 PM

Mila's Papa (Oscar's Oc) I have already expressed how I feel about OCs. I always love them far more than fan art for a game. Its funny because I draw fan art more than my own ideas. I need to balan...

Art Academy


07/02/2017 9:29 PM

Soft and Wet Not much going on but a drawing is a drawing also bubbles!

Art Academy


07/02/2017 5:57 PM

Big Boo Break Down Whenever I draw Boos I always have one Boo sweaty. I just like it that way.

Art Academy


07/02/2017 9:38 AM

City Sheep! This was a doodle that I went a little crazy with. I'm rather happy with the results. Oh and I'm back.

Art Academy


06/18/2017 3:24 PM

Ajar-Oc Been playing around with many styles obviously. I still got more pieces to post but that shall come for another day.

Art Academy


06/07/2017 2:25 PM

Hope you enjoy this piece. I don't have internet at home; so thats why I couldn't post anything for awhile. I'll be sure to post more art when I get the chance. Until then, just wait.

Art Academy


03/27/2017 12:24 PM

Colored Doodle #5 Drifloon and Lampent This post is really about the grass on how I'm trying to draw grass, tall and small, yellow and green; I chose some good colors this time right? (I REALLY s...

Art Academy


03/14/2017 3:12 AM

Colored Doodle #4 Sucy, Rando, Tinker Knight, Nightmare(Ball Form), Ham, and a black blob in the side smiling. These are experiments that I was tryin out today I still want to understand colors mo...

Art Academy


03/07/2017 3:07 AM

(REPOST) Gloom's first design before I redesign him. I remember just having a tall thin flower with floating petals. I'm happy how he looks now but the past design is still enjoyable to see at times.

Art Academy


03/01/2017 9:58 PM

Colored Doodle #3 Gloom and Smith Space Junk you do great pixel art its so clean. I would love to have a t-shirt of your art or maybe a poster. Anyway I hope you enjoy this doodle.

Art Academy


02/20/2017 11:18 PM

Mila and Gloom(CactusForm) stuck to the ground. Boy I've been drawing these two together a bit too much but hey they're friends... I think? Gloom an't happy being stuck to ground is he?

Art Academy


02/18/2017 1:08 PM

Colored Doodle #2 Ajar - OC Another ghostly OC I've created its a spirit in a Urn(You know that thing you put someone's ashes in) his name is Ajar. I have a thing for the dead so those are the kind...

Art Academy


02/17/2017 6:46 PM

Colored Doodle Tinkerbat - Shantae I love the series, I love the music, I love the characters, I love Risky Boots, I love the undead!

Art Academy


02/15/2017 12:14 AM

I have little on any connection toward the feelings of love. Hope you all have someone in your life or just love yourself.

Art Academy


02/05/2017 1:21 PM

It's one of those posts where I reveal my sketchs finished or unfinished, messy or clean, good or bad, I actually don't care! I just feel like you might enjoy them.

Art Academy


01/09/2017 1:35 PM

Look at the pretty colors of the desert. I'm just playing with colors for awhile just to see if I stumble upon something.

Art Academy


10/07/2016 3:00 PM

Gastly-Pokemon Gen1 Sprite Ever get bored out of your mind? I sure don't, but if you are, go draw 1st gen sprites its fun. I personally love these sprites, some are so funny looking that it makes ...

Pixel Paint


09/30/2016 7:22 PM

Haven't touched Pixel Paint in awhile, so I decided to give it a vist. Hmm does this seem good because I feel like making pixel art and Pushmo again.