Vexus's Followers
stephania ilovedogs2112
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Anthony flight5788
NO GREIFERS Im a Redstone Artist I build mandsions and I am Really good at survival Greifers Are Nubs
Nico thepro155
sup guys hope u all having a good day. thanks to all my friends for being great friends if anyone wants to be in my videos all u have to do is friend me and send me a message that u want to be in my video. peace out guys (my channel is Nicopengamez)
Swbster Swbster
Hey Guys its me Swbster im good at PvP, TnT Wars, Sky Wars, Bed Wars, and Redstone! i would appreciate it if you followed me and would like to be your new friend!!! -Swbster (AKA Jake)
Agent X KrystalForward
Hi i like to play minecraft i am a great builder and i like reciving friend request and i am good at parkor and at minigames glide, tumble and battle.
Sebastian1 krazyalbrechts
Carter daedaejones06
Hello, I am Reon, I like minecraft, terraria, super mario maker, and more on my wii u! My ever best friend is Jazylyn - brendatole72, I am awesome, I would love for you to friend me! daedaejones06, I love my friends such as brendatole72 and my family.
°RainBow° TheMindKrafterS
неу тнеге iм źасн... ( /`^′)/ *º*·º iм 15 апd ġау iм аιεο а ƒυггу *º*.º ı ιονε §тгаиġзг тнiпġз аиd 80's мυεiс*º*.º ί dоит ассерт вιαπк ƒгίеиd геqυετз*º*·º *º*·º*º·*γίƒƒ·*º*º·*º* γουг геаιιγ сυτε ( »`˘′)♥ ριεαςε ισνε ме ♥
Shad 4R5H4D
my terraria best friends StoreyHouse tejpal.dhilllon10 Steven_Agle42 DeniseBlea shumfam theblakeboys spider-man3257 argueta232323 Jakemaster07 superrunner6202 Celestus_1 My best friend of all time is sepps1 and tripletribe3 and anthonym72907
Bailian theboodsquad
I want a friend so if you want to friend me then go ahead
tavo gustavo359
Anyone wanna play splatoon if you do be my friend plz
Batman Batman828424
Blas Super_Blas
I'm just a normal guy who loves life and games! I play alot of pokemon! Triple battles are my thing! Role playing games are my favorite.
ΣψDarkrai ffipsms
Leader of Builders Club I love terraria im on whenever i can be My favorite color is Blue. PLZ FOLLOW! Im out of posts Yes( ) No (√)
Darkness EnderKing22YT
Hello Hello Hello I'm Ender The one and only I like The Legend Of Zelda And Minecraft And So Much More. Its so nice to meet you Now Die Die Die *Twitches Head* I meant Bye Bye Die!
βσгк˜Zзrб Laskon
Seems like Miiverse had cancer, and it didn't show up until now.. And Nintendo gave it 2½ months to live.... More I think, miiverse is a Time bomb.. rigged to explode in 2½ months... Well The Celebrities can survive because they have access to Classified Info... All of us might survive the blast..... "Fear is a Boulder.. May yours be light"-The Keepers™ Yes, I stole. Rip Miiverse 2012-2017 ;^;
Annalise annaliseeva
hi everyone my name is Annalise i am 10 years old i'll be glad to be one of your followers by the way follow me i'm the best! i really am and thankyou for 200 followers that means allot to me
Dariël dariel07
hi guys its me Dariel my games are minecraft wii u edition and splatoon and u can play with me but first say it and my best friend's are yonis totally because he is on my school on my group so and now my other friend's kirill and WTG 456 and oliver and jann jann and jamesmudie so you can play with me if you and i am realy good at zelda games so you can ask me how to do things i am clear
★☆ Juli ☆★ Julibug34
Hi Everyone, Welcome to my profile! Anyway now that your here you should follow me! I'm always posting new stuff. Check out my sister's page at Piglover07, and my besties' pages at Sparkytwins and Mkbkittygirl. My favorite games are Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, and Minecraft! Thanks for reading! #PeaceLoveandPotatoes :) #TeamMysticFTW #PandaSquad
Vince megashadowman
Terraria is dead on the wiiU
andrei rogerca10
Hola a todos ; son muy expertos todos
WоомчSqцıd jprice85
I love everything Nintendo. I play Splatoon Smash I watch Netflix And I want you to know Marie for life. Follow †Kızzy†,she is dope♡♥♡ Sonic,Marth,Zelda,Corrin,Cloud,Toon Link♥♡♥ Shawn Mendes is the coolest. I would like followers but you don't have to follow me. I think my mii is cool share your thoughts. My favorite animal is the one and only platypus!!! And I love Twizzlers!! See ya!
◆★Lчçдς☆● lucasman12345
Level:41 Rank:A- Follow 4 Follow I do have Splatoon Amino my username is DS★Lucas☆Agent 3
RK☆Mitchel stampcatfan07
Hello welcome to my profile some games I like are Minecraft, Splatoon,and Pokémon. I am nice (to most people). I love music. I love video games. I try to be on every day. I am a boy. I am part of the Royal Killers clan. Some of my favorite youtubers are Aphmau, SSundee, Rehtt & Link, and PartyGameBros.
SAO Fan Nathen130
Hi Everyone. I'm just a normal guy trying to have fun and loves living life to the fullest.
Cowgaming CowGaming47
I'm always here to help build or if your lonely I'm the one to play with
Brandon bw2558
I enjoy playing with people so don't be shy to friend request, and don't worry i'm always on my games so just ask and i'll join you.
mase bulldogmase
Jason superman123654
Poowater callmecarlpoppa
Karnoc 73 Karnoc73
My new account is mikesome13, so add me on that
Jesse pikachu020
Hi my name is Jesse age:16 and the games I play are: -Splatoon -Mario/Kirby -Animal Crossing -Super Smash Bros Wii U/3Ds -The legend of Zelda -Pokemon/Yo-Kai Watch -Minecraft/Terraria and more!!! :D Favorite tv shows are: ★Steven universe ★Pokemon & Yo-kai Watch and more as well!!! :3 #Ilikeanime I do NOT Wii u chat only rarely I will do it. #MiiverseSQUAD
MegaDom25 Megadom25
Hi my name is sgt.Dominic and i am a woomy for life! fav game♡♥splatoon♥♡ fav thing to do★clean dishis☆ fav in my family☆my bro☆ fav song▼gaster theme▲ fav thing to eat■PIZZA◆ remember this ☆Woomy is love Woomy is life★ Play minecraft with me if u want => wiiU chating alowd with me! im working on a terraria acount!!
steevo supercatpig
Hello my name is Steevo (Not my real name..)/Red and i like many types of games like Minecraft,Splatoon,Terraria, and many other games too. Also whenever you follow me i follow back have a nice day/night. Also currently im into roleplaying so deal with it. My latest O.C is Derpy. Thanks for reading this all if you did. R.I.P MIIVERSE IT WAS FUN WHILE IT LASTED!
eden F.N.A.F
im posting stuff
AJ dre2thaj1986
Hello, I love games with good stories and I love cats.
Will WCTB16
JavaGooood TopJourney
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Panik06 Panik06
hi im a boy not a girl its my moms wii
W wane06
Sevastian XxCoolDudexX21
I love playing video games!
moaz moazhossary
Natalia :) doggie2016
Hi ummm idk what to say but all u need to know about me is that .......I LOVE PUPPIES!!!!!!!!! i also love the game mincraft and super mario maker. i also have something called speed build so leave a comment on a post and i will try to build it under 5 min! also i like doing builds in mc but idk what to build so just leave a comment on wht to build!! And thats all i can think of so yeah ummmmm XD.
no griefers allowed!