Users SnoozeWell Is Following
Joe AverageJoeShinn
I'm a guy from the UK who likes JJBA, Dark Souls, Star Wars, Elder Scrolls, etc. Budding artíst, however, I'm nothing more than a scribbler. My main inspirations are OneyNG, Psychicpebbles and Joe (the guy who made the "Family Simp"). Feel free to draw in my comments. (As long as it's on-topic and doesn't break any rules)
NotanAlien Malideus
I am just a simple farmer, tending to my memes. Totally not a being from beyond the threshold of time and space. I enjoy the simple things in life, like long walks, puppies and kittens, and siphoning the inherent mana from unsuspecting planes, rendering them grey and desolate. ... I mean trains. I like trains. anywho, Shoutout to some dank pals, 50precent, Nin10do XD, Pluto★, and Zo-Zo.
1ust Love-isyed
yum yum yum Hey, uuummm... Can you draw me something? Fem-bots, slime girls, nekos, kunoichis, anything in that form will do. Please and Thank You I once was Love.... Now im 1ust
Foosuke Foosuke
そろそろ終了なのでコメント欄、開きます。 忙しくて返信は出来ませんが、それでもよろしければコメントどうぞ(^▽^)ノ Left 3days... I open my comments again. But now, I'm busy in the care for my mother. I can't reply. sorry. Drawing is a language. It has no border. 描画とは国境無き言語である。
SU Lucina Solstaff13
♪Jaz♪ kona_koffee4144
I havnt been able to show much personality thru this account, but i grateful 4 meeting you guys.I need to thank everyone, followers, the ones i'm following, and the ones I have never even met, for making MV a unique community you truly cant find anywhere else. hope to c u around :) other locationz (also go there if I havnt finished ur request) Lemongrease deee-ayyylmao colors3d is a cool app
IWOOMYNATI blazingbr549
Ah, Miiverse is leaving soon. Gachi/Momiko owns this acc, so us Matsunos can use it sometimes. I'm taken by a watermelon and a good whipped cream coconut cake. Art Requests: Closed On [O] Off [] I have two cinnamon rolls.
Ana ananava
Thank you to all my followers and friends on Miiverse! Your support means a lot. Good bye! I wish you all the best! I'm gonna miss this place. I'll be on !nstà and Då and Tw!ttër. G o ø g l ê : "fishicorn" and "fishishicorn" òwó)b
Eve Evegirl
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page! Thank you for 1600+ followers! *I do not take requests. I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;) I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :) 2294-8135-2533
~Sεαωεεd~ Rainbow_Naga
Jacob Jvoss62000
Hello... It's been an absolute pleasure fulfilling most of your requests, and I would like make a personal shout out, before I say goodbye, to quite possibly my greatest supporter and miiverse friend; Montana... Goodbye Miiverse...
Game&Watch Vulnicura-Blade
im Miss Game&Watch 108amiibo smash:Random own every pkmn 75 shiny pkmn SF main:M.bison/ken MH:hunting horn favs BotW Splatoon Ristar MetroidPrime Castlevania megaman8 ChronoTrigger/Cross ff9/12/15 Pikmin2 Starfox MarioKart F0 BanjoKazooie MH4 ShadowOfTheColossal lastGaurdian Katamari OdinSphere DonkeyKongWiiu BF: Andy Pandy theres no such thing as love or friendship
SPIRALCRIS Character Designer FACTS -Orange Headphone Inkling Girl aka WOOMY is Best Squid -Professional in Squid Parties/Fiesta Calamarrr ~Stay Fresh and don't get cooked stay Off the Hook~
Evan yspark901
Hi Everyone, It seems that I've reached my final drawing for miiverse. I hope that you enjoyed my drawings over the years, and I want to thank you for such kind support over the years. I am just getting started as an artist, so you may see me again somewhere else in not too far a future. I hope to meet you soon with new and even more interesting artwork! Thank you!!! :D
まいける.(みちの) 98mamaikeru
共感、フォロー、 御自由にどうぞ。 こちらも自由に致します。 素敵なイラストを描かれる方、 無言フォローの旅してます。 フォロバはしていただかなくて 構いません^^ ありがとうmiiverse。
Komic Shogun110
Helloz and welcome to my profile! hope you enjoy your stay Actual Birthday: October 9th 650+ followers!? Thats crazy and really awesome Thank you all! Might do drawing requests soon
PandaChan LotsaSin
PandaChan's alt. account for when I run out of posts/get banned on my main U w U
Blaze★ Yume-sempai
Let me guess.. You came here in curiousity of me? Well isnt that kind :D 350 of you curious folk... Gah! thats so many! Thank you! Lets endure the .End. together, shall we?
▲▼ Dreamzie
I'm staying till the last two days. Well, i'll cya later miiverse. Much love, xo. Thanks for all the friends and memories. ▲▼ Signing out for the last time iлςтаgπαm - Cactivibe тцmвlг - Goldencloud
Nari pudins.n.cakes
muyum FightMeinRl
i have like 20 artstyles pls be patient yumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyeetyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyumyum
☆Artistic★ artistic14
\(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ Don't be sad. Just don't forget me. NEVER forget artistic14...*winkiddy wink* I look forward to when we all meet again!
Das tawhlou
Hi! I draw cute stuff :3 Most of what's posted here is Pikmin, Zelda, Paper Mario, Megaman, Metal Gear, The Last Guardian and Pokémon. About me: I'm 21 years old, pretty chill, kinda quiet, and like animation, gardening, and cats. Currently playing: MGSV, Super Mario RPG, OFF fangames (HOME). *Have a nice day!*
●Mangoes● lelnewacc
There's no hope.. Miiverse is finally dewd. so just give these a follow/watch/add to keep up with my garbage art or just genuinely chit chat with me. ◆ ClosedVerse:●Mangoes● (FruityGhosts) dA:Unexpectedartist IG:0mangoes0 D:●Mangoes●#8541
chiro chiro0604
もうそろそろですねMiiverse。楽しみましょう。 ***ENJOY MIIVERSE*** こんなにもこんなにもたくさんの投稿者から私を見つけてくれてありがとうございます。 幸せな4年間でした! 沢山フォローしていただき毎日お付き合いいただき感謝です。ありがとうございます。 最近ささやいてもいます。 thank you follow me for long time. l really enjoyed here. l pray for the happiness of all of you.
Mr.Kiggles Mr.Kiggles
Why hello there traveler I am Mr.Kiggles and I'm ready to give y'all some trashy art! Thanks for 400+ followers :0 Cool peeps to follow: Komic (Adorable Trash roomate) Abi PandaChan Sheeps are cool
★Shΐnεy★ Risenshiney
A 24 y/o who loves drawing, also Risenshiney @ tum. ☆★I only accept friend reqs if we've talked enough and if you're aged 16+. No blanks.★☆ Critique welcome, yeah bombs are fine~
Love DKisyed
Ey! Thanks for checking my profile ^__^ it's dead now :D my 3ds XL was linked to this and now it no longer works.No matter what. So I'm using a first generation 3ds with a different account. If you wanna follow me do so in my alternate. You can find it on my friends list as Love-Isyed. I appreciate your time and love to socialize. Hope you have a good day. You deserve it. -Love disconnected
mino minolovecat
★☆A real brave man don't kill dragons‚ he rides on the dragons☆★
Zella NekoNoir99
Whoo! I love Nintendo! (/>u<)/ *hugs* Thanks for checking out my profile and my drawings~ I have a few different art styles (I think? You be the judge!) so consider yourself forewarned! Comments and critiques are always well appreciated, too! <<insert witty comment here>> ((oh, and I don't Wii U chat... thanks!))
Nathan BaconTactics
If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first. Oh yeah, and Miiverse is ending or something. Bye. And if you couldn't tell, my nickname is BaconTactician. Put an @ in front of it to find me in birdland.
Brendan brendancorris
I'm a long time gamer who grew up with the NES and SNES. My favorite genre is 2D platformers such as Super Mario Bros, Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, Lost Vikings, Mega Man, Metroid, Donkey Kong Country, and loads more. I also like plenty of other genres, and I love The Legend of Zelda. I draw cartoons a lot. I love horror movies, video games, TMNT, everything 1980s and early 90s, and lots more.
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Well I'm SnoozingWell I'm easy to find