Danny's Yeahs

Comment on TurfMaster's Post


4 hours ago

I'm glad to hear that. I hope to see you again.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


4 hours ago

seeing how alot of people i know on here are using blue birds or that blue square with the f.... if you ever search for me, it should be under TurfMaster. It's not set up yet but i will get to it i...

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3 hours ago

And thank you for supporting my content. I couldn't be more appreciative. And I should do that too. I've already done it for a few people.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Didi 3DS

2 hours ago

The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Elf Dakota

2 hours ago

So is the Xenoblade 2 thing just one quest or is the champions dlc releasing on November 9th besides Rex's Quest

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2 hours ago

It's separate from DLC pack 2.

Comment on LEX's Post


11/01/2017 8:15 PM

Woooo! I did it. 374. @Jack, put the joycon down on a flat surface and tap the jump button with your index finger like it's an arcade stick. Old technique from nes days. Makes it so much easier.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


11/01/2017 5:49 PM

Number 1 world rank in the jump rope challenge in Mario Odyssey is 22078!😳 Who is that person. Is the person even human? I can't even manage a 100.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


11/02/2017 6:28 PM

You know what? Playing Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild on the go is nothing short of amazing.


11/02/2017 7:31 PM

The people who said the switch will fail were wrong. Nya nya nya. Sorry, I'm still a teenager. :p Nintendo 4 evah.

Comment on Danny's Post


2 hours ago

Check my following list if you have a cord of discs and are interested. We already got quite a few people there.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Didi 3DS

2 hours ago

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1 hour ago

I go by Obliterator #9721

New Super Luigi U Community


2 hours ago

This is why Nintendo doesn't trust us.


2 hours ago

They made a mistake for sure and they're paying for it lol

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community

André GX

2 hours ago

Zelda BotW: The Great Plateau (0CB1-0000-036E-14F6)

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10 minutes ago

I'm Still here!!!

Comment on Eeee-Money's Post


2 hours ago

Update: I get the Maggie reference now.

Comment on Cranky's Post


2 hours ago

Rememberwhen zeldaU got delayed for NX i almost lost my mind!

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 hours ago

whos here is still waiting for ZeldaU?

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40 minutes ago

Okay, request sent.

New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

How good the slopes are in Odyssey was to compensate for the lack of them in Mario Maker.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 hours ago

One thing’s for certain, I definitely won’t miss all these spam and inappropriate posts...

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aidan h-k

1 hour ago

all that matters is were losing a huge friend/community. ;~;

New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

Before Miiverse ends, I must do one last thing once more: Complain about how monumentally stupid the 30 post limit. (In the comments)

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27 minutes ago

It's just a video game thing, but i almost feel like crying...

New Super Luigi U Community


4 hours ago

I'm surprised at how... sad I feel about this.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


3 hours ago

Today is last day for Miiverse, huh? I'm sorry for not being on here as much recently, but I appreciate all the friends & memories I made on here. It's been a great time. See ya everyone!

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2 hours ago

It's been one fun and wacky ride, hasn't it?