Users Vexus Is Following
Gone4Scool Itchiko_Drago
hi there! my name's Dima and i'm 15 ^-^ nice to meet u! i would like to say thank u to everyone who followed me, supported me, and talked to me really guys u r my family thank u so much for helping me i wuv u everyone ;ω; i'll miss each and every person i met here even though we didn't know each other alot but thanks again without u guys i'm nothing
Osaru TheMaddHatter165
Let's all jump into the abyss together. Maybe we'll find some peace of mind. Or maybe, just maybe....maybe we'll find some pie. Mmmmmm Pie
eden F.N.A.F
im posting stuff
AJ dre2thaj1986
Hello, I love games with good stories and I love cats.
Will WCTB16
JavaGooood TopJourney
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Panik06 Panik06
hi im a boy not a girl its my moms wii
moaz moazhossary
no griefers allowed!