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cute jadeszeve
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Messy MESS-C
stephen 56squadron
I'm a Nintendo fan. I also like Lego, RPG's & stealth games. My other passion is books, favourite authors: Philip Kerr, Karen Maitland, George Orwell & Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Happy times & happy gaming.
Mr. HuCARD EyeOfGulgaGrymna
Welcome, fellow Miiverse wayfarer. I'll never understand the desire to support one system at the cost of another. It's all about the games & buying into that "us vs. them" nonsense only limits your gaming experience! •Favorites• Console: PS2, DS lite, SNES, Turbo Duo, PSP, Sega CDX Genre: Shoot'em Up, RPG, Beat'em Up, Platforming Forever playing: Aero Blasters, Cadash, Magical Chase, Parasol Stars
Ricky Lostbhoy
Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.... Marcus Brigstocke
StevenXZ stevenvelasquez
If you came to my account welcome I hope you'll love my account and hope you'll make this account grow by yeahing my posts I'll be happy if you do!and can my friends or other person make 159 followers for me so follow me!And if your in 3DS then follow my 3DS acount named StevenSXZ!!!
Indalo IndaloRainbow
Hi! :) I'm 29 & from the UK, I have played Nintendo games since the SNES days and I am a massive fan of Nintendo. I've had the Wii U since December 2014. 100% completed so far... Mario Bros, Luigi Bros, Mario 3D World, Captain Toad, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, Super Smash Bros, Nintendoland, Game & Wario, Mass Effect 3 & Resident Evil Revelation. Next... Yoshi! Feel free to say hello!
Pedro Pemicope
"My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention." No Wii U video chat. Adult requests only! Heavy Metal, baby! \m/ \m/ SW-4411-7288-2421 Carrega Benfica!
Frédéric MildSevenOsX
DeLeaf DeLeaf
''Why do flowers bloom knowing they are destined to wither? Their time of beauty is so short-lived. '' — Merlina the Wizard, Sonic and the Black Knight
AndyU Andyjm
paradox paradoxical999
My connection will be euthanised 8 hours before the official closure. We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...
Chris Newdimensions
i am a big nintendo fan since i can remember. if wan to talk about all around video games you're to the right address with me! i am looking forward to get to know nintendo fans from all over the world! favourite games: super mario world super mario 64 banjo kazooie/banjo tooie mario kart 64 Pikmin2 und 3 Super smash bros. wii u the legend of zelda the wind waker zelda oot fire emblem awakening
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。
Mike NostaticMike
I am the main developer at Nostatic Software. I hope you enjoy playing our games!
Manda! AmandaPower
out of my mind This profile comment definitely contains a fairly fair amount of english words but it says nothing. zenzen
Soullezz sharpsoullezz
I'm a Nintendo gamer sense the NES days. (The good old days) Friend request (mature age please) Best game series: Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, Castlevania RIP, oldschool Resident Evil, Tales games. BEST NOW: Zelda breath of the wild WiiU/switch. WORST NOW: Resident evil Revelations SUCKS. LOOKING FORWARD TO: Bloodstained, Super Mario Oddesy, Yooka-Laylee.
Peter NintendoDE
Hallo! Ich bin Peter und neu bei Nintendo of Europe. Ich freue mich, euch zukünftig über Events und Aktivitäten, die in Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz stattfinden, auf dem Laufenden zu halten!
Scamp Scampi16
Hi I'm Scamp. I go by the name of Scamp in the mii world after a very special dog of mine who is no longer here. I love animals as well as playing games. I have a dog, 8 hamsters, 2 degus and 4 rats. I love drawing and playing Mariokart 8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Hyrule Warriors, lego dimensions & Star Fox Guard. No blank friend requests please
FAIRY clairebear115
hi everybody , i'm 54 love danceing i'm a happy person , got a few wiiu games but most of all i got some great friends ,
Charbear Charbear
It is I, the daughter of Sassy. 21-year-old slave to 3 cats. Hero of Hyrule. High Queen of Skyrim. Arisen. Lover of tea and art. And weapon of mass consumption when it comes to pasta! ACNL Dream Address: 7A00-0010-714F ☆★☆★Currently playing☆★☆★ ●Animal Crossing: New Leaf ●Skyrim ●The Witcher 3
Lamp AdvLAMP
Hello there strange and curious explorer! My name is AdvanceLAMP, or AdvLAMP to keep it sweet, or Lamp for even more sweetness! –=– I'm a long term fan of Nintendo and always will be, my love for Mario, Pokémon, Kirby and Animal Crossing will always be in my heart! Specially Pokémon ~♥ I'm also one of the actors in The Minebox's videos on Youtube! –=– Hope you have a great day on your Wii U!
Will♪ Oaktwist2
clint hona_hona_2
Come on Nintendo, we need a new version of Wave race :-p ( zippy on VG chartz ) Im a huge Nintendo fan, i also own 3DS, Wii and GameCube. NINTENDOMINATION!!!! currently own over 50 Wii U games...and counting. The finest Nintendo consoles of them all!!!
Pet3rVader PeterVader4
One's life is simply incomplete with an apparent lack of games. A ruthless Sith Lord whos been through it all on Miiverse devoured by the UNSTOPPABLE rampage of the Miiverse Admins. May them have mercy on my banned accounts -PeterVader -PeteVader2 I am nothing but a figment of your imagination. But in terms of gaming, I do have all the 8th gen consoles, WiiU, XB1, PS4, 3DS, PSVita, an avid gamer.
Steve Musashi88
A Nintendo fan from the early days with NES, Super Nintendo and N64, heck can even throw in a Gameboy. Have since ventured away from the gaming world over the past few years. With the release of the Wii U it seemed to be a great time to jump back in with the big N I loved so much as a kid. Thanks Nintendo for recapturing my imagination with the Wii U and 3DS. Can't wait for Nintendo Switch!!
PG_kamiya PG_kamiya
『The Wonderful 101』のディレクター神谷 英樹(かみや ひでき)の公式アカウントです。 プラチナゲームズに所属しています。 その他のディレクター代表作:『BAYONETTA』,『大神』,『ビューティフルジョー』他 The official account of Hideki Kamiya, director of The Wonderful 101 at PlatinumGames. Other works: “Bayonetta,” “Okami,” “Viewtiful Joe,”etc.
Ace Ace_TheSurfer
Hi, I'm Daniel Navarro from Dolores Entertainment. I'd like to share news with you about Ice Cream Surfer.
Cordero FingerGunGamesCD
I'm Cordero from Finger Gun Games. I'm the programmer of Stone Shire and Ohayou! Beginner's Japanese. Nice to meet you!
[MST] しめじ iwatakazumu
Smith luigiprimeX
Lenny LennyJones
Chris LightwoodChris
I'm Chris from Lightwood Games, developer of Word Party for Wii U. We make word games. See also: Word Search By POWGI and Epic Word Search Collection! Word Puzzles by POWGI uses amiibo to create special puzzles!
Anchel Anchel-KnapNok
Hi there! I'm Anchel from KnapNok Games. We released Affordable Space Adventures exclusively for Wii U and Spin the Bottle: Bumpie's Party. We love to hear your comments about our games, so please keep them coming! :)
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
ひらた reco-hira
Ryan CaptainMario_777
Hi, I'm Ryan Sorry I'm a bit inactive at the moment. Just lots of school stuff... :/ I like Mario, Kirby, Zelda and other stuff. So called nutcase of the Monster Hunter series. O_O I make puns sometimes. I'm also a bit shy. Constructive criticism is accepted. I'll only accept Friend Requests from people that I know. No Wii U Chat. My Alt: CaptainMario_222 #FREETHEMILK
мεıоδу♪ Time4Mii
Living with a polar bear, snowman, & Canada goose! Yoshi is fab! ♥ YOSHI'S WOOLLY WORLD & SPLATOON! TP, SSB, MC, DKC, NL, Scribblenauts, PACMAN, AA, DrLUIGI, RUSH, BlokkU, TokiTori, ZeldaWW, NSMBU, SLuigi U, WiiFitU, TWD, Chess, MK8, Hyrule Warriors, Toad Tracker, ZU, EM2, KirbyRC, YSFE, MC, SK, COL, TL, ACNL, HHD, HWL, MSRO, PM Collecting amiibo because they're collectable! TIME 2 SWITCH
Firlow TheRealFirlow
Why hello there! I'm Firlow. I hope you enjoy your time on the Miiverse! It's great to see the Nintendo community evolve! :D
Mike rcmadiaxMike
Hi! I'm Mike from RCMADIAX LLC. My goal is to create games that anyone can enjoy and afford. Most of my games are under $3 and span a wide range of genres. Got a question? I'm here to answer any concerns you may have or feedback you'd like to give me. YEAH!
Wobbly T. WobblyTooth
Hi, I'm the director/developer of Wobbly Tooth Games. Please feel free to get in touch.
T.Sugioka IS_US_Sugioka
I'm Taku Sugioka of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, the director of Pushmo World/Pullblox World.
The last hurrah