Vv's Followers
ADOQUE dogycate
ouvert a tous!!!<#0#> (enfin + au fan de zelda mais bon . . .) bonjour je m'apelle CORENTIN ma BD préféré est TINTIN mais sinon ma chaîne youtube préféré est TRACH ET PEWDIEPIE !!! (@0@) jeux préféré: ''THE LÉGENDE OF ZELDA'' twiliyte prinsess ET ZELDA BOTW ! (^-^) (et le CULTISIME,L'INDEMODABLE MAGORA'S MASQUE des à présent ! ) (*˛*) ET OUI JE SUIS TRISTEMENT AU COURANT POUR MIIVERSE ! [;_;]
Jarcool Jarcool
GOOD BYE MiiVERSE! Thanks to all my friends and followers. It has been fun. Take care and stay cool ;).
Jules michael50
Hi guys I'm jules I'm 45 and I'm from Barnsley. Hey I'm good friends with Petevader, Craig , Scamp, Dig Doug, Ron, James, Ryan Mushroom and Master lee. I'm still a top gaymer come join mii!
Paul 11paulc
Coucou s'est paul mais peut-être que vous me connaissez au nom de king27 si vous avez la DS3d. Est abonné vous a ma communauté. Et aussi allé a mes communauté sur mario kart 8 (mii+kart vs MII+gla) son code s'est 0858-5207-0812 et aussi sur mastodonse. merci a mes abo!!!!!!!
Animebilly AnimeBIllyMii
I'm the man! Most valuable person #billyistheman #billyistheman3005 I'm so Nyappy!!!!!! Let's go Warriors!!!!!! #Dubnation Don't be a negative be positive! I like Taekwondo and Basketball
きゆか ezo.momo.piko
ミバを辞めることにしました。 ~理由~ 勉強に集中しようと思います。あとなかなか最近来れなくなったので、このまま直接辞めようと思います。 *フレンドも消そうと思います。 私には親友がここでは出来ませんでした。でもフレコメで色々話せてとても楽しかったです。今まで絡んでくれた方々本当にありがとうございました。 【8/11】8:32、辞める日8月一杯
Sarahe Sarahe90
Felizmente casada Ü
Aidan Mariokart8fun
Hello! I'm Aidan! I'm a nslucer and I play games too. I am the leader of the Anti Manipulation party (Amp) Just comment on one of my posts if you want to join. Bye for now!
Ally flyawayallycat
мληδλ™ deelie813
My only reason for living is to tell youngins to stay off my lawn and eat prunes... AND I'M OUT OF PRUNES @–@
steveo134 steveo134
i am pretty fn cool if i must say so myself.i had two heart attacks inumeral amounts of strokes,,had to learn how to walk talk the whole 9 .nice to meet yall!!!#BOSTONSTRONG
Stephanie BedtimeBear01
raspi reraspi3000
Hallo leute ich bin raspi ich spiele auf der konnsole von meinem bruder maxro.meine lieblingsspiele sind Minecraft,Mario Kart 8,Tloztphd[ThelegendofZeldaTwiligtprinzzesHD],ich spiele fast jedes wochenende mk8 .dafür habe ich ein tunir auf gemacht das tunier heist wochenendrennen.den code findet ihr in einem kommenden beitrag.sonst wars das aless
POOPY P0opy-George
Hi Nintendo gamers.
XYZS R.Bowen
The Main Games I play is smash 4 And mario maker! just a piece of info cause i really don't know what else to add. so yeah :|
cheekychic cheekychic3
i love gaming! live life 2 the fullest ! X;-) what doesn't break u makes u stronger! no blank friend requests pls! pls dont use miiverse as a dating website, i like to have a laugh & play online & give honest reviews about games i have played! im old but not that old still a big kid @ heart!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ no wii u chat age 18+ pls its not u its mii!
gamer_101 Mayhem_Maker2015
I like to play simulation games and REALLY WANT A HTC VIVE VIRTUAL REALITY HEADSET AND THE thinges that come with it! :-)
Goldie Goldele
☆Hey there!☆Please follow me,cuz if you will,then I'll follow you in return. Thanx tons!! :)
#asasin# 629daiki
MHKS∞ぐで><* SpIatoon412
あと…1日しかない。けど。ミバありがと♡ それと、皆さんのおかげでフォロワー600人突破しましタ!ありがとございますぅm(__)m\'∀'/次は700人目指します。(ミバが終わるまでには、行きたいな…) 好きなゲーム スプラトゥーン マイクラ マリオカート スプラで得意な武器は… スシコラ チャージャー ノバァ ローラーデス!! 「1日日記」 今日、学校だったぁー。 今日好きな人とメッチャ目が合った!! HoneyWorks TWICE大好き♡♥♡♥ M&Y♡♥♡♥
nikki nikkithenat
Profile comment hidden by admin.
stephen 56squadron
I'm a Nintendo fan. I also like Lego, RPG's & stealth games. My other passion is books, favourite authors: Philip Kerr, Karen Maitland, George Orwell & Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Happy times & happy gaming.
coco timimi
Oté!La Réunion lé la,marmailles! Ou li vien? Vien vit! Néna dé frui exotik: néna caranbol, pipangaille, zananas, pitaya, banan, éxétéra, éxétéra...
inkling lordofire078
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StevenXZ stevenvelasquez
If you came to my account welcome I hope you'll love my account and hope you'll make this account grow by yeahing my posts I'll be happy if you do!and can my friends or other person make 159 followers for me so follow me!And if your in 3DS then follow my 3DS acount named StevenSXZ!!!
Gäbi Gabriel2066
Ich raste schnell aus
Nate Thechap13
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さかうらつらい°∀。 asu-asu8001
皆さんありがとうございました<○> 最近出現出来なくてすいません… あまり絡めなかったり反応できなかったときがあったんですが今までこんなガサツ人間をありがとうございました。 11月3日 そらるさん 誕生日&フォロワー100万人突破おめでとうございます♪♪
Niko GamerFromBosnia
Nikola Smiljic ★ 15 y.o. ★ Austria ★ 1.72 cm ★ Best Wii U Games : Mario Kart 8☆ SSB4☆ Super Mario Maker☆ Splatoon☆ Super Mario 3D World☆ Sonic Boom: Lyrics Aufstieg☆ Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze☆ Best 3DS Games : Mario Kart 7◆ Pokemon OR/AS & X and Y◆ SSB4◆ Animal Crossing New Leaf◆ Super Mario 3D Land◆ Best German YouTubers : Domtendo♡ Suishomaru♡ lookslikelink♡ iBlali/Aligator1024♡
【SM】『Flo』 Flofoot08
.·•Salut ! J'ai 8 ans. Mes jeux préférés: Super Smash Bros, Lost Rever, Mario Maker-Et j'adore Pikmin 3 et Mario 3D World >Dédis: ~Yobitails: mon meilleur ami, pro a Smash bros. ~γς¤Mānon: ma soeur. x'3 ~tamanui♪ Ce qui ont la PS3 ajoutez moi svp. Merci ^-^ Mes chanteurs préférés sont: Maître Gims & Black M. .·•Baaayyyyyy ! :')
Indalo IndaloRainbow
Hi! :) I'm 29 & from the UK, I have played Nintendo games since the SNES days and I am a massive fan of Nintendo. I've had the Wii U since December 2014. 100% completed so far... Mario Bros, Luigi Bros, Mario 3D World, Captain Toad, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, Super Smash Bros, Nintendoland, Game & Wario, Mass Effect 3 & Resident Evil Revelation. Next... Yoshi! Feel free to say hello!
Lucas sith12309
dartagnan totof97435
Zeldagott ppaz141199
I play The Legend of Zelda and Mariokart 8 most of the time. I'm 16 years old!;)
Ĺàďý♪Ĺбvé♪ LadyInRed12
♥♪♡ Hello Friends ♥♪♡ This is Me.. I like to Draw, and Play MK♥ I like to protect pets! Iam a Fan of WiiU♥ I like to talk, I'm very good Person, but that I leave to your Criteria as I know ♥ NO WIIU CHAT...IF YOUR A BULLY STAY WAY!!! I'm an Adult and Single… ADULT REQUESTS ONLY PLEASE. (^˛~) ♥♪♡♥♪♡
catrin catrin99
Oh Hi there! Didn't see you come My favourite game on the Wii U is Minecraft woohoo Please friend request me if you wanna play Minecraft. I Love Animals aswell oh wait before you go want some cake LOL
SGBCJTheDJ cheryl.nelson027
hi CJ my clan members SGGKawaii,SGBAnders,SGB★Ryan★,SGGAlisha, SGG☆Nina♪ SGGsunny SGB\SGG Friends AMS,STpoizon,Andear, Anibal, REDJelLyand Shineymew,Darksolo,inklingBoy,RkLeay Kawii:3,Spring,7inkT wins, Lulu Clara,ELJAH , Ashley, DJ, cjWesly,Nasia,E★Espeon Haley Durr& More BFF Anders Ryan Kawaii Lulu Camilla DarkSolo Haley Rkcole Ansem Nasia Espeon ShinyMewtu Nanmi and more
Emo Amy Julioerique
hey what,s up bros my name is Amy Rose Rascol from sega follow me if you want to be a bro today bye things about me im famous and rich i live in california i totally a emo girl i listen to metal music and i got a band im a gamer girl i play GTA V and the legend of zelda i got a sister name Jeamy Rose Rascol and she got powers i like to draw anime characters
elie julioelie2925
Elen brs_str
I am a sixteen year old female from Wales. Not as active as I once was, but that's going to change! ...Soon. I like a lot of games as long as they're fun but preferably JRPGs and RPGs. Feel free to follow, talk, yeah, comment or add me as a friend, I really appreciate it!
Pedro Pemicope
"My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention." No Wii U video chat. Adult requests only! Heavy Metal, baby! \m/ \m/ SW-4411-7288-2421 Carrega Benfica!
tom tomnugget
Frédéric MildSevenOsX
AndyU Andyjm
The last hurrah